Sun Pulse Splitter! Anyone Used?

Maximus cannabis

Active Member
That's probably true, but thats why I put the lights closer. A single 1000W light can certainly penetrate, but it was generating so much heat and light that I had to keep it away from the plants, decreasing the penetration and maximum grow height of my room. With these two lights I actually overestimated the stretch, I could have added another foot of veg growth, maybe two if I put them on the ground, and not needed to adjust my lights much. Next time....

I'm sure there are many reasons to shoot this down, but the fact is I get better coverage, my room no longer warms up to the point of needing AC, I can put the lights nearly on top of the buds, and I no longer have dark corners with plants stretching towards the one bulb. I harvest in a few weeks so I'll see how it goes, but so far I have not seen any drawbacks. I'm sure you're right and you are not getting as much light as you would with (2) 600 watt ballasts and lights, but that wasn't the goal. The goal was to take my 1000W of power and distribute it out more evenly across my canopy. If that means I have (2) 500 W lights, so be it, but it is certainly enough light to penetrate my plants and reach the bottom buds, the plants seem to be doing just fine, and the heat is much more manageable.

They may not be THE answer, but as far as I can tell, they are AN answer that is worth looking into. Also, it's not cheap, it cost me about $200 to upgrade my system. but that is still cheaper than another 2 ballasts and bulbs.

I'll let you guys know if my yield is any different this round.


Well-Known Member
I looked into it last year. If you look at the lumen output of the bulbs, you actually lose light even running two 600's. The numbers don't work. Plus you lose major penetrating power. Meh.
Prove your theory wolverine. U ain't nuttin but a hater masterbrater to the third equator.

Maximus cannabis

Active Member
Prove your theory wolverine. U ain't nuttin but a hater masterbrater to the third equator.
That's a funny avatar.

They're probably right, I mean it's not a complex device, it seems to just put the two bulbs in series with each other, so it would make sense that each bulb is below the 600 Watt maximum output, but like I said, I just want to spread my light out over a greater surface area, which this device helps me do.


Well-Known Member
Prove your theory wolverine. U ain't nuttin but a hater masterbrater to the third equator.
What do you mean prove it? The numbers are easily found, I'm not going to do it for you. If I recall, they were something like 55,000 lumens each. My 1kw hortilux is 155,000. Do I need to set up a formula for you too? And nuttin hater masterbrater is pretty clever.

Maximus cannabis

Active Member
Just bought some 10k bulbs. My last harvest was about what I get from my middle plants, but every plant was nice and full. All visual for now, I didnt measure, but my current run just started, so in 6 weeks I'll be slapping in the 10k bulbs. I'll do some before and after pics to see if the 10k really works, but I've read good reviews.


Well-Known Member
sorry guys, im with wolverine on this one...

...the math does not support the manufacturers claims.

and they say use a mag ballast only because your tryin to run a 1200w load thru a 1000w device. the soft iron core and copper windings of the autotransformer in a mag ballest might be able to take that extra current drag for a bit, but its going to tax the hell out of a digi ballast...

a ballast is a current limiting autotransformer.
key word- current limiting

so you got two bad things going on here-
1- overtaxing the ballast. the additional demand of two 600w lamps is hell on both the ballast, and the starter.
2- underpowering your lamps. nothing ruins a lamps output (or any inductive device, for that matter) faster than undervoltage.

good luck with it... im sure advanced will come up with one that gives you 200% lumen increase soon :lol:


Active Member
Hmmm saw this product on when looking into who makes the digital bulbs made for digital ballasts. Found it strange they make a splitter using a 1k magnetic with their 20,000 hertz digital bulbs.

Iam5toned are you an electrician? I just saw the Free Electrical advice in your sig. I work in construction and do some electric. I'm not an electrician though. I just put in a 220 source don't have it in use yet and may have a few ?'s for you.

Detroit J420

Well-Known Member
see thats sun pulses thing they say they spent millions of dollars and nothen but a M.H could be used in a digi ballast. i think its bullshit, ill never run another horti in my digis though, now im rollen with Digilux when it comes to hps. i might try ushio or lumatek in the future but if i was to buy a m.h id go with sunpulse. im sure you will lose 30% yeild in bloom though.. had big problems with hortilux in my lumatek ballasts and in my galaxy, i went to digilux and my shit runs way cooler and brighter, sunpulse claims there bulbs run 10% cooler then standard bulbs. i dunnu though, im happy with my digiluxes i run 2 600watt digis in a 4.5 x 4.5 x 7 tent in a dual cool tube i bought off ebay for $150 only way to go baby my temps stay real low 77.7 at canopy