Highlanders Perpetual. BB,Ice,Void,Qleaner and Some of Chimeras' Strains!


Well-Known Member
that hash looks soooo nice hc i been smoking on fake pollom the last few days basically good soapbar lol 1st post in the thread m8 all you pros scare me a little lol

las fingerez

Well-Known Member
that hash looks soooo nice hc i been smoking on fake pollom the last few days basically good soapbar lol 1st post in the thread m8 all you pros scare me a little lol
highlanders not a pro unfortunately mate, he's a fucking growing god hahaha all hail to the god of green ;) lol

edit - and red/pink strains lol

Highlanders cave

Well-Known Member
Postmans just delivered a load of spam mail grrr lol. I hate that the postal service has the gawls to post unsolicited mail though your box
same here are the posties glorified leflet droppers these days? no joy yet here :( lol
Hmmm...today would be day 9 on a 6 to to 10 business day dealio

That's why in Holland you have a tab on your postbox that declares if you want spam or not....people still put bloody flyers through the box.
Hey D what do ya say! The buds on the DOGs are just calling my name....they are very close, going to be done in 8 wks tops. Lil over a week!!

Whats up HC! Been back in Iowa for a wedding and now Im in the middle of several double shifts. I need some time to get caught up in here! Wanted to tell you I popped one of the C4 crosses though. I'll be back!
Glad to hear that Clove, you wont be disappointed...the C-4 has very good potency, taste and dripping with crystals ; !) I need some time to get caught up here myself lol

Ah CLove, we must be on the same page. Was tinkin'bout poppin some of those myself!

HC, you know I'll spread the love ;)
Kool kool man I know you will! Pop more than Clove did though hahaha

heyy man. u should delete sum messages outta ur inbox. =p lol. i cant write ya
Hehe that's why it's full lol. Jess kidding bro, I will!

Sup' Crazy Horse! just in doing my round's, Hope all's growing good mate !

Hey there Cindy, yeah all is growin pretty good. Taking the day off tomorrow so maybe I'll be able to give them a bit more attention then they have been getting this week. Talk to ya sooooon!

Wassup HC, whats craccin?
Need to pm ya in a bit T. Give me a chance to toke up a couple of bongos first.

working hard or hardly working?
Getting toasted this week but the wrong kind of toasty. Working outside in this brutal heat and humidity I'm pretty fooking spent by the end of the day. And then today my wheel came off my rig while I was driving lol,,,it's in the shop now but no wheels no workie. Got the day off tomorrow, yippie!!

that hash looks soooo nice hc i been smoking on fake pollom the last few days basically good soapbar lol 1st post in the thread m8 all you pros scare me a little lol
Thanks Sambo my friend, I needed a laugh! Stop back soon bro ; !)


Well-Known Member
Nice man, I know this toasty feeling, altho mine is a bit of a mental one from working too damn much, and not playing enough. oh well, at least there's weed all the time :)

Highlanders cave

Well-Known Member
Nice man, I know this toasty feeling, altho mine is a bit of a mental one from working too damn much, and not playing enough. oh well, at least there's weed all the time :)
Haha there IS weed all the time! Ya got that right!! I'm not really smoking to much during the day right now only because my daughter is working with me this summer but I make up for it afterwards lol. We are having a great time, both making good dough and having one of her friends start next week with us.

Sitting in the ac now with my bubbler and time for another pot of coffee. I think the high temp of the day was low 90s somewhere and supposedly broke another record....yippie ki friggen aye!

mr west

Well-Known Member
Id love some coffee but its way past my bed time sort of and this casey is kicking my arse ass and back side >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>:joint: nernight brave cave dweller lol


Well-Known Member
ooh, coffee, bedtime, Mr west, not a good combo from what I hear! ;)

EDIT: 8 weeks, freakin hell HC, you got yer plants on the roids?

Highlanders cave

Well-Known Member
ooh, coffee, bedtime, Mr west, not a good combo from what I hear! ;)

EDIT: 8 weeks, freakin hell HC, you got yer plants on the roids?
Uh...yes. Don't we all : !)

Going to go back and count the days. She's just ripening now, bit of a tie betwix them and the lemon qleaner for nicest looking buds of the harvest. Going to be very little leaves to trim on both of those girls ;)


Well-Known Member
I wish I could start more! I got 2 plants coming down Sundayish and then I can pop a few more. Damn playing by the rules... 6 plants

Highlanders cave

Well-Known Member
I wish I could start more! I got 2 plants coming down Sundayish and then I can pop a few more. Damn playing by the rules... 6 plants
Oh right I forgot :). Is one of them your Vortex that's coming down?

Just went back and counted the days and I'll be damn if I'm not a week off. I thought they were coming up on 7 weeks but today is only day 40. Shit haha


Well-Known Member
hey hc, did your livers x cc that went pink have a pink tint in between the leaves. mine seems to and none of my other plants do and it is also #1 in the frost department as of now.. thx in advance.

Highlanders cave

Well-Known Member
hey hc, did your livers x cc that went pink have a pink tint in between the leaves. mine seems to and none of my other plants do and it is also #1 in the frost department as of now.. thx in advance.
Just finished spraying them, trying to stay ahead of the mites lol. So I went back up and looked at the pink pheno...they are three weeks in but not changing color yet. As I remember, it was only the calyxs that changed color and they started out by looking kind of black/purple. The smell was sweet but not as sweet as the livers dom candy pheno. How far along are yours man?

Hey I sent ya a pm this morning but your box was full.


Well-Known Member
im 3 week in on this one. its a sweet funky kind of smell. the funk being an undertone, not flowering as heavy as my other girls but hopefully she picks up.

Hope your protectin yourself from this heat man! its helldown here in the south round summer time, but i heard u guys up north are gettin a taste. inbox is empty btw :) have a good one!

Highlanders cave

Well-Known Member
im 3 week in on this one. its a sweet funky kind of smell. the funk being an undertone, not flowering as heavy as my other girls but hopefully she picks up.

Hope your protectin yourself from this heat man! its helldown here in the south round summer time, but i heard u guys up north are gettin a taste. inbox is empty btw :) have a good one!
Throw a pic or 2 of them up here anytime you feel like it,,,

Yeah the weather is kinda hot lately. And friggen humid. Me no like the heat lol Drains the shit outta me


Well-Known Member
Ooohoohoohoo, whatever that noise is...lol. Fuk me sideeeeways HC partnero!! that looks like the perfect combo of both worlds, those big big big ass leaves from the Headband and the lovely tall og kush stretch, I bet you the stalks are solid!!! Nugs are looking very similar to mine. Super work there, pure tlc on a sticky ganja rod!!

Thanks for sharing, didn't mean to be pushy before wanting pics.
