

Active Member
If the people who had the problems to begin with had to man the frontlines instead of the youth , ignorant , and the poor - there would be a heela lot less of it ... I say if you start it ... you fucking fight it ....


Active Member
War is a necessary evil. If everyone dreams about peace then why hasn't it been achieved? Humanity is controlled by a few evil, selfish & misguided souls that know about religion and it's false promises and in turn control the population through strategic manipulation. War; It's for the blinded that will serve unconditionally without digging deep into the cause of it all... About radical Muslims: I don't hate anyone and do not wish harm on anyone but if anyone is talking about destroying my country without talking it over with the general population need to check themselves. I'll go ninja status quick and become war. In short: War is a necessary evil to some, to others it's a way to control and to the rest, it is simply survival.


Well-Known Member
It just bothers me when peeps make blanket statments like "I dont like war" "it sucks"

thats like saying "rain is wet" or "I dont like bleeding profusely out of my anus" :D

like implying they are somehow better or more wise than people who must make the hardest choices and fight wars.
Lol about the anus bleeding.

A lot of us here have friends and family that have sacrificed their health and their lives to preserve our way of life. I hope no one interprets my comments as a slam on them.

to me, a war is just based on if it will save more lives in the end than it kills. like iraq for instance. If less poeple will end up dead by killing in the Iraq war and it becoming a

democracy, than decades of murder and oppression through saddam and his sons leadership then that war would be just in my opinion
WWII is also often brought up. I would just add that in order to justify war, it is important to do more than demonstrate a net saving of lives-- it should be demonstrated that alternative approaches would be less successful.

Using the WWII example, a good part of the war was won by the resistance in the Netherlands, workers who were 'Neutral' but who risked their lives sabotaging the production of weapons for the Nazis.

if the middle east decided to stop all oil exports to the USA tomorrow. there will be alot of people who would all of a sudden think attacking them is not such a bad idea.
So true.

we are all self interested in the end and we are all evil. its just easyer to hide it when you have abundance.
Evil is a religious concept that I do not subscribe to. I believe the path of self-interest leads to peace-- particularly when resources are scarce. War consumes a tremendous amount of resources.


Active Member
Whats your thoughts on it? bongsmilie
both love/hate it. love it if its for the right reasons. like vietnam? no. war on terrorism like bin laden? oh fuck yeah. sadam? yes and no. yes he needed to go but no i dont think they did it as efficient as they could.

remember, only through war can we accomplish peace. kill all who oppose us like terrorists. live in peace after and hopefully war will no longer be needed. all those asshole radical muslims who want us americans dead, i say force them to eat pork then kill them all. yeah america aint really nothing special but its a lot better than their piece of shit 3rd world countries. i dont hate someone just cause they're muslim, i hate them if they support wanting us all dead. that goes for christians and any others as well. i wish i could live in a peaceful world but society is fucked and we have too many bad people out there. sucks having to hurt people, but feels damn good when you know you're in the right. if you dont show violence once in a while, people will walk all over you. fight fire with fire!


Active Member
there are different sides of a war ... am I gonna go to the middle east and fight over religious and political bullshit ... not even ... but - If some forien body was to come to my country and try to take over ... I could be the meanest , nastiest , passivist they could even imagine... It depends on wich end your on tbh...........


Well-Known Member
Well, I think governments have changed war to make money, I mean, look at Iraq, chasing "Al quaeda" they might not even be a real group, the U.S might just be in it for the oil. And now they're done with Iraq and Afghanistan, there moving on to Iran.


Active Member
War is the only human activity who's profits are measured in dollars, and who's losses are measured in human lives.
And a species divided can not survive long.

Jakabok Botch

Well-Known Member
War is the only human activity who's profits are measured in dollars, and who's losses are measured in human lives.
And a species divided can not survive long.
well....weve been doin it from the beginning...yet were getting bigger and bigger....lol looks like were ok


Well-Known Member
Why is war necessary? To the people supporting this position, please explain a situation where the only solution is war.


Well-Known Member
That's too vague. "Threats to your life and liberty" could mean literally anything, it all depends on who you're talking to.

The American soldier probably thinks the current Iraq war is a threat against his life and liberty... is it?

Then you could also turn that around and use the exact same justification for the defending army as you do for the attacking one. Americans on the battlefield in the Middle East, I'd say it's a good bet to assume the people of these regions feel their life and liberty is being threatened on a daily basis, am I wrong?

guy incognito

Well-Known Member
Semantics. If someone kills someone and (wrongly) claims it was self defense, even though he personally believes it was self defense, it doesn't justify his actions. To claim no one has the right to ever kill another person because of a case like this is absurd.

The american soldier can think whatever they want, it does not make them right.

There certainly are grey areas, and i'm not here to define or debate where the line should be drawn, but there are also areas that are not grey that involve threats to life and liberty that absolutely justify war.