Is this a female preflower?


100_4084.jpg100_4084 - Copy.jpgThe calyx shot this pistil out about a week ago and after three days it turned that reddish color, Is this a female preflower!!????

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Keep waiting ;) there is no way that a cannabis plant can flower and someone not work out which it is, balls are well, balls, and hairs are well, hairs.


Well I understand that its not my first grow I just would like to know if this is a male or female as early as possible. Please everyone give me some input

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
I kind of see possibly a tiny hair on the lower of the pointy things in the first picture, but it's unclear, it could be it could not be, the op is the one with his eyes to the plant, if there is a hair, and not just ya standard stipule, as is very easy to differentiate, and should be incredibly clear.

black n white :)

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Indeed, that's the one i had my eye on, tiny milimeter of something pointing off in the other diretion, but as said, from a photo, seems a bit early to tell for sure, trey will be able to make a much better observation :) i've had a couple in flower for a weed or so now, one male one unknown, the known male showed sex (very young plants) a lot faster than the other which i'm reckoning is a female. Either way fingers crossed eh :)


Ya its the best I could do, but you guys are a huge help. The plant is about five in a half feet tall and a month and a half old so it is taking its time which is why Im thinking female. It is my only outdoor plant so it will be taking the natural flowering route.


Active Member
You're about three days from really knowing, you got a case of the impatients. Right now it's *probably* female, how's that?