Is There A Way To Post Pics From Cell Phones Without Any Gps Info?


I don't have a camera but my cell takes pretty good pics, I was wondering if anyone knows if there is a way to post pics taken with a cell phone without the gps info that can give away your exact location?


Active Member
Yes, attach your phone to your computer and transfer the files that way first. Most cell phones have a cod now with a USB charger that plugs into your computer, Just open your DCIM file and place them into a file. No sending over the airwaves that way


Well-Known Member
I don't have a camera but my cell takes pretty good pics, I was wondering if anyone knows if there is a way to post pics taken with a cell phone without the gps info that can give away your exact location?
just so u know, the location is tagged when u take the pic, not when u try to share it


Active Member
Yes do not follow homebuds advice. The gps info will still be there. U need what's called an exif editor. You can remove the tagging and all kinds of other info that is attatched to the pic. You can find a few good ones on they scan all files for spyware and such, so you won't have to worry about your computer.


Active Member
Some phones also have an option to turn it off. It's called geotagging usually. U can try and find that option and just unchecked it also.


Unfortunately I don't think that will work. Cell phones embed a geotag in your photos which is basically the exact coordinates of where that pic was snapped. So if the pic is posted from a phone or a computer that gps info remains and can give away your garden's location. I will keep looking for a solution, hopefully I can find free software that will erase these geotags.


Active Member
What won't work? I am well aware of what a geotag is. Turning off geotagging from the phone, BEFORE taking the pix WILL work. OR get an exif editor and manually take out the info if u have already taken the pics with geotagging on, that will work as well. Trust me, I have done it numerous times


bud bootlegger
also i've heard that if you have like microsoft paint, and safe your pix to paint first, this too will delete any of your exif data.. not so sure if it's true or not, but the person who told me was pretty reliable and knows their stuffs..
and i agree with hdkdehs... i thought that if you turned off the gps on the phone like i've done, the data won't be on the pix like it would if you left the gps on.. makes sense to me at least..


Active Member
I'm not talking about gps settings. If you look under camera settings, most have an option to turn geotagging specifically off. Which is what actually puts the gps info into the pic. Also didn't mention this before but not all exif editors have the ability to remove geotags, so look for one that says specifically that it can remove geotags.


bud bootlegger
If you have android you can disable it in the camera settings
this info is very correct.. i just went to my camera on my droid, went to settings, and i can turn on and off my geo tags for me camera.. i thought that i had it off in the past, but nice to know..


Well-Known Member
If your phone is in airplane mode (with gps disabled for added assurance), it's unlikely the phone will even have the gps location.


Ok thanks, I do see that there is an option to store location in the camera settings now. I looked for it before I just missed it somehow. If anyones got a G2 its the 2nd little icon on the camera screen.


Active Member
Cameras on phones are getting better all the time. I've seen 8 megapixels on some. I know they aren't as good as a lot of standalone digital cameras, but I've seen quite a few really good pics taken off phone cameras


Well-Known Member
im not knocking the ability of phones picture taking abilities buddy, im knocking the fact that when u take a pic with a phone the location of the picture is saved when the picture is taken.. and that an actual camera does not. ;)


Active Member
Many phones allow you to turn off geotagging, or tagging of any kind. Search google your phone type and geotagging if your phone is capable then I bet you find it.