Newbie outdoor grow

these are my conditions right now its the beginning of june and I would like to plant some heribei plants outside. How do I go about doing this?
should I germinate the seeds in a paper towel and stuff and then plant them?
I plan on planting them in a pot with fox farm ocean forest soil. I'm using the beastie bloomz at the beginning of the flowering period, and using the tiger bloom and big bloom as base nutes during vegetative growth. Should I use the base nutes through the flowering stage too? And is this the right way I should go around using the nutes?
Should I worry about bugs and stuff?
Thats it,


Well-Known Member
the only real benefit of putting the seeds in papper towels is u can see which ones are germin and u con control the heat easyer.u cant put them in soil it wont for your base Veg nutes i think its better to keep the veg nutes going 2 weeks into 12/12"flower" then jump to your Base "Flower nutes". rather then useing half veg half bloom in flowering stage.
the only real benefit of putting the seeds in papper towels is u can see which ones are germin and u con control the heat easyer.u cant put them in soil it wont for your base Veg nutes i think its better to keep the veg nutes going 2 weeks into 12/12"flower" then jump to your Base "Flower nutes". rather then useing half veg half bloom in flowering stage.
I was wondering, how do iknow if its going into a flowering stage? since its outside i'm not sure i understand how that works