Damn got Caugth..by Mommy...


New Member
Well I havent been here like in 3 days but yeah man on Wednsday i got caught by my O-G. And yeah Here is how I started...I was smoking a blunt..(which I dont smoke usually..I got me a bong) and yeah started hitting it for a couple in my Garage...so I got cold and went inside my mom told me she was leaving and my dad was sleeping...so I come home and Im reeking like skunk. So I go to my room...and im in there putting some music..*bone Thugs N Harmony* and I hear knocking im all paranoid...so I see my mom and wham...shes all like WAT DA FUCK IS DAT SMELL!!!? And i was all like wat smell...:roll: And she says U WHERE SMOKING WERENT YOU!? im like no My friend was and I was in the room with him..and right when Im getting clear she leaves..i close my door i get a few seconds of peace..next thing i know she knocks...She starts smelling my fingers...and well yeah..blunt smell is VERY strong..So yeah....Got caught thanks to Blunts...:-| And know shes giving me the silence treatment..its been a week...wat should I do...explain..or just IDK.....


Well-Known Member
"Man, you are one pathetic loser. No offense." (Dumb and Dumber) Honestly, that is a pitiable story. I would give up smoking the stuff till you move out as it’s only going to get worse now that “mommy” knows about it.


Well-Known Member
Nothings worse than the silent treatment from Mom....obviously she's disgusted with her Druggy son and wondering where she went wrong.....Or she pickin out what Military school to ship you off to....Mua hahaha


Well-Known Member
I wouldnt recommend smoking pot inside the house if the rents are present. Also, if you have any dignity, you would keep the bud away from the rents. Go on a roadie if you want to smoke that bad.


Well-Known Member
When i was younger i smoked tons of pot inside my room when my rents were downstairs watching tv. I wish i had never done this. Its f'n stupid. Eventually the rents will catch on. Go to school, get an education. Do something. Be productive in life. As much as i want to light up, i refrain from doing so. Its called self-fucking-control. Learn self-fucking-control. And remember, be productive. work mother fucker, work.


Well-Known Member
Anybody can sit around and smoke pot all day, but, it takes a f'n man to put the piece pipe down and do other things in life. Im in my mid twenties and i started smoking mass weed when i was 15. MASS WEED. Fuck, I used to light up so much; on the job i would pack bowls inside the Kroger's produce cooler. no f'n joke..never got caught either. Point is, move the fuck on.


Well-Known Member
be pro-duc-tive, or be a fuckin victim man. I still smoke fuckin weed, but i have alot of self-control. Maybe if mother fuckers learned self-control, drugs would be legal, just maybe.


Well-Known Member
how do you know i dont smoke responsibly you fuckin fuck. suck my balls and get off the computer and smoke some weed bitch. do something with your life other then play dad on fuckin rollitup. suck my balls dude

Judging by the mentality of your postings on here I know see why your “mommy” caught you smoking weed. Do you ride the short bus to school?


New Member
LOL..wow this thread is going good..

But first of all I do know how to control myself that was the first time smokd in wat a week..?..Because I was finishing my Senior Reserach Paper..and dat right there was a bitch. Second yes I live with my parents but this is my last year and yeah the dumb and dumber dude..yeah I just cant blaze in my parents house..maybe u can but not me vato...**Old school parents** And yes she has dat vocabulary..now imagine that in SPANISH!! LOL

ANd Bone Thugs N Harmony is da shit..