Drilling glass?

Mr. D

Well-Known Member
hey crew, iv got a sic alchohol bottle i want to turn into a bong, can i cut through the glass with a normal drill bit if being patient? and tips?



Active Member
you might be able to if you go really slowly at a high rpm, but you might as well just run over to ACE and pick up a bit for glass they are only a couple bucks


Well-Known Member
yeah dude just take 5 min and 5 buck out of your pocket so you dont ruin it
and i would practice on a piece of shit glass about the same size thickness of the bottle


Well-Known Member
No. Take it to a Glazier who makes mirrors. He will drill it with a water-cooled diamond edged core drill. It may still break owing to the poor annealing common to industrial glass packaging.


New Member
Get a dremel bit with a dimond grinding bit, That is what i used for a JD bottle. A dremel tool is a very nice tool to have for crafting your own smoking devieces.


Well-Known Member
yeah, I know that you have to cut tile with a wet saw, so you should probably find some sort of drill that uses water? IDK, but it sounds semi right. Don't go drilling away what if it breaks into your eye and you go blind......would be such a shame


Well-Known Member
I use a dremmel tool with a tile cutting bit to drill holes in glass. You need to keep what you are cutting under water to keep it cool or you will ruin your bit.


New Member
Its entierly possible, ive made at least 20-30 glass peices that i got from Michales Arts and Crafts store. They have an awesome collection of glass that can easily be made into a bong..... BUT BE FUCKING CAREFUL! I almost lost my left ring finger to this same process.... the glass shatterd, sliced my finger to the bone, drill bit gnawed the top of my finger, and left me with permanant nerve damage on the last 2 fingers of my left hand. Use lubricant on the hole as your drilling to reduce heat and friction, and ALWAYS wear a pair of THICK leather cloves. Have fun, but as i said...just be very careful.


New Member
BTW Solvent Oil, used for cleaning firearms is the best lubricant to use for this, its high viscosity level reduces temp and friction to avoid hair line cracks, which you must watch out for. If you finish and realize theres ANY cracks, reguardless of size, throw it away and start over. One of my close friends tried this same thing, made the piece...packed a bowl, fired it up, and CRACK! Glass shatterd all over his face, sliced the shit outta his chin, lip and cheek.


What you want is a diamond hole saw. You can get REALLY expensive ones that will last forever, or crappy ones that will work for 1 or 2 holes. Go for the crappy ones.

Put it in the drill and apply a very small amount of pressure and keep applying it. It can take a long time to drill the hole (a minute) but it will be perfect, not jagged and look professional.

This will only work with NON tempered glass (will work fine on a bottle). Use a drill press if you've got one.... and clamps.


the only way i've seen it work is with a diomand bit. use a drill press if the angle changes while your drilling your bummin. secure the bottle to the bed of the drill press and set it to a slow rpm what we did was tie something weighted to the handle of the press so it keeps even pressure. keeping it lubed would definitly increase your chances.


Well-Known Member
hey crew, iv got a sic alchohol bottle i want to turn into a bong, can i cut through the glass with a normal drill bit if being patient? and tips?

you have to have a speical bit to drill glass. tip don't heat shock it or it might break


Well-Known Member
ok i've drilled out a few bottles before, its not that hard, first wear gloves, thick as shit gloves, 2nd put on safety goggles, and third put on a good mask, you don't want to be breathing in glass.

ok fill the glass with sand and water, sand first and then top it off with water, this will absorb ALOT of the heat, and yes i advise a diamond tip drill bit but it isn't necessary, just use a high speed and very little pressure, i usually only let the weight of the drill or dremel put pressure on the glass no more. tungsten will work for drill bits too. have a 2nd person wearing the same safety gear slowly poor water down the bottle to help cool it. oils can work too but a lot of oils are flammable and that isn't a good idea since your glass can actually start to glow and melt while drilling. also make sure no water runs up your drill bit since water and electricity don't mix.

if you need to expand the hole get a tungsten drill bit for cutting tile, pretty cheep, or u can use a diamond but it does wear down quick, and just run it around the edge for a second and give it a second to cool, and go back, or run water down it if u can, i just attached a bottle cap from a 3 liter so the threads face the bottle on my dremel to catch water befor it hits the electronics. Good luck