What Soil Do You Use?


Bag of coco around £15 for 50 litres is it reli worth buyin cheap shit ? unless u want shit results ans sshit weed?


Well-Known Member
If you want to use soil from the garden then it will not harm your plants or yields, I have used soil from the garden in my mother plants pots for a year now and no problems so far.

Ironically this afternoon I went to my local hydro shop and picked up a bag of canna pro+ and a huge flurry of thripps flies flew around me, the bag and potentially others were infested with the shit.

If you are unsure about your soil bake it in the oven for a while then use as normal.


Well-Known Member
FOX FARM OCEAN FOREST is perfect for that strain,

The FFOF will have enough nutrients in it out of the bag to sustain you all the way to flower, do not add nutes to your water until you see the plant really starting to flower!

FFOF is super high in nitrogen FYI.