The UK Growers Thread!

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
welcome back dragon lad! you moving crib with the girls in full flower!?! i did it once scared the fuckin shit out of me.
TTT, canada is the fuckin bollocks man, the popo catch you smoking a fatty n they'll say put it out take it elsewhere. no aggro nowt. different story if they catch you publicly boozin mind. to the cells you go.

good luck to you n yours Bam

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Haha, dunnit ust.

I was lying in bed a bit fucked up last night and i got thinking about BHO as a result of spending the evening costing out one of those kief tumblers, but i was thinking, what chemical change occurs or such that makes what is essentially just kief, into an oil? I'm sure there's some understandable science but fuck if i can be bothered to search around before work :D don't know the science but if the stuff is evaporating off then my sense of "it has to work" sais you should be able to make oil from kief without the butane :lol: ranbdom mid morning unfounded thought trainwreck?

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Been meaning to all my life :)

Just peeked around in the flower cab and the heavy duty fruity is also a male so i'm gonna end up with two different sets of seeds hopefully, either that or a whole cab of mixed pollination madness. Means i gotta get some cheese clones into that cupboard pronto! more cheese :( will have to head out and try and swap it with someone.


Well-Known Member
Jesus im having one of those days already and ive only been up 5 minutes think im just gonna give up on everything today n get blazed.