Portland Oregon. The Time is Now. Cannabliss. The New Standard is Set!


Well-Known Member
You all need to shut the fuck up or start PM each other.
I concur, there is such animosity here, I just can't wrap my head around it.

Dirk, no I am not trying to egg you on, if you had made that statement 10 years ago it probably would be true :) I am just saying it as I see it. You seem to be a possibly pretty cool guy. Want some bubble gum :)


Active Member
You all need to shut the fuck up or start PM each other.

Whether he pays for his meds or not, his grower fucked him over and I think that any of us would be pissed off too, he has the right to be angry. Now if his grower expected compensation and was witholding his meds until he got that then you all could have a right to bitch at him for wanting his meds free...but it's not like that. His grower gave him the terms and didn't follow through with it, period. If you want to discuss free/paid meds then start a new thread or at least take it to the "hip hip heray" thread.

dirk d

Active Member
hey zild, i am a pretty cool guy if i say so myself. lol. is that bubblegum, serious seeds bubblegum?? if so hell ya. i just got some bubble cheese (uk exodus x serious bubblegum) should be a real banger. but man i'll smoke with you anytime i'll bring some kandy kush. being upset quickly subsides when you smoke a real nice fatty!! i can tell none of us have smoked today. lol.

i have been burned several times and each time it sucked so i understand what you're saying. i got burned by a retarded guy and a vet just this last month. go figure! lol. figured they were the safest people to trust and i got f***** hard. shit happens but i tell you i will never trust anyone when it comes to ommp people.


Well-Known Member
ha, cum burping bitches.

i probably had that coming.

yes, you got burned. be angry, but learn.

if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is.

2 ounces a month free?

i wish someone would give me a pound and a half every year for free out of the goodness of their hearts. or they could just fork over a couple thousand dollars. either way, i'd be happy. i assure you.


Well-Known Member
hey zild, i am a pretty cool guy if i say so myself. lol. is that bubblegum, serious seeds bubblegum?? if so hell ya. i just got some bubble cheese (uk exodus x serious bubblegum) should be a real banger. but man i'll smoke with you anytime i'll bring some kandy kush. being upset quickly subsides when you smoke a real nice fatty!! i can tell none of us have smoked today. lol.

i have been burned several times and each time it sucked so i understand what you're saying. i got burned by a retarded guy and a vet just this last month. go figure! lol. figured they were the safest people to trust and i got f***** hard. shit happens but i tell you i will never trust anyone when it comes to ommp people.
LOL, no I was meaning like chewing gum, what is funny is without thinking it was ironic as my grower was supposed to give me on OZ of Bubblegum, and an OZ of Strawberry cough.

As for my grower, maybe I am being naive but I am still holding out hope that he will return my call. Maybe something came up or something. For all I know he is sitting in a hospital or something. He just didn't seem like that kind of guy. I will give it a few more days, and if no word than it will be back to the grind stone to try to find a new grower. This is not something I am looking forward too at all. I was hoping to just find someone, and not have to deal with this BS.


Well-Known Member
ha, cum burping bitches.

i probably had that coming.

yes, you got burned. be angry, but learn.

if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is.

2 ounces a month free?

i wish someone would give me a pound and a half every year for free out of the goodness of their hearts. or they could just fork over a couple thousand dollars. either way, i'd be happy. i assure you.
Yea I hear ya, but it didn't sound to good to be true. I know of at least three people that have the same deal, and when I found this guy I got the same offer from someone else, but I didn't want to be that guy that is jumping from one grower to the next. In fact I was just one budbook, and saw someone offering their services, and offering two a month as well.


Well-Known Member
Yea I hear ya, but it didn't sound to good to be true. I know of at least three people that have the same deal, and when I found this guy I got the same offer from someone else, but I didn't want to be that guy that is jumping from one grower to the next. In fact I was just one budbook, and saw someone offering their services, and offering two a month as well.
wanna bet the guy offering two a month will go the same way as your previous two "growers"?


Well-Known Member
Yea I do? What do you want to bet? I know this as I will not be responding to his offer :) I say we bet a QP LOL


Well-Known Member
ha, cum burping bitches.

i probably had that coming.

yes, you got burned. be angry, but learn.

if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is.

2 ounces a month free?

i wish someone would give me a pound and a half every year for free out of the goodness of their hearts. or they could just fork over a couple thousand dollars. either way, i'd be happy. i assure you.
almost sounds like a poem.

my grower i had last year gave me a qp every month for free and then another 3 pounds at the end of summer, i know the legal amount is 1 1/2 but he didnt want to be ripping me off cuz 6 plants produces way more the 1 1/2 pounds.
my grower this year is a bit behind so right ow its only a qp every 2 months.

if you can find the right grower then you will be as happy as me, its not hard to do some interviews to find some one who fits your needs, get to know the grower before you hand over the card. if they dont keep theri word drop them, my grower this year started to get shady and didnt answer his phone, he wasnt home, he never called me, and i thought he was ripping me off, i gave him one week to get a hold of me after i phoned him and wrote a letter letting him know and sure enough he called the day before i was gonna drop him and did what he had said he would do for me. growers are not the ones in charge. the patient is. take control get a good grower


Well-Known Member
growers are not the ones in charge. the patient is. take control get a good grower


you are in charge of nothing. you should be thanking dog that you have someone who gives you so much free weed.

because let me tell you, if you tried to grow that much for yourself, you would quickly realize how expensive the whole deal becomes and how much work it is.

and you are so in charge that he almost dropped you flat, and still can at any time.

there will always be a market waiting for your grower if he wants to drop you like a sack of shit and actually get reimbursed for utilities and supplies for his efforts, or even make a buck. you, however, will look long and hard for someone willing to give you literally thousands of dollars worth of work each year for free, and with no guarantees you will find that person.

get real.


Well-Known Member
its not that expensive. i was growing a half pound off 2 plants indoors, and before i shut it down i could have been pulling that every 2 months. and it was cheap to do.
im done with this BS as you think growing is some kind of art that is so expensive to do.
and ya i am in charge, if he dropped me as a patient then who fucking cares, i can get another one like that that will give free meds.
i am in charge of every thing. if i say i want to see the plants and grow site, then i can and will go out theri when ever i feel like it. patients are in charge not the grower.
peace. and sorry it doesnt cost thousands of dollars


New Member
its not that expensive. i was growing a half pound off 2 plants indoors, and before i shut it down i could have been pulling that every 2 months. and it was cheap to do.
im done with this BS as you think growing is some kind of art that is so expensive to do.
and ya i am in charge, if he dropped me as a patient then who fucking cares, i can get another one like that that will give free meds.
i am in charge of every thing. if i say i want to see the plants and grow site, then i can and will go out theri when ever i feel like it. patients are in charge not the grower.
peace. and sorry it doesnt cost thousands of dollars
I would have to say it is a symbiotic relationship, neither patients or growers are in charge, they both rely on each other. I would definitely say the patients depend more on the growers than the growers depend on the patients, though.

If I were you, I would hope that not too many growers in Southern Oregon go to Rollitup, because I do not think they would appreciate your opinion about going to the growsite whenever you feel like it. Patients ask permission to see grows, or they do not stay patients very long. Simple as that. If a patient were to not respect MY rules as a grower, THEY are going to feel it more than I will. Thankfully, I have never searched out patients, I have relied on long term relationships with people, and only added patients that I can really trust, and rely on. I have an awesome group of patients, and they seem to be pretty happy with the meds, hash, tincture, clippings and love that I give out, and not one has left. All about mutual respect, and communication between patients and growers.

Honestly, up here in Portland I think you would find it is a lot different than the WEED SOAKED Southern Oregon Area. Like I have said to you before, everyone and their mothers grows down there, so you have a lot of options. Up here, it almost seems like all the GOOD growers are taken up already, and the new patients seem to have a pretty hard time lining up a good, trustworthy person. Just what I have observed, with several people I know getting screwed initially by their first grower or so.

Anyways, sorry for the book. Hope all is well with everyone!


Well-Known Member
I would have to say it is a symbiotic relationship, neither patients or growers are in charge, they both rely on each other. I would definitely say the patients depend more on the growers than the growers depend on the patients, though.

If I were you, I would hope that not too many growers in Southern Oregon go to Rollitup, because I do not think they would appreciate your opinion about going to the growsite whenever you feel like it. Patients ask permission to see grows, or they do not stay patients very long. Simple as that. If a patient were to not respect MY rules as a grower, THEY are going to feel it more than I will. Thankfully, I have never searched out patients, I have relied on long term relationships with people, and only added patients that I can really trust, and rely on. I have an awesome group of patients, and they seem to be pretty happy with the meds, hash, tincture, clippings and love that I give out, and not one has left. All about mutual respect, and communication between patients and growers.

Honestly, up here in Portland I think you would find it is a lot different than the WEED SOAKED Southern Oregon Area. Like I have said to you before, everyone and their mothers grows down there, so you have a lot of options. Up here, it almost seems like all the GOOD growers are taken up already, and the new patients seem to have a pretty hard time lining up a good, trustworthy person. Just what I have observed, with several people I know getting screwed initially by their first grower or so.

Anyways, sorry for the book. Hope all is well with everyone!
i get what your saying man, and my opinion is already known with my grower. we establish whats opk and whats not before anything is handed over. at the beginning i told him how it is and how it will work and he was ok with it, he told me what he offered and i was ok with it. every thing is in agreement. i was just pointing it out, i respect the grower until he shows me a reason not to. my grower is more then ok with me going out theri anytime i want and chillin out theri. i just choose not to cuz it is in another city. and ya i keep forgetting that weed and growers are all over down here. i do know alot of growers here though that have patients in the portland are and in eastern oregon, and they still do not charge. they do get reimbursed for gas though when they arrive and thats it
and no need for the apology on the book, i love a good book as long it is not bashing some one for theri own opinions, unless that opinion of course is way out of line.
peace and keep em green.
im goin fishin

dirk d

Active Member
its not that expensive. i was growing a half pound off 2 plants indoors, and before i shut it down i could have been pulling that every 2 months. and it was cheap to do.
im done with this BS as you think growing is some kind of art that is so expensive to do.
and ya i am in charge, if he dropped me as a patient then who fucking cares, i can get another one like that that will give free meds.
i am in charge of every thing. if i say i want to see the plants and grow site, then i can and will go out theri when ever i feel like it. patients are in charge not the grower.
peace. and sorry it doesnt cost thousands of dollars
the problem with you purple is that you think someone "owes" you something which they dont. if you were my patient and you came to my growsite i would have you running with your tail between your legs. i would drop you so fast your head would be spinning. its attitudes like yours that really makes me wonder. thankfully i have amazing patients that understand that growing dank herb is an art.


Well-Known Member
oh i am scared now man.
and i would most likely be smart enough to even make you my grower just by talking to you on riu.
i doubt you could drop me and i really dont care.
and an art? more like those paintings that look like a 3rd grader did and then it sells for thousands if not millions.
thankfully i have a great grower, who supplies free meds and always will up till i can grow again for myself.
and i dont think he owes me shit. that is what he offers.


New Member
oh i am scared now man.
and i would most likely be smart enough to even make you my grower just by talking to you on riu.
i doubt you could drop me and i really dont care.
and an art? more like those paintings that look like a 3rd grader did and then it sells for thousands if not millions.
thankfully i have a great grower, who supplies free meds and always will up till i can grow again for myself.
and i dont think he owes me shit. that is what he offers.
Mcpurple, you need to get a little fucking respect for growers. PERIOD. I am tired of you yapping about growers......ONE OF WHICH SUPPLIES YOU WITH FREE MEDS!!! I think the world is passing you by, man.


Active Member
man any one can grow, just toss a seed in the ditch and come back next week and its grown, fed, watered and trimmed and put in a baggy.
Absolutely no work, no stem or bugs for that matter! Not to mention the moldy nuggets just jump off the plant so no waist or no loss for the grower.
Plus this new inviso weed, cops and robbers cant see it!

Hell the weed grows it self!

*NOTE* in the time I typed this, 5 plants just grew from some closet lint, trimmed, bagged it self!
Some weed is now auto smoking so you dont even have to smoke it!!!


Active Member
... thankfully i have amazing patients that understand that growing dank herb is an art.
So a couple of stoned patients that get complimentary herb are now connoisseurs of what is art in the world of growing a weed?

Growing "danK" herb is easy. Haven't you absorbed anything from these RIU threads about growing? People are growing your dank shit out of a cardboard box, a car trunk, mom's old Mary Kay cosmetic cabinet, computer cases, McPurple's closet right next to his government cheese, and Uncle Buck's tire store.

I've got your dank right here.


Well-Known Member
Mcpurple, you need to get a little fucking respect for growers. PERIOD. I am tired of you yapping about growers......ONE OF WHICH SUPPLIES YOU WITH FREE MEDS!!! I think the world is passing you by, man.
haha, i do have respect for my grower and he has respect for me, we have our agreement and we are both fine with it, wow why are you sticking up for a grower and person you will never know? i am bad mouthing all the greedy fucks growing for there patients, i can understand if you went with your patient to the grow store and had them buy some stuff to help out like soil, nutes, light ect........ BUT most the growers are not like that they just SELL calling it a donation.
i have no respect for the greedy growers witch alot of them are.
i dont see why you guys are so mad over me getting free meds as of what was OFFERED to me for letting him be my grower.


New Member
haha, i do have respect for my grower and he has respect for me, we have our agreement and we are both fine with it, wow why are you sticking up for a grower and person you will never know? i am bad mouthing all the greedy fucks growing for there patients, i can understand if you went with your patient to the grow store and had them buy some stuff to help out like soil, nutes, light ect........ BUT most the growers are not like that they just SELL calling it a donation.
i have no respect for the greedy growers witch alot of them are.
i dont see why you guys are so mad over me getting free meds as of what was OFFERED to me for letting him be my grower.
Not mad at all that you get free meds.......think a little bit, man, before you write......What I said is that YOU need to get a little respect! RESPECT!

You are not adding anything to the marijuana world, only taking from it, and then bitch about the very producers that allow you to TAKE, and not GIVE ANYTHING. Not even fucking respect.