Aloha Oahu ASA... We hope you can join in the rally....
June 17, 2011 is the 40th Anniversary of the Declaration of the War on Drugs.
FRIDAY, JUNE 17, 2011
4 p.m. – 6 p.m.
June 17 will mark forty years since President Richard Nixon, citing drug abuse as “public enemy No. 1”, officially declared a "war on drugs." A trillion dollars and millions of ruined lives later, the war on drugs remains an abject failure.
Drug policy reform advocates all across the country will mark this auspicious date with a day of action to raise awareness about the failure of drug prohibition and call for an exit strategy to the failed war on drugs. Let's make Hawaii's event one of the biggest.
We're asking everyone who harbors reservations about the war on drugs -- to join us at the rally.
Hawaii has been a willing partner in the drug war. Our jails and prisons, filled with nonviolent drug lawbreakers, are testament to that sad fact. Which has done more harm – drugs or the drug war, which has tattered the social fabric of Hawai`i and helped decimate the safety net for our most vulnerable community members?
We really want to have a BIG turnout for the rally and sign waving. Isn’t it worth 2 hours of your time to question the government about the HUNDREDS OF BILLIONS OF OUR TAX DOLLARS going to fund the LARGEST UNEVALUATED government program ever?
We will have extra signs, but we encourage everyone to bring signs.
For more information contact:
Jeanne Ohta
Executive Director
Drug Policy Forum of Hawaii