The UK Growers Thread!


Active Member
is DWC roots than hang over bubbling water ?or is that aeroponics?

dwc like a root ball that lets the roots grow down into the reservoir?


Well-Known Member
is DWC roots than hang over bubbling water ?or is that aeroponics?

dwc like a root ball that lets the roots grow down into the reservoir?
DWC is just roots sitting in bubbling water. True aeroponics very few people do due to cost and maintenance lots of growers who use spinners and sprayers call it aero but its nowhere near it.


Well-Known Member
Dont think they will jimmy. Everyone knows hydro yields better. Ill argue till im blue in the face bout that point. Even pisshead sambo will agree


Well-Known Member
the argument is that hydro yields better, organic soil tastes better. makes sense though doesnt it, no soil means the roots can get the best uptake of nutrients, the organic soil means there are no nasty chems, all natural carbs/ sugars etc.


Well-Known Member
Ive seen soil grows that can rival that of hydro, down to grower skills i reckon. Soil growers can certainly achieve the 1gpw goal that alot of hydro guys cant. Expierience is the thing, i just think its a big misconception that hydro will automatically yield more.


Well-Known Member
i do agree and yes im a piss head lol

i have seen and grown some healthy yields from soil but all my research and the few hydro grows ive seen says yes ur gonna yield more, but will that weed taste as nice? who fucking cares il grow my percy in soil lol

ive been wanting to grow hydro for a long time just scared off fucking it up when soil is so forgiving.


Well-Known Member
i do agree and yes im a piss head lol

i have seen and grown some healthy yields from soil but all my research and the few hydro grows ive seen says yes ur gonna yield more, but will that weed taste as nice? who fucking cares il grow my percy in soil lol

ive been wanting to grow hydro for a long time just scared off fucking it up when soil is so forgiving.
Give the coco a bash sambo, ive not been using it long but im liking the results.


Well-Known Member
Ive seen soil grows that can rival that of hydro, down to grower skills i reckon. Soil growers can certainly achieve the 1gpw goal that alot of hydro guys cant. Expierience is the thing, i just think its a big misconception that hydro will automatically yield more.
works both ways though doesnt it, some hydro guys get ridiculous yields, some soil guys get ridiculous yields. id put money on the fact that if you had 2 clones grown by a grower with good experience in both types, same lighting etc, the hydro would yield more. theres that 60+oz critical + grow on here somewhere, its mad man. think it was vert 1k watts, and DWC


Well-Known Member
works both ways though doesnt it, some hydro guys get ridiculous yields, some soil guys get ridiculous yields. id put money on the fact that if you had 2 clones grown by a grower with good experience in both types, same lighting etc, the hydro would yield more. theres that 60+oz critical + grow on here somewhere, its mad man. think it was vert 1k watts, and DWC
Yeah ive seen that grow and the guy who did it aint ya average hydro guy, he's one of the best about. Bet alot of hydro guys would struggle to achieve what he does. Never seen a grow of between soil and hydro by the same grower with experience of both would be interesting to see the results and whilst i will conceed that in the right hands hydro would slightly edge it for most growers there aint alot in it. There are some great soil grows about and i think some people would be amazed at what can be achieved in soil and thats coming from a die hard hydro guy. I think your right the statement should be in the right hands hydro will yeild more not im in hydro so im gonna yeild more.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Hahaha, weed for me :p although i'll certainly take some money for a volcano :D not a fan of making money off weed, it's far too over valued :p but money is still good :D Been out and about today, had some fun, this little vape is too much work to get me mashed, but sit down with it for a minute and after walking off there's a very obvious spring to your step :)

I only grow hydro for convenience being a flat and all, i know that it's perfectly oissible to get great results in near any medium, just a matter of the degree to which you are willing to take care of your grow. I'm certainly not experienced, just a couple of years growing, but from soil to coco to DWC (i've never abused plants like i do with DWC, manhandle the shit out of them and their roots :D), after the first try of each i learnt what was what, all were incredibly simple from there on. You cna then make it as complicated as you desire, i opt for simple because simple yields what i need, others will have alternative requirements ;)

And yeah, vegging i hydro seems incredible compared to soil, my seedlings are just becoming viable plants, but still pointlessly inches small, after weeks and weeks, all that water and oxygen, in my dwc they just shoot off!


Active Member
DWC is just roots sitting in bubbling water. True aeroponics very few people do due to cost and maintenance lots of growers who use spinners and sprayers call it aero but its nowhere near it.
coolio wot i thought.

i aint even hada drink and im already confused with all this hydro talk dont make me get the soil pics out! lolol
get em out man i wanna c more

Im hydro till i die, im hydro till i die
brilliant i know a lot of folk that would agree

Hahaha, weed for me :p although i'll certainly take some money for a volcano :D not a fan of making money off weed, it's far too over valued :p but money is still good :D Been out and about today, had some fun, this little vape is too much work to get me mashed, but sit down with it for a minute and after walking off there's a very obvious spring to your step :)

I only grow hydro for convenience being a flat and all, i know that it's perfectly oissible to get great results in near any medium, just a matter of the degree to which you are willing to take care of your grow. I'm certainly not experienced, just a couple of years growing, but from soil to coco to DWC (i've never abused plants like i do with DWC, manhandle the shit out of them and their roots :D), after the first try of each i learnt what was what, all were incredibly simple from there on. You cna then make it as complicated as you desire, i opt for simple because simple yields what i need, others will have alternative requirements ;)

And yeah, vegging i hydro seems incredible compared to soil, my seedlings are just becoming viable plants, but still pointlessly inches small, after weeks and weeks, all that water and oxygen, in my dwc they just shoot off!
makes me wanna try dwc if they are so strong under getting fukd about a bit,im a clumsy fucker