I Topped My Plant and I Need Advice on Something!

Jakabok Botch

Well-Known Member
My advice would be invest in a good light first, no point in having all the other stuff if your plant hasnt the "energy" to grow. I started on a 200w Envirolight, moved up to a 400w HPS and now use a 600w HPS...I wish Id just bought the 600w first!
id agree lights most important....but dont get a hps unless ur ready to pay for it....u can easily get buy with less


Active Member
wow really? yea i need a better light your right, i have my seedlings under some florescents, and the plant you all see in the pic is under a 100 watt, i got another question for you guys, how can i reduce having some parts of my leafs burnt like you guys see in my pics? im not feeding it anymore till i see my leafs improve im only giving her water right now, thanks again!


Well-Known Member
id agree lights most important....but dont get a hps unless ur ready to pay for it....u can easily get buy with less
The only thing that makes a HPS more expensive is the fact it costs more upfront, it is ALOT more efficient than floros and intense enough to give sick dense gooey buds. Floros will grow plants, HPS will grow excellent plants much faster.

Jakabok Botch

Well-Known Member
wow really? yea i need a better light your right, i have my seedlings under some florescents, and the plant you all see in the pic is under a 100 watt, i got another question for you guys, how can i reduce having some parts of my leafs burnt like you guys see in my pics? im not feeding it anymore till i see my leafs improve im only giving her water right now, thanks again!
i didnt notice any bad burns but if u did as u say then ya just give it ph' d water and let it heal just be careful not to drown her wait till it dries...but yeah ur girl is still pretty small doesnt really need to be fed too much

Jakabok Botch

Well-Known Member
The only thing that makes a HPS more expensive is the fact it costs more upfront, it is ALOT more efficient than floros and intense enough to give sick dense gooey buds. Floros will grow plants, HPS will grow excellent plants much faster.
and the $20 increase on ur electric bill....but yeah if ur already doin 200w of cfl then dont wast money on more move up


Active Member
i didnt notice any bad burns but if u did as u say then ya just give it ph' d water just be careful not to drown her wait till it dries...but yeah ur girl is still pretty small doesnt really need to be fed too much
Ok sweet thank you yea ill just feed it water from here on out and see how she turns out, ill post a pic later this week so you guys can see how it comes out..Thanks again all!


Active Member
Umm to be honest it looks like its gunna be a Indica cuz its short and some what bushy im hoping its indica lol but yea jus bag seed from my boy but his plants looked bushy too Thus why i topped my Baby girl :)


Active Member
Yo guys i got another question does topping your plant put your plant under some kind of stress? cause my leafs are droopy and all


Active Member
Yea don't worry about it too much, if its still droopy for a week then its off to the plant problems section for you


Active Member
Yea don't worry about it too much, if its still droopy for a week then its off to the plant problems section for you
aww really i hope my plant pulls thru cause the bottom leafs are the most droopy and the ends or tips of the leafs are brown and curled..


Active Member
oK well i got some Good pics off my camera if you guys look at the 1st pic cant you see the tips of the leafs burnt and droopy? just wondering if this is normal when topping or when the tops start to come out?? also i got a pic of what it looks like 2 little tips coming out :)....any ways any advice would help thanks..



Active Member
kinda looks like a tiny dick pokin out hahaa. Well considering its still early in, it may be a sulfur deficiency, a P/K def gens doesn't happen until flower.


Active Member
kinda looks like a tiny dick pokin out hahaa. Well considering its still early in, it may be a sulfur deficiency, a P/K def gens doesn't happen until flower.

aww i hope its not kind of any deficiency really.. i hope in the next week or too when the tops get bigger the leafs will become healthy. i can always cut the tips off.

any other advice would help thanks again man!


Well-Known Member
Ya, man. On your next run wait another week or so, they need to be bigger and stronger. So they can handle the topping. Just as a tip, if they do die (knock on wood they survive), it will of been because you topped when they were to little.
Just some food for thought.


Active Member
na im sure shes gunna pull thru just fine if you guys seen the pics i posted the two tips are gettinmg bigger!