Highlanders Perpetual. BB,Ice,Void,Qleaner and Some of Chimeras' Strains!

Highlanders cave

Well-Known Member
Oh lordy isn't this some nice tasting smoke! And keeps filling your lungs even after you stop taking a hit...nice expansion. Growing she smells like burning rubber predominantly with a litte bit of floral or berry. When the bud is broken up the fragrance is nice, not stinky. The first hit was really cool because I had this immediate HUGE deju vu to something I had smoked before long ago lol! Looking forward to more real quick hehe. Cheeseberry Haze pics coming up...............




Well-Known Member
Nice HC, interesting you say rubber. You mean like tyre smell, burning rubber, or something else? It's funny, when you drink a lot of the red wine produced in South Africa, it has a bit of a rubber wiff to it (not unpleasant) I just wonder where it comes from in the plant state. Perhaps it's the heavy diesel smell that I associate with it....and I agree about the old school ness. Or at least semi old school haha.

Highlanders cave

Well-Known Member
Smells like cheese...taste like cheese?? It aint dog poop dave ; !)

Cheeseberry Haze day 40,,,,robust mother she is. Must be my secret ingrediants hehe


Highlanders cave

Well-Known Member
Nice HC, interesting you say rubber. You mean like tyre smell, burning rubber, or something else? It's funny, when you drink a lot of the red wine produced in South Africa, it has a bit of a rubber wiff to it (not unpleasant) I just wonder where it comes from in the plant state. Perhaps it's the heavy diesel smell that I associate with it....and I agree about the old school ness. Or at least semi old school haha.
Haha right, semi old school! She smells kinda like an old white camaro spinning its slicks through a vinyard growing in a gas station. Everyone else smelled the exact same thing, right.

These little puppies have been chillaxen while I have been relaxin instead of tending to my vegging girls but they just got the go ahead so they will be getting potted this evening



Highlanders cave

Well-Known Member
Dogs lookin wonderful hc.
Thanks man! Kind of got caught up here at riu and almost forgot I had to walk up to the service station and pic my rig up. It's like walking in an oven, cool front coming through now though creating thunder boomers. Thank the gods that the heat wave is over for a while lol.

Need to run out and grab a bite but not before I post the pics of the Lemon Qleaner that I took before I left. Bonging the last bit of that dog nug I ground up right now : !)

Highlanders cave

Well-Known Member
damn she's a beast. how big was she at the start of 12/12? very top heavy for day 40
That one prolly about doubles in size but she been getting one of the sweet spots in the garden and her buds are loving it. She can handle a bit more food and is in a 3.5 gal container with OF plus some ammendments in the soil

Highlanders cave

Well-Known Member
Having a warped sense of humour is what makes life more barable
I thought you would appreciate that one lol Noones like button seems to work right now, oh well LIKE LIKE. I need to run out and get some chinese real quick, diet coke is not doing it anymore

So I see why everyone likes that Kush taste! Love it!!


Well-Known Member
i was about to ask next. that since you have tried kush's now how do they stack up agains what u were growing before. i love the kush's/diesel's and such.. hopefully ill be loving cheese soon.


Well-Known Member
Yea one of them is the Vortex. I'll go snap a shot of her, she looks pretty tasty. I never click like cause I'm usually on my iPad and I don't think you can like posts cause there's no hover feature you know? Damn tablets...

I'll be back with a shot!


Well-Known Member
So here she is, whole plant then a main cola shot. Sunday is her projected chop date but she just doesn't look quite done yet, might wait another week. Sorry bout the pics, camera phone plus my LED panel kinda fucks with the camera and I'm too lazy to drag her out of the flowering room for proper light. :blsmoke:

You were the reason I picked the Vortex and judging by her look and smell, just wanted to say thanks!


Highlanders cave

Well-Known Member
Wow man, I had 5 dif phenos out of 6 Vortex ladies, but they were either fully sativa dom or fully indica. That looks like a combination of the two. What do the trics look like? The sativa Vortexs' had a tropical fruity smell and the shorter indica pheno is the one that smelled like dog poop kind of. I don't think you'll be disappointed in the high, the ony reason I didn't keep my sativa cut is because the lemon qleaner beat it out.


Highlanders cave

Well-Known Member
i was about to ask next. that since you have tried kush's now how do they stack up agains what u were growing before. i love the kush's/diesel's and such.. hopefully ill be loving cheese soon.
I'll know better after I smoke more of it but right now I would say that it is in the top two for taste, yeild is good, flowering time is good and seems to be very strong. Strong enough so that I'm not going to start my day off with it this morning haha. Calizhar is in the bubbler right now, sitting on the porch watching the sun come up and gearing myself for work ; !)