pls help, black tiny tiny dots on top of my baby leaves


this is my first time and its about a week since i started 12\12, all goes well, i dont want to put any chemicle in my plants so i use fresh tap water only, but now i see this very small ugly black dots on top of one of the leaf and im afraid its mites or some other insect shit, i have other plants (mint and flowers not mj) on a window in different room which i see they have mite and other bad insects though they look way bigger and they move wich this ones doesnt plus i doubt they can reach the grow room from that window.
i uploaded pics hopefully its easy to see, cause they really small1.jpg

pls any idea any one it would be really great



Well-Known Member
I hear neem oil diluted in a gallon of water and sprayed on the leaves helps as a preventive. just gotta keep doing it, BUT for now I say buy a can of Doktor Doom which is 13.49-15 bucks and that helps HELLA much for spider mites and other insects, safe to use throughout the grow, I have been using it and have no problems.


Well-Known Member
Before your plant starts to get far into budding, next time you water do the following: Spray the shit out of the leaves with water. Make sure you get the unde rsides of the leaves really well. Then water as usual. While you are doing this, put a hot shot no pest strip in your box. Next time you feed do it again to make sure you got them all and leave the pest strip in there for the rest of the grow. Get those other plants away from them.


where i live we dont have all this things, so i bought something against mites for vegetables and spice plants, suppose to be some organic strong shit. will use it like you guys instructed.
another thing,
put a hot shot no pest strip in your box
, whats that?


Well-Known Member
You get it at a hardware store like home depot for 5 bucks. You just hang it in your area and it will emit something that will keep any new bugs from cropping up for 4 months. In the future, just put one in there from Day 1. I would be very carefull with any products you spray on your leaves as some of them have sulphur and other things that will eat up your leaves. If you hose those mites with water it should kill them and for those that make it to the soil, drown em. The pest strip will sanitize your grow area in the mean time.


Well-Known Member
MR Dank007 what is that strip your talking about? What does it look like?
I have outdoor pest problems, any idea how I can limit any harmful bugs? Im using doktor doom which is making the problem very mild but I see eggs in the old lower yellowed out leaves. Caught a couple green spiders (killed with finger) (just found this small brown spider (found 3 altogether in my time of growing and squished em) the 3rd I just found today (month later) but it managed to escape my fingers.

I noticed the occasional regular fly sitting on a leaf, and I noticed some little white flys.. what do spider mites look like? is it true u cant see it with the naked eye? I know I have em.. but I never could see em.. I use doktor doom.


Well-Known Member
MR Dank007 what is that strip your talking about? What does it look like?
I have outdoor pest problems, any idea how I can limit any harmful bugs? Im using doktor doom which is making the problem very mild but I see eggs in the old lower yellowed out leaves. Caught a couple green spiders (killed with finger) (just found this small brown spider (found 3 altogether in my time of growing and squished em) the 3rd I just found today (month later) but it managed to escape my fingers.

I noticed the occasional regular fly sitting on a leaf, and I noticed some little white flys.. what do spider mites look like? is it true u cant see it with the naked eye? I know I have em.. but I never could see em.. I use doktor doom.
Spider mites look like black dots. They suck chlorophyll out of the leaves and leave these kind of eaten dent patches on them. Here is the link for one on amazon, but you can get them at hardware stores, Walmart, ect.

If you are growing outdoors...that is a different deal and the outdoor guys can probably help.