I Sprayed Bicarbonate Of Soda On Milldue With Liquid Soap And Its Gone Wrong.


Well-Known Member
Hi jawbrodt.I`ve just been looking at your grow and have to say that i love your setup and also the tip`s on cloning are great. if and when my girls are feeling up to it i would like to give it a go. ;O)


Well-Known Member
^Thanks man, i'm glad you found some of the tips useful. That journal in my link, is pretty old, i'll have to get another one started soon. Right now, I have 6 plants that are about 3 weeks into 12/12, and i vegged them longer than usual(20-24"), which are getting freakin huge, compared to those in my journal.lol I wish I'd journal'd this grow, 'cause I'm expecting to pull close to 1 gm/watt, uner a 600 HPS on a light mover. If you ever have a question, or want advice on something, don't be afraid to ask, I'll be more than glad to lend a hand, if I can. :)


Well-Known Member
Sorry, I couldn't help myself, I just went up and snapped a couple pics, while they were sleeping.lol Five of them are Nirvana's Ice, and the other is a White Widow + Big Bud, that were flipped to 12/12 on Memorial Day. If you notice all the strings at the bottom, I LST'd them to open them up, and keep the canopy even, which is why they all have like 8-12june 18th 004.jpg main colas. None have been topped either, I only use "bending" in veg, which I think I explain in my earlier journal, if you are interested. :)june 18th 005.jpgjune 18th 003.jpg


Well-Known Member
But you Have helped me ;o) Although i have read a bit about cloning, reading how you have done it has made it sound a lot more simple for me to understand with pictures lol... And your garden now is looking Great !!! What i`m thinking now though is when my ladies are a bit better would you recommend LSTing them to keep their height down ? I don`t want tall plants you see because of nosy next door and police and so on. but would like maximum yield.
And Thank you for the offer of help if i need it, I`m sure i`m going to need it before my grow is finished lol...


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the compliment, much appreciated. If i hadn't let them dry to the point of drooping, twice, i wouldn't have all that yellowing near the bottom, but no biggie, they rebounded pretty well. Next time I'm using less perlite, I'm using 25%, and it's a bit too much, 'cause they are bone dry, 3 days after a heavy soaking. Makes it impossible to overwater, but dries a bit too fast, for my liking. I think 15% is about ideal, for bigger plants. Anyway....lol

...about the LST,...I'm a big fan, in all it's various forms. Idk if you want to go extreme, with the type where you keep the plant really low, encircling the rim of the pot, or if you would rather do like I did, and keep the plant centered, pulling the side braches outwards, making for a wide-bushy plant. Personally, I'd love to be able to grow outdoors, and grow a monster-wide plant. I pull a QP per plant indoors,(expecting 5-6 ozs each, this time, dried) so with a little luck, you should easily surpass that outdoors, depending on veg time, of course. Whichever you choose, I will say that the only real drawback to LST, is that you lose a little bit of time training them, but is well worth it, IMO, because yield is almost always improved. And, growing outdoors,...the sky is the limit, literally, and figuratively.lol


Well-Known Member
I would like to keep them about 3 foot high at the most and the width of the greenhouse would limit me to about 2.5 to 3 foot max. Height wise i could go taller but would have to start worrying about police and next door although the fence is about 4 foot and they won`t come too close coz they are scared of my beautiful Rotweiller lol.... She only wants to say hello but they think she wants to eat them lol.... She`s a big Softie at heart Ha Ha Ha... And as for you wanting an outdoor garden, i would love an indoor garden but because of my health i`ve now moved back to my mums house and she would hit the roof if she found out i was doing something illegal. She is so straight that she makes a ruler look bent. You would`nt think that i`m in my 40s lol. she still treats me like i`m bloody 18 lol... Mum`s,... You gotta love em ah... Ha Ha Ha.


Well-Known Member
I`m now on day 40 of my grow and here is a picture update of my Ladies. The lower leaves have turned crispy to touch and i`m not sure weather i should remove them or not ? I would love to hear your opinions on what to do please ;o) and how you would do it as i don`t want to hurt my girls any more than i have done.IMGP0471.jpgIMGP0472.jpgIMGP0473.jpgIMGP0474.jpgIMGP0475.jpgIMGP0476.jpgIMGP0477.jpgIMGP0478.jpg The outside temperature is around 62 degrees today but in the greenhouse it is 80+ and the door has been open since 6.30am with a slight breeze. And it`s Still very humid inside. I`ve got to find some way of sorting that out but with Zero Budget :o( Again, if anyone has any ideas then Please feel free to let me know your thoughts.


Well-Known Member
I'd leave them alone, if I were you, unless they are ready to fall off, on their own. They're already stressed, so I don't see any reason to stress them more, by removing foliage. The plants will shed them, when it's through with them. Also, that soil looks pretty soaked, and they look like they're suffering overwatering symptoms, so be sure to let them dry out for a few days(to about 80% dry), before watering again. Other than that, all you can really do is wait for them to bounce back, and maybe hit the leaves again with a spray of fresh water, to clean off more of that soap. Personally, I think the soaked soil is the biggest issue at the moment, so I'd give it two days or so, before spraying them.


Well-Known Member
Hello jawbrodt. That was a Quick reply. lol... Thank you... OK i`ll leave them till Next Saturday. I think there is more than enough water in them to last that long. I think it would be wise to also leave the LSTing for a bit as well ?. Did you read about the size of room that i would like to grow my girls to in above reply to you ? What do you think ?


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the compliment, much appreciated. If i hadn't let them dry to the point of drooping, twice, i wouldn't have all that yellowing near the bottom, but no biggie, they rebounded pretty well. Next time I'm using less perlite, I'm using 25%, and it's a bit too much, 'cause they are bone dry, 3 days after a heavy soaking. Makes it impossible to overwater, but dries a bit too fast, for my liking. I think 15% is about ideal, for bigger plants. Anyway....lol

...about the LST,...I'm a big fan, in all it's various forms. Idk if you want to go extreme, with the type where you keep the plant really low, encircling the rim of the pot, or if you would rather do like I did, and keep the plant centered, pulling the side braches outwards, making for a wide-bushy plant. Personally, I'd love to be able to grow outdoors, and grow a monster-wide plant. I pull a QP per plant indoors,(expecting 5-6 ozs each, this time, dried) so with a little luck, you should easily surpass that outdoors, depending on veg time, of course. Whichever you choose, I will say that the only real drawback to LST, is that you lose a little bit of time training them, but is well worth it, IMO, because yield is almost always improved. And, growing outdoors,...the sky is the limit, literally, and figuratively.lol
I was brought up to use 10% perlite in potting mixes.


Well-Known Member
Hello jawbrodt. That was a Quick reply. lol... Thank you... OK i`ll leave them till Next Saturday. I think there is more than enough water in them to last that long. I think it would be wise to also leave the LSTing for a bit as well ?. Did you read about the size of room that i would like to grow my girls to in above reply to you ? What do you think ?
Is it just those 2 plants? If so, the area should work our really well. I'd flower them at about 16-18" if I were you, and that should keep the heigth right about where you want it. Also, yeah, I'd wait til they've regained their health, before doing any type of training on them. After a week or two, they should be okay to experiment with.


Active Member
dont have time to read all the replys but u should be using any treatment just as u should be usiong any skin treatmeant of urs and that means test 1st on remote area or start with low concetrations and work ur way up

u sure u didnt overdid in nahco ? did u sprayed the soil too ?


Well-Known Member
Is it just those 2 plants? If so, the area should work our really well. I'd flower them at about 16-18" if I were you, and that should keep the heigth right about where you want it. Also, yeah, I'd wait til they've regained their health, before doing any type of training on them. After a week or two, they should be okay to experiment with.
Hi jawbrodt. Yes it is just the 2 plants at the moment. I`ve got a third growing from some bag seed that i had last September and started it the same time as my 2 Girls but it does`nt look anything like mj ? I`ll put a Pic. up so you can have a laugh then when you stop coz your Ribs are hurting maybe you might have an idea as to what it might be ? :-)


Well-Known Member
dont have time to read all the replys but u should be using any treatment just as u should be usiong any skin treatmeant of urs and that means test 1st on remote area or start with low concetrations and work ur way up

u sure u didnt overdid in nahco ? did u sprayed the soil too ?
Hello bonjo78. This is my First time at growing anything and i jumped in with both feet and a blindfold :-( I only sprayed the leaves but there was some over-spray on to the soil. The mildew/mold has gone now but the damage has been done. They have been flushed with clean water and both girls are showing new growth but the older leaves are looking quite bad at the moment. I`ve learn`t my lesson and will ask before attempting anything in the near future. There are some Great gardeners on RIU and i`ve been picking up bits of knowledge from some Amazing Grow Journal`s as well as people like yourself who stop by and leave a bit of Wisdom. Thank you for stopping by.


Well-Known Member
Hello All. Here`s a Picture Update of my Girls taken today (Day 43) I think they are looking much healthier considering what i`ve put them through this last week :-( .
I`m still a bit concerned about the leaves curling but at least their still alive. They hav`nt been watered since Saturday (i think it was) the water on them is what is dripping of the roof of the greenhouse. I`ll leave watering them till at least the weekend then use some Fert`s as well as they hav`nt been fed for 2 weeks. If you have any thoughts or idea`s then Please feel free to comment. IMGP0503.jpgIMGP0504.jpgIMGP0505.jpgIMGP0506.jpg


Well-Known Member
The one in pic #2 looks the worst, and will likely take the longest, but they should all recover. My biggest problem that I see, is that the soil doesn't have any perlite in it, lacking drainage. The plants would thank you if you went with a bigger pot(if only slightly), knocked off a little of that old soil, and added some new stuff, mixed with around 10-15% perlite. They'll appear to 'stall' after the transplant, but don't worry, that's when they are recovering, building new roots, spreading into the new medium. About a week later, they'll start to take off, and I think you'll be quite happy with the results.


Well-Known Member
Thanks jawbrodt. For drainage i put in 6 Big handfuls of 15mm crushed slate (it was washed in boiling water first)(about 10%). I`ve been out of work for 18 month due to ill health and have no budget for perlite, and your right about slowing down for a week as it did. It has now started to grow up and out :-) It would have been quicker had i not tried to poison my girls with to much liquid soap :-( They were only transplanted just over a week ago in to their 7.5 liter pots so would they not be ok for another few weeks ? I`m going to be limited for space in the greenhouse if they get to big you see and i`ve got other fruit and veg. that i`m trying to kill i mean grow :-)


Active Member
the soil may not have perlite looks though of good consistency ( meaning doesnt look like only mud ) dont water again thouht until the soil gets dry , with the stress the plants had that may take even a week or two ( but to be honest the plants look like they overpassthe problem really quik ) if u do regural transplants u may get away with perlite , ( i would plant them in the way u plant other things ;)


Well-Known Member
Thanks jawbrodt. For drainage i put in 6 Big handfuls of 15mm crushed slate (it was washed in boiling water first)(about 10%). I`ve been out of work for 18 month due to ill health and have no budget for perlite, and your right about slowing down for a week as it did. It has now started to grow up and out :-) It would have been quicker had i not tried to poison my girls with to much liquid soap :-( They were only transplanted just over a week ago in to their 7.5 liter pots so would they not be ok for another few weeks ? I`m going to be limited for space in the greenhouse if they get to big you see and i`ve got other fruit and veg. that i`m trying to kill i mean grow :-)

Ahhh, okay, that's different. I didn't know you had already added stuff for drainage, so they'll be fine for awhile yet. I'd say you're good for at least two more weeks, w/o a transplant, likely longer,(probably 3-4) depending on how vigorously they rebound.

One word of warning, just in case,....I made the mistake once, of using crushed stone of some sort,(the type you use for landscaping) for drainage rocks at the bottom of my pots, and lemme tell ya, it wreaked havoc on them, once the new roots got down there. I'm guessing it was a type of limestone, because the PH was thru the roof, and really messed things up, before I'd realized what I'd done. I'm hope the slate has a safe PH, but I'm just throwing that out there, just in case. Throw a handful in a glass of water, and check the PH of that water, if you want to be sure. If it's way outta whack, I'm afraid it's time to transplant. Let's just hope it was the soap. I think it is.