I Turned A Lez Straight. Need Advice


Warning: yes I'm high and yes I'm ranting

So basicly, I became real good friends with this girl which is/was a lezbian. She just prefers pussy like any other human which can admire a fine female when they seem em. But she is very rarely attracted to guys, until she met me. She hadn't been with a guy since a freshman in highschool (we are both in college now). But we met and hit it off like crazy so we started hangin out damn near everyday. One of the nights we just started hookin up and wham bam thank you ma am, we fucked. Now she just got out of a serious realtionship a few months ago, so I've been confused as shit. She's tellin me she wants to be with me, but needs time and that's understandable. So right now I have a smoking buddy that can keep up with how much I smoke and she's dtf at all times and love trying anything. Basiclly great sex all day.

The issue is we both are kinda catching feelings, but I'm not sure if either of us are ready for that. As far as everyone else knows she is into only girls so its funny hearing some conversations. How should I handle this? Doesn't it seem like nothing good can come from it? I just need to vent and there aren't many people I rage to so I put it up on a stoner site when I'm high as hell. Any input would be cool.


Active Member
Warning: yes I'm high and yes I'm ranting

So basicly, I became real good friends with this girl which is/was a lezbian. She just prefers pussy like any other human which can admire a fine female when they seem em. But she is very rarely attracted to guys, until she met me. She hadn't been with a guy since a freshman in highschool (we are both in college now). But we met and hit it off like crazy so we started hangin out damn near everyday. One of the nights we just started hookin up and wham bam thank you ma am, we fucked. Now she just got out of a serious realtionship a few months ago, so I've been confused as shit. She's tellin me she wants to be with me, but needs time and that's understandable. So right now I have a smoking buddy that can keep up with how much I smoke and she's dtf at all times and love trying anything. Basiclly great sex all day.

The issue is we both are kinda catching feelings, but I'm not sure if either of us are ready for that. As far as everyone else knows she is into only girls so its funny hearing some conversations. How should I handle this? Doesn't it seem like nothing good can come from it? I just need to vent and there aren't many people I rage to so I put it up on a stoner site when I'm high as hell. Any input would be cool.
sounds like she was lying to you bro.


Well-Known Member
Exactly- has
No one ever heard of the term 'bisexual'?

I love pussy, but I've never quite been able to understand lesbians...

Anyway, alot of girls can easily have their confidence in themselves and /or their trust in men shattere by the bigger sex, who may weild more physical and emotional power than them. Too many 'lesbians' are just on a man-hating trip or relationships with other women are 'safer' and there's more of a margin for error because it's not a 'Proper' relationship unless it's with a man.

She could just be a bisexual who's been put off men. Either way, it seems you were the one to remind her that not every guy is a douche. Maybe it shows commitment if she was willing to adjust the orientation she identifies with for your sake. On the other hand, she could just be fickle 0_o;

The fact she's on the rebound would have been a concern to me if you were asking whether or not you should sleep with her, but seeing as you already have, it's nice that both of you are thinking about making it something more meaningful. You obviously click, and I hope this proves that both of you stepping out of your normal zone has rewarded you. She rediscovered dicks and you bedded a 'lesbian' X3

In all seriousness, I wish you the best. I'm just a kid, so I'm unsure how helpful my input can be. At the very least, I hope you know we care! *wags tail* :3


Active Member
do not listen to the above troller/poster. he is just fucked in the head. seriously, look through his previous threads...


Yea she is just not attracted to most guys but she in very sexually in tune with her body and what it wants. She always said she is jusy way more attracted to girls and its hard it explaine that to people who don't know her. I hate "bi" cus it makes her sound sleezy like she takes whatevers goin her way. she's not like that. But the rebound thing was the 1st thing I thought about. I've been through messy break ups and rebounds are life savers. I brought this up and she said its not like that. I know it sounds like game and that's why I take it with a grain of salt.

But the sex isn't the issue its what comes from that? I love FWB so that's not changing

I guess we will see what happens =/


Well-Known Member
Hmm... Okay. See how it plays out on the emotional side of things. And about the trolling accusation, I'm just going to give you the benefit of the doubt. Even if you are a troll, you're not trolling right now *shrugs*

I find alot of bi girls (myself included #-_-#) are very 'in tune', sensual and know what they want. Most likely because woman are very often more teasing, sensual and about the whole experience of sex rather than just 'in-out' mechanics. They tend to pay alot of attention to the response of their partners as well as the obvious: women know what other women like best and will experiment thoroughly until they get the best of that. Therefore I've never come across a girl who's slept with another woman and 1) Complained about her sex life 2) Had no idea what drives her crazy due to her ladyfriends.

Have fun x


Idk what post makes me a troll? I have talked about my 1st autoflower grow and a few other threads but ok.I am just posting somthing that's been bugging the shit outta me. I thought anothers opinion would do me good. Anyways, thank for the help kuro


Well-Known Member
My advice would be, just enjoy it as it is, and just go with the flow and things sort themselves out eventually :)


Active Member
Dont analyze it, just enjoy it. Nothing lasts forever
Totally agree just go with it dude. Don't worry about it just enjoy the sex :bigjoint:

Idk what post makes me a troll? I have talked about my 1st autoflower grow and a few other threads but ok.I am just posting somthing that's been bugging the shit outta me. I thought anothers opinion would do me good. Anyways, thank for the help kuro
Don't think he was talking to you


Well-Known Member
My wife is bi and was in more fem-fem relationships than man-fem. It is a good thing and she is very sexual. Plus she likes to bring women home occasionally.
Just relax and enjoy and take all her tips about eating pussy because she knows better than you. heh


Active Member
Dude, take it from a 40 (+) yr old, college grad ... just do her, again and again and again. You will look back in 20 yrs and be a happy man ... guaranteed! If you hook up long term with her ... great and I hope the best for ya. However, you are in college and that's the time to lay as much pipe as possible. In 5 years ... hell, 5 months, you'll wonder what all the drama was about. DO IT!


Well-Known Member
careful now, maybe she wants one up the spout so she and her butch galpal can raise a kid, and you'll obviously be out of the picture (all that is except your monthly support payments)