please pass on the miracle gro


Well-Known Member
I use the organic potting mix after a transplant from seed starter and have not had a problem with any burn.


Well-Known Member
I prefer home made compost, but I've got nothing against MG Organic.

man i so disagee, hey maybe u guys are right sounds like the growers here dont flush. idk :wall: man someone gotta back me up here. any pro medical growers got input
I'm a medical grower. I don't flush, I prefer to not over-feed and to do a proper cure. I don't see what that has to do with choice of substrate, though.

A simple knowledge of botany is far more important. Anyone but a newbie still wet behind the ears knows ya have to cut pre-nuted soils with an inert substrate or else plants will burn.

the reason im on riu is to learn, if u grow such good weed why are u so uptight. probley got a headache from smoking nutes
Seems to me you're the uptight one, insisting on asserting your opinions are gospel, and resorting to childish name calling when other people share their more experienced views. :roll:


Well-Known Member
LOL my current run is in MGMC ... last run was in FFOF .. so far my plants are doing just as good as FF did. the misconception that MG is shit is more like the grower has alot to learn, as far as the fert in the soil ... read your plants and they will tell you when it is time to give em nutes. listen to the guys on here, most of em know their shit for real.

these where taken on the 2nd and are 8days in 12/12


cary schellie

Active Member
some people with mmj cards can sell extra medicine to dispenceries, they wont but junk so id rather use the better quality growing products


Active Member
Now this is just my opinion, but an opinion that has had 35 plus years of growing experience.

Mostly nursery stock, and stints of growing MJ. When a plant uptakes N,P,K it is metabolized, so I do not know what people are talking about flushing out.

You would have to flush out the cells of the plant, leaving nothing, to flush out the nutrients.

Miracle Grow is a good sterile starting medium. Me personally I use a mixture of soil, sand, and manure.

Afterwards I do use liquid MG, enhanced with some micronutrients. I will at times use 10-34 or 28-0, both are quite tricky and can burn easily.

Liquid MG is very hard to burn plants, but can be done.

Look forward to hearing more of people input.

cary schellie

Active Member
im really not tring to be a dick, what im gonna do it take 2 plants from the same strain that look similar and flush one of them completly for 2 weeks and the other continue with the normal feed cycle. i will do this with plants planted in foxfarm soil without the time release and i will have someone do a taste teste. ill post the results


Well-Known Member
Miracle Gro could be a boon for the marijuana industry. Does anybody really know any *respectable*, *multi-national* company that actually supports or recognizes the existance of marijuana and its virtues?

cary schellie

Active Member
i just got upset cause a friend told me the dispense wont by unflushed bud and i had several in m.g. time release soil. i hear so much info that is most likely 99% untrue, i went ahead and orderd a few grow books on amazon this morning so im not one of those people passing on false info. someone also told me they can tell the difference in taste between soil and hydro. any opinions on that????????????

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
How do the dispensaries go about testing for flushed vs non-flushed? Genuinely interested, i know there are a couple which get tests done on the bud for THC levels but doesn't seem commonplace or to go any further than that.


Well-Known Member
i just got upset cause a friend told me the dispense wont by unflushed bud and i had several in m.g. time release soil. i hear so much info that is most likely 99% untrue, i went ahead and orderd a few grow books on amazon this morning so im not one of those people passing on false info. someone also told me they can tell the difference in taste between soil and hydro. any opinions on that????????????
mj books are opinions, as mj cannot be tested or grown legally in most places.
Just because it's in a book doesn't make it true. In my experience, 90% of the books out there repeat the same old lines citing previous books as proof... round and round they go, with very little testing... you'll get far more valuable information from other growers on forums like these.

About the flushing vs. non-flushing comparison, this is an old argument that goes way back. Those who say it's important to flush seem to be the types who sell buds ASAP. Those who say don't flush usually have no problem doing a proper cure.

Those "professional medical growers" are exactly the same kind of grower that sells their shit on the streets. They have the same motivation: to sell pot to other people. They're not better growers because they have a piece of paper from a doctor. Most doctors don't know shit about botany anyway. The certificates are for LEO, and so they mean nothing to most growers.

EDIT: Taste between soil vs. hydro is another old argument. There is no consensus among serious growers.


Well-Known Member
My plants are in m.g and they are doing fine

i just harvested one of my branches off my n.l that was grown in m.g and she smells so good

m.g feeds up to so many months so if your water your plants with nutes mixed in it then your giving them an overdose of nutes and of course they will burn

im not saying you did

but a lot of people do then complain how m.g burned up their shit ( well duhh ) :dunce:

a dog named chico

Well-Known Member
I have a mother and a Trainwreck in Veg on Miracle Gro Potting soil.

They are healthy and green. I removed most of the time release capsules when I sifted it for potting.

I will change soil when I flower, but for Veg this soil works well!
Why would you risk shock of transplant? you do not need to swap soil for flower...just the nutrients