Hey I Got Pictures!

1.jpg9.jpg6.jpg7.jpg4.jpg3.jpg8.jpg2.jpgI just wanted some feedback on my setup and maybe some advice for improvement.

Plants are about 3 weeks in.
Yellow pot has ak
Green pots have white widow


Well-Known Member
plants look healthy, lights can be moved much closer (cfl's should be kept less then 2" from the tops of ur plants), u could use about 4 more lights minimum for ur current 4 plants.
plants look healthy, lights can be moved much closer (cfl's should be kept less then 2" from the tops of ur plants), u could use about 4 more lights minimum for ur current 4 plants.
thanks for the tip. i suppose i could use two more cfls. would you happen to know how hot a hps bulb would get.. say a 100 or 150 watt?


Well-Known Member
not sure about 150hps but when i had my 400 it raised the room temps by around 11 0celcius + agree about moveing those bulbs closer.
damn that's quite a lot of heat.. i suppose a 150 watt would probably only raise 5 celsius at most... and plus i'd be removing the lights that i currently have... hopefully itll be ok as far as heat goes. and about the bulbs.. i just put the pots on cd cases hah. do you supppose those pots will support a nice full growth the size of the box?

Dr. Bigbud

Well-Known Member
my 400W hps only raises canopy temps by 10 degrees F from ambient temps, good air exchange is key You could esily put a 150 in there with good air circulation and air exchange, you would need more fans than what you got that can hold up their CFMs against static pressure. BTW dont use foil for reflectivity, use panda film or Mylar its so much better, especially mylar wit will be way noticeably brighter. On a safety note its not wise to have both electrical leads out in the open like that CFL in the back, dont wanna get shocked do ya?
what do you mean by CFMs and static pressure? and i've gone to home depot for mylar.. they always ask at hardware stores what i need it for and then look at me weird when i explain.. then they tell me they don't have it.. it's kind of annoying actually..


Well-Known Member
yes i ment 11 degrees without my fan sucking any air out, i was just giveing him an idea of how much heat the 400 puts out,


Well-Known Member
It's actually not a bad set-up. I like how you are LSTing your plants with coat hangers like that. Gave me a great idea for my grow.....

If you put a HPS light in your grow, you will need some way of getting rid of all that heat. You are going to need a fan to move the heat, and I would suggest you use a 400w HPS for 4 plants.
It's actually not a bad set-up. I like how you are LSTing your plants with coat hangers like that. Gave me a great idea for my grow.....

If you put a HPS light in your grow, you will need some way of getting rid of all that heat. You are going to need a fan to move the heat, and I would suggest you use a 400w HPS for 4 plants.
ha i actually got that idea from someone else as well.. i was originally gonna use strings but i'm glad i stumbled upon some advice to use coat hangers. do you think 150 or 250 watt would be sufficient?. i don't want to cut more holes for fans.


Well-Known Member
What kind of temps are you getting from your CFL's?

When you use an HPS, your temps are going to go up noticeably. You can probably get away with a 250w in your set-up tho.


Well-Known Member
at most i get up to 32 celsius but it usually stays at 28-30
Well with those kind of temps, you might just have to install another fan for exhaust if you switch to HPS. You will probably average around 88F-90F if you don't install another fan.

is a 250w hps light good for one plant in a 2x2x6height ?
Yes, that would be fine. With that much height, just use yo-yo hangers on your light.
Well with those kind of temps, you might just have to install another fan for exhaust if you switch to HPS. You will probably average around 88F-90F if you don't install another fan.

Yes, that would be fine. With that much height, just use yo-yo hangers on your light.
What are yo yo hangers? Cuz I was planning on hooking the light onto sum chains and hooks so I could move the light up and down