First Time Grow!


Active Member
So I figured I'd start up my own grow journal after reading a handful on this site. They've been real interested to follow and helpful as I've started my first grow.

I've been sitting on some bagseed for a while, and spontaneously germinated them a couple weeks ago. During the germination process, I studied up and basic ways to grow a couple healthy, stealthy plants without spending too much money.

I'm on day 14 since I planted the germinated seeds, but I'll get you caught up first.

Right now I am growing in my closet, but most likely will get a grow tent eventually. The closet is a tricky space to work with. It's two feet wide, about six feet long with only a door at one end. So you have to squeeze through the close to get to the back. The other trick thing is that the ceiling in the close it on an angle. At its lowest the ceiling is only 18 inches or so, but at its highest is over five feet.

Lights: I originally was using four bulbs -a GE Reflector plant light, 120 watts, 1600 lumens; two GE garden plant light bulbs, 60 watts, 600 lumens and a 20w CFL.

Soil: plants are in peat moss.

I received bad advice and lined the closet with tin foil. This was on the walls for a week or so until I took it off.

Four days after I planted the seedlings, I added another light - 24 Sunblaze System - Four 2-foot T5 florescent tubes, 24 watts each, 8,000 lumens, blue spectrum.

I'm going to pause with updates on this first post so I don't get ahead of myself. I will update in a few to get this nice and current.

The images in this post are the seedlings after day 9. They don't look great here. I'm pretty sure I had two big issues. I was overly excited about starting my grow and probably over-watered them. Secondly, those grow bulbs gave out too much heat and probably cooked them a bit. I turned off all the lights except the T5 starting day 8. I have also reduced the frequency of when I water them. I will add pictures of the next few days so you can see how they have improved.

Since this is my first grow, and as you can see/read, I'm pretty much learning as I go along. So any advice is greatly appreciated!



Active Member
I watered the seedlings on Day 9 and then didn't again until Day 12. I have also added two 6" fans in the room-- one blows hot air out and one blows on the plant. I believe the improved water and temp regulation has really helped.

I'm going to get a thermometer/hydrometer today or tomorrow.

On a side note, I'm using tap water which I let sit for a day or so. Its PH is a bit high, around 7, so I'm not sure how that might be effecting the plants.

I only have a couple pictures from day 11 - but this one plant has begun to grow nicely. All four are roughly 2.5-3 inches tall.

Seedling Day 11a.jpgSeedling Day 11.jpg


Active Member
So here are the four kiddies on Day 12. Three of them still are pretty yellow, but seem to be getting better, while the strong one has sprouted a new set of leaves.

I've read a bunch of other journals and it seems like my seedlings are smaller at this stage than others that use a similar set-up. Is that because of the stress of over-watering and heat? Could it just be because of the strain?



New Member
its just my advice but next time fill the cups ........prolly add to them when they get over the top.......u might still be watering too often


Active Member
So that brings us to today. They have now been in the ground for two weeks.

Two are looking pretty good I think, and one is struggling that is making me pretty nervous.

I'm not sure what the next step should be. I feel like I should wait another week to add nutes, since they still seem to be on the small end. I'm also not sure if I should transplant yet...I have 3.5 gallon buckets and Happy Frog soil waiting for them.

So...advice is needed at this point....start with nutes? transplant?



Active Member
its just my advice but next time fill the cups ........prolly add to them when they get over the top.......u might still be watering too often

Hey - I've added some soil once before a watering. So there is now about 10% Happy Frog organic soil in there along with the peat moss. Before each watering, I check the moisture about a quarter inch below the surface and it's always dry. Is there a chance I'm just not watering enough when I do water? Should I be seeing runoff after each watering?

Do you think it's time to replant and start nutes or should I wait another week?


Active Member
So since my last update, I have been regulating temperature and humidity better.
Temp now is pretty stable at 80, even when it was 95 out yesterday!
Humidity was originally as low as 15%, but have now gotten it up to 45%.

I watered yesterday as well. Three of the four seedlings are looking pretty good, I'm about to pull the plug on the last one, since it's just so shriveled.

How are these looking? I've seen other pictures of plants at this age age and mine seem to be I just over-analyzing?



Active Member
hey man there looking good and healthy to a first time grower i helped a buddy through a grow few months back and i got hooked...i have a grow journal going aswell i transplanted mine on the 18th day...What strain are you growing and is it an autoflower???:eyesmoke:


Active Member
Hey Irish,

Thanks for checking in. And glad you think they're looking ok. I'm just using some bagseed. I don't get seeds often so they all might be from the same strain, but I have no idea what that is.


Sounds good - hope I provide some success/failures for you to learn from. Since yours are around the same age as mine, how do they compare?

they are all actually very similar in size and nodes, i just started a little lst on mine to make em work a bit lol


Active Member
Hey Irish,

Thanks for checking in. And glad you think they're looking ok. I'm just using some bagseed. I don't get seeds often so they all might be from the same strain, but I have no idea what that is.

I wish i had the curage to do that i like to know what im growing but it'll be very interesting to watch anyway bro...Why don't you check out my grow journal the link is below i started the journal 28days in..Today is day 37 and she's looking soo sweet every morning that i look at her the buds are getting bigger and denser and nice and sticky looking...The smell is just sometyhing sweet altogether....peace


Active Member
I don't think you linked it, but would enjoy checking it out.

I figured that as my first grow, I'm already spending all this money on lights, nutes, soil, etc., and there is a chance these plants don't make it, so why add an extra expense at this point of buying seeds. If this does work, Nirvana's AK 48 is at the top of my list lol, but I'll be waiting to see how these turn out first. So I'm really using this as an experiment/trial phase at this point. If it works, that'll be awesome and I'll upgrade my seeds, probably buy a grow tent and some other upgrades, but I'm trying not to go overboard since this might just fall apart for me.


New Member
your soil needs to dry up between waterings your plants are big enough now u can let that cup dry up till it weighs almost nothing then water ......tooo often and your lil bitty roots are choked


Active Member
hey man can't believe i left the link out well thats what happens when your tokin and writting lol....mine is a hindu kush im using her a test run then im going for the auto ak47xblueberry it'll be fairly going closing off the closet soon to try control the enviroment abit more got my extractor and carbon filter man the smell is unreal....the buds are coming up nicey now there getting nice and fat and sticky lol gotta love it really


Active Member
your soil needs to dry up between waterings your plants are big enough now u can let that cup dry up till it weighs almost nothing then water ......tooo often and your lil bitty roots are choked
Yeah, I do that. I wait until the first three inches or so of soil are dry. That's been roughly every three days. I watered this morning. My next watering I'm going to begin nutrients I'm guessing. I might be transplanting them at the same time. It'll happen either midweek or this weekend.


New Member
u should wait on the transplant till the plants are bigger till there pretty much root bound in the cups normally 3 weeks would be a good time but i believe your roots are still little bitty light nutes would prolly be ok but i wouldnt till i got the plants straightened out ..........