The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
i got done in 2006 for being 3 x over the limit drink driving .. (i fucking felt sober!) i got 9 month ban , £600 fine .. ban got knocked down to 6month cus i went on alcohol councilling course. its a load of bollocks mate , i was drivingmy car pretty normal as i used to drink shit loads so got used to alcohol .. they pulled me for a random stop about 2 minute away from my door !
Pretty sure I saw you on road wars last night ;)


Well-Known Member
no (no offence) but i dont like seeds 2 much ;)
I like to keep these seeds just in-case I lose everything and have to start from scratch.
Also, the law could change and all seeds could be made illegal, which would put the best breeders out of business, so I get them now while I still can.
They keep for years so it isn't as if they have to be used any time soon.

las fingerez

Well-Known Member
I like to keep these seeds just in-case I lose everything and have to start from scratch.
Also, the law could change and all seeds could be made illegal, which would put the best breeders out of business, so I get them now while I still can.
They keep for years so it isn't as if they have to be used any time soon.
i hear that mate. got a nice stash of seeds in the fridge for these exact matters :) most of them where gifted, some made by myself and other riu members :)

las fingerez

Well-Known Member
there must be 1000 timebomb seeds lol aint u got some of them out of the g-bomb sample that was 50% seeds lol i can laugh about it now

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Seeds take fooking ages to get going, that's why i like clones, but hell, i just like the idea of tins of seeds :D crosses everywhere :)

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Only tin of seeds i've got at present is a tin full of nothing but dodgy genetics, hell, maybe there's a keeper in there but 5/6 went male the other hermied to the roof :D So i'm after a stash of slightly more dependable shite :) cheese is gonna end up being crossed with everything :D

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Already got one in the flowering cabinet determining sex meaning that there will be cheese dreams before the harvest is out, possibly :D it's clone has rooted out in a couple of days and there's a void seedling reg, darkstar reg, another dreamtime reg and a couple of heavy duty fruity regs :) pollen me up!

Seen other things i'd like to buy but £50-60 a packet of seeds i need to do some saving, i'm almost a quater of the way to saving for a volcano :D


Well-Known Member
i prefer clones because there easier but with seeds i can have like 50 diff strains in my draw , would be a pain to have 50 diff mums lol ...