Gabbin with Grizz


Moderatrix of Journals
well now y'all are making me want ramen noodles.

except there aren't any decent japanese restaurants where i live.
i suppose pho will have to do, again. *sigh*

Kottonmouth king15

Well-Known Member
Nothin makes me want ramen.ever again!i was on the "gettn back up on ur feet diet" few yrs ago;which consisted of ramen,ramen&ramen.was breakin bad!between getn off meth&ramen-blew up like a fukn house!gained 52 lbs exactly!taken another yr&half just to lose 25 of it! Ramen?~never again! Hows that for random&honesty! Lmfao!!!!!


Moderatrix of Journals
well, pho it is then. ;)
(i'm a sucker for soup noodles; pho, wonton noodle, ramen, tom yum w noodles, bring it. here. *NOW*)

ever had fullservice restaurant ramen, with all the fixins? whole different flavour experience altogether. *drooooling* non fry-dried egg noodles are the SHIT!

Kottonmouth king15

Well-Known Member
Hahaha!you make it sound like it might be good!??? I wouldnt know what i was looking for! I honestly relate ramen w/being lil girl asked me last wk.end-daddy,do we have any top ramen? I was like heck no swetheart!! We've graduated! Ill get u any thing you want-but ramen. But maybe if it costs more than 10cents per serving,it might be ok!! Lmao


Moderatrix of Journals
yeah, top ramen, ichiban, mr. noodles, etc. are all dried by deep frying. (part of what makes them so good when it's hot, also mainly why they're so crappy cold.)
restaurant ramen - whole other beast. fresh egg noodles. sliced bbq pork. pickled bamboo shoot. mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.

ever tried the ichiban chow mein? now that there is some asian comfort food.

Kottonmouth king15

Well-Known Member
Well now mellokitty! That does sound good!the bamboo shoots sound lil weird,but the rest,all gooood! Gonna havta see what the gf wants to do for dinner tonight! Hehehe


Well-Known Member
Another rambles thread whoo! Why didn't anyone tell me to come here sooner! Yall know how slow I can be at times :lol: ok here's a bit of randomness! Some ya know I decided to go hiking last night cops all over being dicks! Walking down the road and cop flies up my buddy walks over to see if it is as was an undercover cop jumps out with his gun half drawn (cops here shoot ya no reason!) My buddy says ok and cop yells ok what my buddy... Ok just making sure your a cop and not some creeper fucking with me...I. Don't think either the cop or I knew what to say lol but man that kids gonna get me in trouble! Talked my way outta it though!


Well-Known Member
Lol yeah was an odd night! Buddy wasn't gonna stay with me again he says he feels too stable being around me? So he asks me to take him to the nude beach for his fishing pole never been so we go! Hike through there and head back to the truck he noticed I was spacin asked what's wrong I was like nothing I miss random adventures and he says nobody likes mine says and nobody would hike with me through some forrest in the dark.. I'm like I'm down! He was rather shocked that I wanted to do it so we drove and hiked all over town..was almost as crazy as the mushy night!

Kottonmouth king15

Well-Known Member
Yes I'm kinda an impulsive person! And I retract my previous statement it was as crazy but I wasn't huggin a pillow being girly... What ya up to kmk? a lil stoned with the hoppin! how bout u? u might not have mentioned the pillow part on line gerl?! lmao


Well-Known Member
noooo,i was sayin i remember that in a text message,but not here.thats all!i thought u might have just sent that in a text message.
Haha nope even when I got auto pilot I don't mix up posts and messages! Ok so stopped in at sisters between jobs and start chattin with her bf while running around like a chicken with its head cut off and he says my buddy is there... I was kinda shocked to find this!