Found a Baby Deer


Well-Known Member
Just went and snapped a few pics of her. She's been doing really well, every now and then she'll get up and play around and stretch her legs, it's really cute.



Well-Known Member
want to take a family of squirrels living in my wall off my hand? furry little fuckers are driving me crazy.
Ha ha ha! I have a family of black birds living in my kitchen wall, they found on old utility pole hole. Noisy little shits.


Active Member
Ha ha ha! I have a family of black birds living in my kitchen wall, they found on old utility pole hole. Noisy little shits.
there were 4 or 5 of them on the posts right above my kitchen yesterday (log cabin). i got the broom and knocked down 2 of them... the cat played with one of them for an hour or so then it finally got away. i couldn't catch the little fucks... i will not poison, but would rather just catch and release outside. but man these little furry fuckers are difficult.


Well-Known Member
Baby's still doing real good, she's drinking around 4 bottles a day now.

I've been taking her out into the farm yard more so she can get use to the sites and sounds of the farm and so the other animals can get use to her.



Well-Known Member
wow, I never noticed this thread. Awesome job raising her so far.

Raising deer is def doable! My neighbors near a property in Illinois that I own raise deer. They started out the same way you did, then they turned it into a business. They also raise elk. I'd say they have well over 30 deer and 50 elk on their property.

I worked for a tree company when I was younger, we rescued a baby squirrel and raccoon. The raccoon we released, but the squirrel I raised for over a year. I found they are so full of energy that its impossible to domesticate them.


Well-Known Member
I was watching the Decorah eagles this morning and they were chewing on that deer leg and I thought how lucky your deer was thanks to you. Great job


Well-Known Member
Baby's still doing real good, she's drinking around 4 bottles a day now.

I've been taking her out into the farm yard more so she can get use to the sites and sounds of the farm and so the other animals can get use to her.
nice pic of the baby deer :)


Well-Known Member
Here's another little video of baby that I took this morning right after feeding her.


Well-Known Member
Its very cute :) I love the markings on it :)

I found a little kitty in the back of our garden when I saw dogs sniffing around, it was tiny! It was plain white and still had its eyes shut. I used to watch tv and feed it with a little syringe full of milk :) Its amazing how they form a bond, it only fell asleep on my lap before its eyes opened :) As it grew up and opened its eyes, to all our astonishment, its eyes were different colours!! 1 blue and 1 green :) It stayed with us for some years before dissapearing mysteriously :( Gave birth do 4 kitties before it dissapeared but none had those 2 crazy odd eyes :) I left her pictures on another pc though..

Its looking healthy :) When do you reckon the baby deer is going to move onto solid foods?


Well-Known Member
Its looking healthy :) When do you reckon the baby deer is going to move onto solid foods?
She should be moving onto solid foods within the next few weeks. She's been picking at the grass more and more every time I bring her outside and I've been trying to get her to eat some fruits and vegges but she's not having it quite yet.

South Texas

Well-Known Member
Brought home the Baby, Mother had been shot or ran over. 14 days old. I done what all good Husbands do, had the Wife make out a list.... I'm frantic, Parental emmotions out of control. Go buy bottles, Mana,..... & diapers. We had pet Sheep, Geese, a lot of things, Baby, "Joey" couldn't compete... She, the Wife, cut holes in the diaper, for the tail, and he lived in our house for a long time. Years later, my Wife would yell Joey,. & He and his Does would come up, our Baby with big horns....


Well-Known Member
Brought home the Baby, Mother had been shot or ran over. 14 days old. I done what all good Husbands do, had the Wife make out a list.... I'm frantic, Parental emmotions out of control. Go buy bottles, Mana,..... & diapers. We had pet Sheep, Geese, a lot of things, Baby, "Joey" couldn't compete... She, the Wife, cut holes in the diaper, for the tail, and he lived in our house for a long time. Years later, my Wife would yell Joey,. & He and his Does would come up, our Baby with big horns....
That would be cool to have a buck, I think that's the first thing I checked when I found her. Baby seems to be getting pretty use to the other animals around the farm so hopefully she'll turn out to be just as good of a pet as your Joey.


Well-Known Member
It is alway fun to raise wild animals. My kids would love it.
Though I had never had a Fawn I have raised many a mammal but my favorite was a pair of Raven. Way to smart and crazy imprinting. Had to donate to local zoo after a while. THese things would follow my car and follow me on my harley. Never caged them and they were always outside. Had to hand feed for 6 month after they were old enough to fend for themselves. Good talkers also, never did work with them but will if I ever did it again.


Active Member
lol its funny how baby animals can always get along with each other. i dont understand how people kill so many deer, theyre beautiful animals. good luck raising her :blsmoke:

South Texas

Well-Known Member
Joey, and my story. His Mamma, my Wife has a time feeding schedule, like all Kids. His Mamma also gets up at 4:15 & I have to get up at 4:45 to leave at 5:15. Joey's bottle feeding is at 6:00. While Mamma is cooking, I'm in the Livingroom, putting on my shoes, Joey is tugging at Her Nightgown as She make's breakfast Taco's. She's raised 6 kids, plays no BS. Joey, not getting the attention he deseserves, starts pawing the floor, having a fit. While head down, putting on shoes, Mamma tells Joey "You prance that foot at me one more time, and I'll knock your head slap across the Kitchen!!!" This was in about 2000, I still laugh. Her 6 Kids know the fear of Mamma, so does joey. Hope you enjoyed the story.


Well-Known Member
lol its funny how baby animals can always get along with each other. i dont understand how people kill so many deer, theyre beautiful animals. good luck raising her :blsmoke:
Because they are good eating and they need to be in order to control the population. PLus is lots of fun.