Patient Using Marijuana Convicted On Drug Charge

guy incognito

Well-Known Member

LAKE ORION — Retired police dispatcher and school-bus driver Barb Agro of Lake Orion said today she planned to appeal her conviction this week on manufacturing marijuana — a four-year felony — after an Oakland County judge would not let jurors hear that Agro was a state-approved medical-marijuana user.
Judge Wendy Potts “allowed the jury to see my statement that I had 17 plants in my basement, and to see my signature on there, but she wouldn’t let the jury see the rest” of her written statement, Agro said. The rest of the statement included Agro saying that she was a state-approved medical marijuana patient as well as an approved caregiver, allowed to supply the drug to as many as five approved patients, under the Michigan Medical Marijuana Act.
“So I was allowed to have those plants. But they treated me like any drug user,” Agro, 71, of Lake Orion said.
Agro’s defense attorney Jerome Sabbota said she was the first defendant to be tried among more than two dozen arrested Aug 25 in a series of raids at medical-marijuana dispensaries in Ferndale and Waterford, and at homes linked to the dispensaries. Agro, her late husband and two sons worked for the Clinical Relief dispensary in Ferndale, she said.
Judges as a rule do not comment on recent cases. But Oakland County Prosecutor Jessica Cooper said in May that, depending on the circumstances of a case, it would be proper for county judges to keep defendants such as Agro from using their state-approved medical marijuana status as a criminal defense. Cooper also has said repeatedly, in agreement with Michigan Attorney General Bill Schuette, that nothing in the Michigan Medical Marijuana Act approved in 2008 by state voters allows for or even mentions dispensaries, which have sprung up across the state to sell medical marijuana.
Complicating Agro’s case was the fact that police found her house unlocked — because, she said, her late husband Sal Agro had rushed off that morning, forgetting to lock up, after hearing that his sons’ homes were being raided. The unlocked house constituted a violation of the state law on medical marijuana because it meant that the Agros’ cultivation facility was not properly secured, police said after the raid.
The dozens of protesters who massed outside the Oakland County courthouse Monday in support of Agro might have hurt her case, Agro’s attorney Sabbota said Wednesday.
“Some of the protesters approached jurors (as they walked into the courthouse) and I think it backfired,” Sabbota said Wednesday. Potts later asked each juror, one at at time in the courtroom, whether the protesters’ actions would discourage them from convicting Agro if the evidence was sufficient, Sabbota said.
Each juror denied to the judge that the protesters had had any influence, but her questioning might have made them feel pressured to convict, he said.
Contact BILL LAITNER: 586-826-7264 or


RIU Bulldog
Thank God were taking hardened, violent criminals like this 71 y/o woman off the streets. I'll sleep better tonight knowing she locked up and that now I'm safe....

Jesus, Mary and Jojo I hate this country sometimes. I hate how they hide behind the fact that the laws don't say anything about dispensaries. So your allowed to ingest weed for medicinal purposes, but of course, there are no legal outlets for one to buy some. America - fuck yeah...


RIU Bulldog
So I did a little bit of research cause stories like infuriate me. If you'd like to get in touch with the Congressman that represents Orion County MI and convince him to leave this 71 year old woman who was operating with the law alone, here where to do it. Please take time to voice your opinion, and fight for what you believe is right!,59

If you wanna call the Sheriff's Office:


Little Tommy

Well-Known Member
The law can work for you and against you. I am legal to grow my own meds. I have been approached many times since the law went on the books to grow for other patients and have heard horror stories about dispensaries. I try to work within the letter of the law and stay out of the gray areas. Until this state decides how it is going to handle patients getting their meds (the system already allows for a caregiver) I am staying out of the murky waters. We are certainly not California and I do not pretend that I am in a MJ friendly state. This sounds like greed to me. Don't even get me started on dispensary and caregiver greed.


RIU Bulldog
The law can work for you and against you. I am legal to grow my own meds. I have been approached many times since the law went on the books to grow for other patients and have heard horror stories about dispensaries. I try to work within the letter of the law and stay out of the gray areas. Until this state decides how it is going to handle patients getting their meds (the system already allows for a caregiver) I am staying out of the murky waters. We are certainly not California and I do not pretend that I am in a MJ friendly state. This sounds like greed to me. Don't even get me started on dispensary and caregiver greed.
Please, get started.

guy incognito

Well-Known Member
The law can work for you and against you. I am legal to grow my own meds. I have been approached many times since the law went on the books to grow for other patients and have heard horror stories about dispensaries. I try to work within the letter of the law and stay out of the gray areas. Until this state decides how it is going to handle patients getting their meds (the system already allows for a caregiver) I am staying out of the murky waters. We are certainly not California and I do not pretend that I am in a MJ friendly state. This sounds like greed to me. Don't even get me started on dispensary and caregiver greed.
She was legal too and they wouldn't allow that fact into the courtroom. I'm not sure of all the details, like exactly what she was involved in with regards to the disp. All I know is what's in the article. She is a legal mm patient and caregiver, had 17 plants, and got convicted of manufacturing marijuana and wasn't allowed to use her legal patient/caregiver status as her defense.


Well-Known Member
Well that sucks. All I can say they are lucky this is not taking place in the early 1900's or I would blow there asses away with the sawed off for starting shit like this.


Active Member
So I did a little bit of research cause stories like infuriate me. If you'd like to get in touch with the Congressman that represents Orion County MI and convince him to leave this 71 year old woman who was operating with the law alone, here where to do it. Please take time to voice your opinion, and fight for what you believe is right!,59

If you wanna call the Sheriff's Office:

thnx for the research Beansly .... The more people like this are held accountable the sooner It will all end .... I hope several let these foo's have it ........


The law can work for you and against you. I am legal to grow my own meds. I have been approached many times since the law went on the books to grow for other patients and have heard horror stories about dispensaries. I try to work within the letter of the law and stay out of the gray areas. Until this state decides how it is going to handle patients getting their meds (the system already allows for a caregiver) I am staying out of the murky waters. We are certainly not California and I do not pretend that I am in a MJ friendly state. This sounds like greed to me. Don't even get me started on dispensary and caregiver greed.
Sounds like you don't know the details of the case. :eyesmoke:
When you get busted on some fraudulent technicality,.... it'll be funny to see the next know-it-all go on a rant about greed, and once again get corrected.
Learn to read the story before posting.
Just cause Oprah retired doesn't give you the right to infiltrate the forums with opinions from outer space soccer moms.


Active Member
So did she have any patients signed on with documentation as her being their caregiver? If she didn't have them documented, unfortunately, she was over the limit of plants. Without documentation, you could say that you had 5 patients, grow 72 plants, and make up fake names of your patients and never really have any patients. We need more information.

Little Tommy

Well-Known Member
Sounds like you don't know the details of the case. :eyesmoke:
When you get busted on some fraudulent technicality,.... it'll be funny to see the next know-it-all go on a rant about greed, and once again get corrected.
Learn to read the story before posting.
Just cause Oprah retired doesn't give you the right to infiltrate the forums with opinions from outer space soccer moms.
I am simply pointing out the pitfalls of operating in gray areas. I did the same when all the dispensaries were being raided. It reads like this was connected to that. Which article did you read?

guy incognito

Well-Known Member
So did she have any patients signed on with documentation as her being their caregiver? If she didn't have them documented, unfortunately, she was over the limit of plants. Without documentation, you could say that you had 5 patients, grow 72 plants, and make up fake names of your patients and never really have any patients. We need more information.
The rest of the statement included Agro saying that she was a state-approved medical marijuana patient as well as an approved caregiver

It sure sounds like she was.


So did she have any patients signed on with documentation as her being their caregiver? If she didn't have them documented, unfortunately, she was over the limit of plants. Without documentation, you could say that you had 5 patients, grow 72 plants, and make up fake names of your patients and never really have any patients. We need more information.
From what I heard, after they found out she was within her legal limits with patients, they went after whatever they could. In this case, they are claiming her door to her inside grow room door was not locked. Even though, it can be easily argued that the entire house was a grow room and was indeed locked from the outside.

Regardless of any of that, it's a bunch of garbage that this licensed patient can't even fully defend herself in court because she is gagged by the judge. The judge who is some super radical anti-cannabis neo nazi which has made numerous statements to convince anyone she is more than biased on this issue.

I am simply pointing out the pitfalls of operating in gray areas. I did the same when all the dispensaries were being raided. It reads like this was connected to that. Which article did you read?
What pitfalls did you even point out ? :dunce:
Obviously, I read the article you never got to yet
The one where a 71 year old licensed patient gets victimized by the police and court system.
Now run back to your bomb shelter, Oprah reruns are on throughout the week


Well-Known Member
I'm kind of having a difficult time understanding what the fuck is happening here. From the article above it sounds like the judge is withholding evidence from the jury that exonerates her because LE & Judge have already determined that she was a criminal? What the fuck is the jury there for?

Honestly though. This shit is so fucking retarded it almost sounds like LE & the Judge were set up to be made to look like fucking jackasses So that some kind of favorable precedent on dispensaries would come to fruition. Whoever concocted that scheme, fucking brilliant. If it wasn't a scheme, it should be.

Setting up LE to 'take-down' such a defensible individual is genius way to pre-emptively strike down the Nazi tendencies of the system.

guy incognito

Well-Known Member
I'm kind of having a difficult time understanding what the fuck is happening here. From the article above it sounds like the judge is withholding evidence from the jury that exonerates her because LE & Judge have already determined that she was a criminal? What the fuck is the jury there for?

Honestly though. This shit is so fucking retarded it almost sounds like LE & the Judge were set up to be made to look like fucking jackasses So that some kind of favorable precedent on dispensaries would come to fruition. Whoever concocted that scheme, fucking brilliant. If it wasn't a scheme, it should be.

Setting up LE to 'take-down' such a defensible individual is genius way to pre-emptively strike down the Nazi tendencies of the system.
Yea, I would like more specifics.


"Oakland County Prosecutor Jessica Cooper said in May that, depending on the circumstances of a case, it would be proper for county judges to keep defendants such as Agro from using their state-approved medical marijuana status as a criminal defense."

Doesn't even make sense.


Well-Known Member
From what I read in the articles that have been posted online, she had more than her allowable number of plants which negates any affirmative defense the MMMA may have provided for her. Oakland county's civil servants (sugar coating it, I know) is obviously out for blood in any way they can get it, so for this woman to not have her paperwork in order is really the highest level of ignorance and incompetence that she can blame on nobody other than herself.

If I'm missing some crucial fact here, please enlighten me. 1 patient = 12 plants and she had more than 12. Why should she be allowed to use the MMMA affirmative defense if she did not stay within the law?

I'm not suggesting I in any way support the actions of Oakland county but when you're in a county that is especially hostile toward MMMA patients, you would expect a patient residing within that county to use their head and follow the law to a fucking T.

guy incognito

Well-Known Member
From what I read in the articles that have been posted online, she had more than her allowable number of plants which negates any affirmative defense the MMMA may have provided for her. Oakland county's civil servants (sugar coating it, I know) is obviously out for blood in any way they can get it, so for this woman to not have her paperwork in order is really the highest level of ignorance and incompetence that she can blame on nobody other than herself.

If I'm missing some crucial fact here, please enlighten me. 1 patient = 12 plants and she had more than 12. Why should she be allowed to use the MMMA affirmative defense if she did not stay within the law?

I'm not suggesting I in any way support the actions of Oakland county but when you're in a county that is especially hostile toward MMMA patients, you would expect a patient residing within that county to use their head and follow the law to a fucking T.
the article says she is both a patient AND approved caregiver. It would be disingenuous to say she is a "patient as well as an approved caregiver" when she was in fact only a patient.


Well-Known Member
the article says she is both a patient AND approved caregiver. It would be disingenuous to say she is a "patient as well as an approved caregiver" when she was in fact only a patient.
Hate to beat a dead horse here but how exactly would that be disingenuous? She was a state approved MMMA patient and registered herself as her caregiver which enabled her to grow her own supply rather than having somebody else do it for her, so the articles appear to be completely accurate.

I for the life of me can't understand why people give a crap about this dumb old hag who broke the law and publicly defamed all of the legitimate MMMA supporters by making a spectacle of herself, unnecessarily drawing negative attention to the movement as a whole. Legitimate MMMA supporters should be ashamed of this moron.