The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
I've just broken the world record for holding my breath under water. An incredible 8 minutes, 42 seconds!

It all started when a girl at the swimming baths shouted "That's him over there Daddy"


Active Member
aye got him home on monday lunchtime,he loves reggae n classic hiphop it seems.Hates Queen...and old women wi beards.

aye theyv been getting some darkness every few days and fed at all diff times,total pleb grow.

If i get a quarter from both twould b gud.


Active Member
7 weeks today lads........I was thinking next saturday Don. Ill see what it looks like in 7 days and get all your opinions. That was just a small bud. I'll get some pics of the big ones tonite. They are real frosty. Think Im going to get a good yield aswel which is great considering all the shit Ive put them through
hows was th weddin dude,hows shit

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Man, i havn't heard pleb used in quite a while :D Pleb sounds such a derogative term :D geggae sounds good but dude, you gotta ween him off that hip hop 'fore he get's hooked, sure death sentence!


Well-Known Member
word of warning lads, im just back from billys grow.....if u ever meet him do not allow him any where near tools...he is the clumsiest mother fucker on the planet, he falls over shit and ....u know that way when sum picks up sumthin there either gonna break it or hurt themselves....thats 'oor billy'....on the plus side his misses is nice and a quite a looker........he must have a big tadger or sumthing......coz he's got a head the size of a broth pot and a face like a pound o mince.........only joking mate!!!(in sum parts)


Well-Known Member
ahm goin tae the pub tae drink oj and sniff charlie....this'll be the fifth day in the last 7 ive done this....but im still off the drink( he says tryin tae convince himself that he's living a healthier lifestyle whilst actually he's got an exploding coke habit and has taken to talking about himself in the third person)

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Haha, you know each other then or dura just being dura and mouthing off at this and that? :D I have a hard time remembering who comes from where, i know matchbox is a londoner, that don is from newcastle, and everyone else just bloody north like. Know that bam and dura are scotland, but well, i know no references, anywhere you live in scotland is simply scotland to me :D i really should travel a bit more :p

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
"A dura" awww, you make it so impersonal, he's an individual, he has feelings you know, a soft marshmallowy heart like everyone else. Shuck, realistically dura's probably coked up tryin to get teh barmaid out back for a cigarette break :lol: good man


Well-Known Member
me and billy live about 30 miles apart in the south west of scotland, billy comes from an area we think of as the glasgow overspill and i live in an area that billy describes as bandit country. my area is all small ex mining communitys that have become lawless as our 'recession' began in the 80s. billys area is just full of poofs that canny fight or hold their beer. lol....ah jist spent the last two hours explaining to the barman how to grow weed,i actually quoted sumthin you had said tip top about it being as easy or hard as want it to be, i was the only cunt in the pub, he's just a young guy but sound, i know both his mum and dad ,went to school with them, he actually thanked me when i was leaving for making the nite interesting for him! ah was actually quite chufffed wi billy will tell you i could yap for scotland but then again so can he, with him its all the business phone calls he has to make , with me its the sheer amount of bloody coke i sniff.....but thats its lads im off it as well from tomorrow until the 13th of july when i get sentenced. i want a clear head to face the sentence and also to get this next grow project on the go.


Well-Known Member
How many plants created that harvest mate ? u grow for inhaling or sellin ? thinking id smoke that in 2 months need me one of those monster tents i think.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Looking rather good! I never normally have more than 2 of those jars full for meself :(

Just got a call from the management company, seems last night the downstairs ceiling was leaking, poked around and nowt to do with my flat but fuck if it's one more thing i really don't need today.