Please sex this? Im in denial that its male and need others judgement


Active Member
Too early to tell ... give it some more time. I don't see any balls ... those kinda look like pistils, and if so, it's a girl.


Well-Known Member
it looks like a male but u cant tell yet.

i have a lot of feminized seeds that have growths that look like that but then just grow into other nodes.


Active Member
it looks like a male but u cant tell yet.

i have a lot of feminized seeds that have growths that look like that but then just grow into other nodes.
What do you see there that makes you say it's a male? Especially since right after saying male you say that you can't tell yet?


Well-Known Member
What do you see there that makes you say it's a male? Especially since right after saying male you say that you can't tell yet?
it appears that little balls are starting to form you cant be sure because they could turn into nodes. if its a feminized seed they could be nodes growing out of unorthodoxed places.

if they arent feminized they look like the first stages of balls growing.

does that answer your question sir

thump easy

Well-Known Member
Look dude you have to look at that sac if one hair MALE if two HAIRS female but you nevor know if it will turn into a hamafrodite but i cant even c the piture dude let me see better pic


Active Member
im not what you call an expert, but it actually might, just might be a female.... if you topped her then this doesnt apply, but females tend to grow lots of alternating node,so if your nodes also have nodes growing,then it might be a female... (im not sure node is the right way to explain it, but stems growing out of stems....)
just my 1/2 cent

thump easy

Well-Known Member
dude i been their look if their r two hairs it fremale if one male. i been their so many fucken tyms i aint lien look it up on a book bible look it up were someone wont savatage u i have been savataged buy haters listn i dont even know y im telling you this i payed my dues n i payed them fucken big tym all i can say is reserch it and dont waist tym tym is of the esence in this game.


Active Member
it appears that little balls are starting to form you cant be sure because they could turn into nodes. if its a feminized seed they could be nodes growing out of unorthodoxed places.

if they arent feminized they look like the first stages of

does that answer your question sir
Not even close. If it's a feminized seed it's female right? If it only has female flowers because it's feminized then how can you say the plant looks male unless it's feminized? If it looks female it's female. Looks male it's male. The fact is the plant is too young to tell and is not showing sex yet.

You go by the name budologist but have no clue what you are talking about which is evident because of your own thread a month ago where you say that you have a 0% success rate making clones....a basic skill.

You need to stop giving crappy advice and learn.


Active Member
Try again. Fem seeds are not herm's unless they have herm tendencies to begin with. Like you said noobs have issues with clones because they are noobs. Which is why you have issues.

You calling me names only shows that you are upset that I have called out your lack of knowledge. It is a very childish protection mechanism to start name calling like that so it makes me think that you are probably to young to be on the site in the first place.

I think your emotional outburst might have to do with your own represed homosexuality which is why you called me a faggot but that's ok. We won't judge you because of it. Just please stop giving advice that is beyond your scope.

Personal attacks are not tolerated here so you should really control your own insecurities.

The fact remains... If it was a feminized seed growing female flowers they would look the same as a reg seed growing female flowers.
anyone who thinks its too early to tell, just hasn't grown out cannabis before, or maybe not a male? (lucky you). However I will tell you that those are male preflowers, yes its too early to drop pollen, but its going to make pollen because that plant is a male.

GJ to those who said that it was male, shame on those who answer questions incorrectly and don't know what you're talking about... thats a good way to spread misinformation.

same looking preflowers as seen on this pre-flowering male.



Active Member
you obviously dont understand what i just wrote.

suck my nuts
I understand what you are trying to say but you are misinformed and by the way I knew that you were projecting your homosexuality on me in your other post as it seems that now you want me to suck your nuts.

The fact that you would rather argue than learn amuses me to no end especially since you fashion yourself a budologist. Somewhat like a monkey flinging poo when he gets frustrated. Unfortunately you don't have the desire or mental capacity to learn so I will break it down for others reading your nonsense.

When colidial silver is used to make a feminized seed it produces female flowers.. Yes these are male Looking flowers with female chromosomes. So it is actually female pollen that is going on herself or other females and creates a feminized seed. Herm's come from poor breeding and genetic disposition that in rare cases is triggered by envirnmental conditions but more commonly the first 2 not feminized seeds.

You should really try to educate yourself before giving poor advice. Your growing license does not come with any botany skills and your grow is proof enough of that. It just means that you paid a doctor that couldn't cut it in general practice to sign a piece of paper.

Now back to the OP... Do you have a new pic?


I looked at the blown up pic and sorry to tell ya that looks like a male to me.
From my experience outdoor, the biggest, most healthy, fastest growing plants in the batch usually are the males. Pisses you off, wastes your time and money, and you end up with only 50% max of what you start with.
My buddy always grows from seed, does at least twice as many as he will need, then he sexes them early by shorting their lights for a few days until they show.
The ones that are left, take a few days to recover but eventually go back to veg.
I personally use clones and try to adjust the lights down gradually a few weeks before they go outside to train them.