Well-Known Member
do you support the protection of the rhinos and elephants? 

I am glad they've got people out there stopping the whalers (could care less about the whalers lives at this point) and would love to join them... because I'd proudly fight a 'war' in the name of any animal that was being abused here on this planet, just because I am human does not mean I am above any other living creature here... and when dumb fucks like the Japanese whalers go and violate an international ban on whaling, I'll be right there throwing the molotovs on the bridges of their ships.
They just need to start sinking the ships now, of course not while anyone is on board... but we've got the information on the dock's they use in Japan, sabotage baby!
And don't get me wrong, I support traditional whaling like those of the native Alaskans, I understand it is a sustenance requirement... however the Japanese do not need whales (it's a luxury food).
You're right, the Sea Shepherd's were successful in cutting the whaling season in half this year due to their great efforts... the whalers were spending much more on operating the boat/paying the crew and eventually passed the line of no profit return, thus making the decision to call back the fleet the only logical choice.
Way to go Paul Watson!