This actually works if you use a truly smokeless pipe. It was a gas station, a VERY busy one so there could be NO smell. There was no place to go outside to be discreet and 5-0 got their gas there. I can't remember what kind of hose it was but they sold it at the station which was convenient lol. The pipe I used was called a sneak a toke, about the size of a spark plug with a screw on cap and just a small hole in it to light it, you hit it and no smoke came out unless you were hitting it. A quick bathroom break every few hours, and a 12 hour shift flew by (of course munchies, drinks and visine on hand at all times was a + as well). Used to hide the hose in the tank for the toilet, took it out when "needed". And no, I never used the wrong end. Very MacGuyverish, sure, I take that as a compliment! NEVER suck through the hose you only blew through it to make sure it was in far enough so the smoke didn't just come back up in bubbles cuz it was still in the water, and not through it into the trap. I tried to just use the bathroom exhaust to draw the smoke out but it didn't work good enough, there were no other options so, I had to improvise. Believe it or not, I have my own plumbing business now. ALL plumbing fixtures have a trap of some sorts, it acts as a barrier to prevent sewer gases from coming back into the dwelling. So, if you get the hose past 1 of those, into the system, the traps would prevent the smoke from coming back in and it just drifts out the roof vent. The pipe I just hid in the store room, grabbed it when I needed it, there was always 1,000 reasons to be in the store room. I'd say I did this for about a year and no one ever mentioned anything about a funny smell, not even the people I worked with during my shift.