The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
wot strain that pukka? nice work fella how far they got to go? is that where dell is the lucky sod! busy chop chopping?
Its BigB Blue cheese mate cheers!! it was day 35 of flower wednesday so 21-28 days from then!!............dont no about del mate but Don is or he might be done now!

mad dog bark

Well-Known Member
hhhmm blue cheese has been a year odd since that last did its rounds here. fair play. oh yeah don dell so simular names just noticed ent seen del here for a bit.


Well-Known Member
ill be back for a proper round in a min but qq lads, does MH in flower really stop the stretch or just myth?

mad dog bark

Well-Known Member
duno bout mh but read A GREAT article online yonks back saying bout stopping stretch in that 2 3 week period it stretches in flower. aparently if you get ya night or lights out temps same as day temps it reduces stretch a great deal. mine sits 26 day and 23_ 26 at nights. i got a thermo heater for that job 20 quid and i didnt get alot stretch at all . i did before flower tho due to being a novice and getting the fear bout burning plants haha and had them to far off tops 1st month. hope that helps or least worth abit research for ya self. it did have a few led lights on heater unit but i pulled it apart and took them out so didnt mess with the light cycle. peace

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Sigh, not working out as cheap as i'd like, need to kep shopping around me thinks. Buying in bulk, by which i mean a few thousand quids worth, and i'd still be looking at around 3150 for the stainless mesh for one of those keif roller machines. I will do this feasibly!

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Ha tha's a good plant ya got there dude, an animal!

I figured fuck it it's friday you've fuck all commitments this weekend so bought myself a big bottle of Smirnoff and some bottles of bulmers :) gonna get angry drunk! rar!


Well-Known Member
QQ is there any time scales to follow when switching from flower back to veg and back to flower again ?

Long and short i have a plant that started budding i burnt it with nutes, its lost alot leafs and now its growth is minimal but its still surviving , i want to veg it to get some more fan leafs on there so it recovers quicker.

is this possible ?

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Certainly possible but there's generally a wait for the plant to revert to flowering, chuck some pictures up. I once accidentally had my plant under 12/12 thinking it was 18/6 for some daft reason, only got hairy, not actually floweing, but despite a while back on the right light cycle, it never grew big.


Well-Known Member
anyone here use hesi nutes? im thinking of ordering there hesi coco starter kit to try them , any idea how long that starter kit would last on 5 plants start to finish? would that set last a full grow or should i order more ?
oh yeah and any one who use it have anything to say about hesi?

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Not used em i'm afraid, i used canna with coco and couldn't offer a complaint, i think a lot of other UKers use canna with their coco as well, shit just works :)

Been thinking about this Canada thing a bit today, it slightly depends on where i find to rent, but fuck it, i'm gonna sort out a big fucker of a grow :) hell, give it 2 1/2 months and i woudn't even need to be working to pay for my ski pass etc :D shit's only like 4 months away, that's like two more grows! Then i gotta pack up house which is gonna be a hell of an ordeal. Either way a hop across the pond certainly ent gonna be discouraging me from growing :lol:


Well-Known Member
anyone here use hesi nutes? im thinking of ordering there hesi coco starter kit to try them , any idea how long that starter kit would last on 5 plants start to finish? would that set last a full grow or should i order more ?
oh yeah and any one who use it have anything to say about hesi?
del666 uses them nutes and coco and look at his plants!!!


Well-Known Member
Im using hesi now, its good stuff man just ordered some more. Im not sure how good there PK 13/14 is tho but the tnt is very good, nice healthy green plants. The hesi coco seems to be doing a good job in flower too. So far i like the results which is good as its cheaper than my normal nutes.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
ah, fair enough :)

Which daft prick subliminally made me buy vodka? sambo! ya goit! I don't ever drink vodka! For a very good reason! Alcohol without the bloat just makes me wanna get up and dance. I don't dance! Annoyed far too many birds in clubs like that, don't care how long ya legs are if you ask me to dance i'll laugh at you! :D she be asking the wrong guy!