Plant in Flowering for 2 weeks, noticed this at the stem, is it a problem??


Just noticed this on the stem of my SSH, can anyone tell me if I should be worried about stem rot or is this normal? The plant is growing well, looks healthy, flowering underway and just checking if this is a concern.



I've been known to panic many times during this 1st grow and well, heres another one put down to a panic attack... can't wait to survive this 1st grow with some tasty smoke and not be so strung the next time round. sorry guys!


The stem coming out of the medium has what looks like a little browning/not smooth look and thought it might be the beginning of a fungus.


Just a quick question, now that she is flowering, I'm growing in a hempy bucket with 60% Perlite/40% Vermiculite, should I be watering every 2nd or 3rd day or still waiting for the medium is feel dry?
Don't want to upset the flowering process, hope someone can help.


Active Member
no its fine, only thing i would do is trim those crappy shouts, they are dead wont get enough light to bud, waste of growing time for the plant and a potential spot for pests, id remove them


Active Member
Just a quick question, now that she is flowering, I'm growing in a hempy bucket with 60% Perlite/40% Vermiculite, should I be watering every 2nd or 3rd day or still waiting for the medium is feel dry?
Don't want to upset the flowering process, hope someone can help.
water when she needs it


Thanks for your help Jagle and preventing me from having a rotting heart attack 8)

The medium is holding lots of moisture, I think due to the amount or Vermiculite, so potentially this will be an every 3 day water.


Active Member
thats fine, remember a bit of underwatering is no problem, i like to let my girls show they need the water a bit before i water em, every 2 days now, but ive very little verm, mostly soil/perlite
and use the lifting the pot method too


Well-Known Member
I agree with Jagle, waiting on the watering, the droppy leaves could be because of bottom growth, but they look a bit overwatered, hard to tell from the pics. You want the soil to dry out sometimes. The plants are not marsh plants but actually love dry sandy soil and most folks leave em in a swamp, ( at least newer growers ).