Cloning with a Cup of Water

bongsmilieI took a cutting and have placed it in a cup, i have been told that you add water as it evaporates, and after 10 days or so it will have started to grow roots.
*I will post any progress*

has anyone tried this method?
has anyone had success with this method?
And and All feedback is appreciated.:leaf: :leaf: :leaf:


Active Member
so you mean like the stem is immersed in water full time? I know this works with other plants but I've never seen it done with MJ. I use an aeroponic cloner so never had a reason to try this. I guess chance of success is 50/50, maybe worse. Good luck


Active Member
plain water is all I use in my aeroponic cloner, I just add a little Peroxide every few days. Cloning gel or powder just washes off anyway so I said screw it and did it that way, 95 - 100% success rate.


Well-Known Member
plain water is all I use in my aeroponic cloner, I just add a little Peroxide every few days. Cloning gel or powder just washes off anyway so I said screw it and did it that way, 95 - 100% success rate.
yup, i just use RO water & no nutes in my ez-cloner. simple


Well-Known Member
woooooow, nice ;) I can't get a lot of fancy hydro playhouse chemicals here, so I try to cut corners where I can. i'm trying to find a sub for calmag right now, because RO water is missing some stuff.


bud bootlegger
i've been doing this for about a year or two now... i got a lil fancy with mine though and added an airline for fresh oxygen to the cup, but other than that all i have is a kids sippy cup with water, i run the airline through the straw part that is built into the cup, and turn on the pump.. my last clones took about two weeks or so to get nice healthy roots, but that was only cuz i took them from flowering plants, otherwise it would have been much quicker..


Well-Known Member
worked for me once. but have only had this happen once

i broke a good sized branch off a nice plant that was several weeks into veg. tossed it in a party cup w/ water and a pinch and dash of fox farm ocean forest and put a ziplock bag around it. poked holes in it. misted it few times daily and kept the bag around it sealed and misted and after had roots. i put it in a pot...its sitting next to its mother, looks crazy different, but is about foot and half tall, has 2 wicked branches coming out the sides midway up and is flowering up nice and dense.

it was an accident breakin the branch but it was alsoa oh hey 'i read about this method on here lets try it, cant hurt' thing and it worked.

wouldnt advise it but seeing what ive seen and read, its possible


Active Member
H2O2, adds oxygen to the water when it breaks down, Hydrogen Peroxide. What I am thinking tho is, sitting in water it will probably just rot, what I would do if I had limited options or small budget. I'd get an air stone and put it on the bottom of the cup, hang the cutting just over the water surface, and have a lid on the cup of some sort. Air bubbles rise to the surface and pop, and splash the cutting. Could be done cheap, less than 20 bucks and with the right fitting, you could make it for 5, 10, cuttings at a time in different cups. Some use peroxide, some don't, matter of preference, use what works for you. This is what I built, aeroponic cloner, 50 bucks or so. I can do 24 at a time if I want to.



New Member
do u need peroxide with just a cup of water? or can u change the water every day or two call it good?? u want bubbles and a warm temp i just use a big white tub bout 8 gallons of water some peroxide and float em on styro foam ...meat trays.....hang a cfl over the top .....ez


Active Member
peroxide is a matter of choice, someone mentioned it to me and I gave it a shot, a cup of water no, I wouldn't add peroxide to. I only add a few drop per gallon so that would be a lot for a cup.


Well-Known Member
ive done this many times...
Its cheap ,easy, and effective... it does require lots of patient tho...
It can take up to 3 weeks in plain water....
It really depends on the strain.... the tuffer to clone the strain ... the likelyhood it wont work with just ro water....