Going skiing for 8 days...plants are 30 days into flowering!


Active Member
As the title states...I am currently weighing my options for keeping plants happy and moist for the 8 days I'm in Tahoe (Can't wait!). Having a friend help out is out of the question.

I have rigged up a slow-drip system, but it's less than ideal. Since I can't test it over long term, I don't want to rely on it. I leave in less than 24 hours, and don't have time to buy anything.

Currently, I water every other day. If I wait until 3 days, my plants start sagging--but this was before I turned off the circulatiing fan, which should help a bit in keeping things moist, I think. I do still have my vent fan, but no direct wind blowing on plants/pots.

I was thinking about wrapping the containers in a garbage bag, and soaking the soil once and hoping for the best. By containing the root mass, the only loss of water would be through transpiration...

Is the risk of root rot too high for this?


Well-Known Member
i would not wrap them in a bag, moss or fungus will probably happen. 8 days.......... you a drip system is all that May do it.... but I don't know how long it would have to be


Well-Known Member
I cant believe you are going, Ive racked my brain I thought maybe ice cubes with a slow melt but that wont last 8 days....ill just come over and handle your watering while your gone...but I expect a healthy treat when you harvest...


Active Member
I cant believe you are going, Ive racked my brain I thought maybe ice cubes with a slow melt but that wont last 8 days....ill just come over and handle your watering while your gone...but I expect a healthy treat when you harvest...
Sure, come on over!


Active Member
i would not wrap them in a bag, moss or fungus will probably happen. 8 days.......... you a drip system is all that May do it.... but I don't know how long it would have to be
Yeah...the drip system might have to do it. I think I'm going to saran wrap the soil surface on top, but leave the drain holes on bottom open. I don't have mulch to use right now...

I was wary about the bag idea, but wanted to see what people thought before I ruled it out.


Well-Known Member
i wish you could find a legit friend I hate to say this but your plants may be in trouble a week is a loooong time . hmmm seriously you better macgyver something up.. I am at a lost of ideas at the moment but I will think about it


Well-Known Member
how many pants are you talking about? I am sure a drip system of some sort would work, maybe figuring out a way to decrease water consumption in the plant or plants would help. Maybe a 5 gallon drip system would work.


Active Member
So I have 2-liter soda bottles. I stuck a syringe needle (26 gauge to be exact) into the base of it, and now the water is slowly dripping through the needle. I can adjust the drip speed by tightening or loosening the bottle cap.

My plan is just to plop the 2-liter bottles somewhere next to my plants so the dripping goes to the soil.

One problem is that the needle only extends ~1/2" from the bottom of the soda bottle. I don't have enough room on my pots to stand a soda bottle on, so the dripping prob will have to be somewhere off to the side of the stem (not centered).

Hope that sums it up...It seems to be dripping alright, I just don't know if I trust it to last 8 days (I don't know at all how many day's it'll last!). I don't have much time to optimize drip rate...


Well-Known Member
yeah and the thing is as the flow gets lower the cap may need to be opened up more but its a really good start....how many bottles do you have??
Maybe you could water good before you leave set the first round of bottles to drip then set up another set with ice in them that will hopefully slow melt and by the time your 1st round of bottles is done the ice will melt and the second drip will begin...????


Active Member
I would try 2 bottles to each plant one w/ water one w/ the ice whaddya think??
That's a great idea. Unfortunately, though, I think it would take a looooong time to freeze a 2L bottle solid, let alone 5! Too bad we're having a bit of a warm spell here or else I could just throw it outside!

I'm going to try to make do with this, and see how it goes. I think as long as my plants can be well-watered for the first 4 days, they should be ok. Well, at least I sure hope so...


Well-Known Member
it wont take long at all i live 7inches from the midday sun and we dont play around about water and lots of people freeze 1L bottles of water over nite to have the next day during the day etc...get those damn bottles in the freezer...I REFUSE TO STAND BY AND LET YOU SKI AWY 30 DAYS OF FLOWERING DONT BE A STONE ON THIS ONE GET UP AND GET PROACTIVE okay thats the domme in me lol...seriously freeze the water


Active Member
it wont take long at all i live 7inches from the midday sun and we dont play around about water and lots of people freeze 1L bottles of water over nite to have the next day during the day etc...get those damn bottles in the freezer...I REFUSE TO STAND BY AND LET YOU SKI AWY 30 DAYS OF FLOWERING DONT BE A STONE ON THIS ONE GET UP AND GET PROACTIVE okay thats the domme in me lol...seriously freeze the water
haha. okokokok mom!

I wish my mom was scolding me into doing this!


Well-Known Member
you are going to thank me so much later, youll be like pink i have to get some of this herb to you, you saved me and my girls.....


Active Member
you are going to thank me so much later, youll be like pink i have to get some of this herb to you, you saved me and my girls.....
How right you are...So, I was trying to scrounge up as many 2L bottles as I could find, when I stumbled across a roll of nylon rope. A light bulb went on, and I remembered about the WICK method!

Perfect for me, I have a tupperware bin that's almost identical size to my grow room. So, I stuck 4 wicks into each pot, put a bunch of misc. items to raise my plants ~4", then filled the tupperware bin with water to just below the level of the lowest pot.

I will update my grow log tomorrow with photos so we can all see the before and after photos.

Seriously, pink, if it weren't for you, I wouldn't have had the motivation to even go searching for those extra bottles and I wouldn't have stumbled across the nylon rope. So, hats off to ya. Keep an eye on my grow log, and if you happen to be traveling my way, you'll be more than welcome to a taste!


Well-Known Member
that my friend is called the law of attraction I FREAKIN LOVE THAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Where is your way, lol....I would still do some frozen bottles maybe....but ultimately I am so happy for you...I wish you had a webcam you could set up for me so I could at least watch them for you....now all you have to do is focus on how swollen those buds will be and then tell me about it as soon as you get back!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
So I have 2-liter soda bottles. I stuck a syringe needle (26 gauge to be exact) into the base of it, and now the water is slowly dripping through the needle. I can adjust the drip speed by tightening or loosening the bottle cap.
26 gauge seems really small. I would think that it would have a good chance of getting clogged.

Apollo, have fun in Tahoe. I had a blast up in Heavenly earlier this year.