• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

If Area 51 Held Aliens At One Time...


Well-Known Member
I personally don't believe that AREA 51 has EVER contained any alien life forms.

AREA 51 is simply a base/area that is used by our government and military as a joined entity so that they may develop new aircraft and aircraft technologies, and be able to keep them under wraps. That's what AREA51 is used for.. nothing more.

You guys have heard about the governments '2012 Mountain' haven't you? It's located in the Cheyenne Mountain Range and is also known as 'NORAD'. This place was also built to be one of the escapes for the United States government personnel (only important people will be let in).

Get this - Cheyenne Mountain (NORAD; 2012 Mountain, whatever you wanna call it) is guarded VERY heavily by military police and other military personnel. If something does happen, lets say in the next few years.. or even this upcoming '2012 event' were to happen.. any "regulars" (normal citizens) that try to enter this mountains entrance.. WILL BE SHOT. The guards have been given the authority from the government to use deadly force if its needed, in order to keep us "normals" out of their mountain.

Well, fuck them.. and their fucking mountain. I've got an underground shelter that was originally built as a tornado shelter.. but its freaking huge. It's reinforced concrete and its completely 'apocalypse' ready.. along with a solar generator that runs off the energy from the sun. I've also got the shelter stocked with all kinds of weapons and food (including 100's if not 1000's of M-PACS, which is military food in a bag.. I even have some that you shake up for a minute or two, and they get hot.. so you have a hot meal). So.. again, fuck them and their mountain.

If anything does happen while I'm still here on Earth.. and in this body?? I'm ready for it. ;)

Right now, I'm trying to find/locate a bio-suit that I would be able to put on and wear, if a nuclear event were to happen.. or if a nuclear war were to break out.. or whatever the scenerio might be.. that way I could come out of my underground shelter and see things with my own eyes, without having to worry about any radiation or anything else. Sure they're expensive.. but if I locate one, I'm buying it. That's all I have left on my 'survival list' - and I'll be ready for anything.


P.S. - If anything does happen in 2012.. I wish the best of luck to all of ya's. Make sure you store your seeds in a well secure place.. and make sure you have them if and when a nuclear/apocalyptic event were to take place in 2012.. or for that matter, at any time.


Well-Known Member
heres another list of other "official" sightings even though there are thousands a month
Please learn the proper way to identify and evaluate evidence before forming a conclusion based on it. Everything you mentioned amounts to hearsay.

Well i mean, when physics is law, yea, to a certain extent, then once beyond the realm of that extent it does not make sense and is no longer law, so is the physics below that extent; law? or theory? or neither?
Heisenberg, I`m with most of what your saying but scientists are also saying we don`t know what the heck space can do, it can bend, open wormholes etc... This isn`t really enough to convince me there are aliens flying around in our solar system. We do know that something with mass can`t reach or exceed light speed and thats fair enough so far.

But how about stuff like bending the fabric of space? Maybe thinking about the journey from the alien planet to earth as A-->B where A&B are on the tips of the letter U, where U represents the shape of the path followed (shape of a horseshoe). What if we could travel across the U rather than all the way along? Powerful magnets or w.e devius physical solution may exist, its all there to be discovered. I would also point out that we don`t have a unified theory of everything yet... We still don`t know the major interaction between everything, so many subatomic particles to yet be discovered too.

I would also point out again that I don`t belive there are aliens visiting us yet :) Just launching facts here and there... Being the "physicist" (lol) who doubts everything :D
I always admire doubt. I'll admit, I am not qualified to explain the answer to your questions. I'll see if I can get someone to stop by the thread who is. Notice I never said impossible, just extremely unlikely. Even if aliens did figure out how to travel this way, we wouldn't need to understand why or how to observe evidence of it happening. In the end, after speculation, we still have no evidence that even slightly points us in the direction that we are being visited. We have anecdotal stories as heathaa pointed out, but guess what, anecdotal evidence exists for ALL claims true or not, even smurfs.

ok you just repeated what i said more formally.

Hypothesis = Idea

Theory = Idea + Math

Codification of observed rules into a model = an experiment
A law makes no attempt to explain 'why' or test itself.

An experiment simply tries to test a claim.

My use of the word model was probably not the best choice.


Well-Known Member
dam. you guys are making me so confused. lol. but aliens are real. And I think going as fast as aliens can is possible. Like some of our first airplanes were basic and slow, but you look at them now and they are improved in every way. We will get as far into technology as they are, but in the future, And all of us won't live long enough to see that happen. Its just the human race isn't smart enough right now to figure out how they go so fast or to see/travel far into space to see any evidence, thats why we haven't found a lot of planets yet. Plus the aliens most likely have different minerals and resources than we do.
Give this a though.

So lets say there are aliens and they are more technologically advanced than us. There are many branches in our world that could be improved on. Human race decided to study "mechanics"(our basic physics) witch apply more to non- organic inventions Like cars/planes/trains ect. We as a race do have an understanding of the basics of all branches but we are by far most advanced in "mechanics". We still have trouble trying to figure out biologic things.

Now imagine that when we encounter aliens they have branched off and studied biology. and they are so advanced in it they they are able to alter how plants grow. They could possibly be able to grow a house from a seed, or a car, or a plane ect.

The same way humans can build robots maybe aliens will be able to gor mindless worker drones?

Now is that not that a crazy thought


Well-Known Member
Give this a though.

So lets say there are aliens and they are more technologically advanced than us. There are many branches in our world that could be improved on. Human race decided to study "mechanics"(our basic physics) witch apply more to non- organic inventions Like cars/planes/trains ect. We as a race do have an understanding of the basics of all branches but we are by far most advanced in "mechanics". We still have trouble trying to figure out biologic things.

Now imagine that when we encounter aliens they have branched off and studied biology. and they are so advanced in it they they are able to alter how plants grow. They could possibly be able to grow a house from a seed, or a car, or a plane ect.

The same way humans can build robots maybe aliens will be able to gor mindless worker drones?

Now is that not that a crazy thought

Indeed, one of the easiest ways for an alien race to wipe out life on earth (assuming they want to) would be to build self replicating machines that land and start devouring all resources to build more of themselves. These machines could be as tiny as crickets. Of course in most Hollywood scenarios the aliens want our resources, so I guess this wouldn't be the best plan.


Well-Known Member
Give this a though.

So lets say there are aliens and they are more technologically advanced than us. There are many branches in our world that could be improved on. Human race decided to study "mechanics"(our basic physics) witch apply more to non- organic inventions Like cars/planes/trains ect. We as a race do have an understanding of the basics of all branches but we are by far most advanced in "mechanics". We still have trouble trying to figure out biologic things.

Now imagine that when we encounter aliens they have branched off and studied biology. and they are so advanced in it they they are able to alter how plants grow. They could possibly be able to grow a house from a seed, or a car, or a plane ect.

The same way humans can build robots maybe aliens will be able to gor mindless worker drones?

Now is that not that a crazy thought
I used to repeatedly think of this when I was 19 :D I think its more the future than a crazy idea, or both are the same thing right? :)

I kept thinking how living creatures engineer themselves for survival, and if we could take control of this engineering to the maximum extent we could have it build anything, from seed!

Some of the things I was thinking about were a rubbish bin that digests our leftovers and channels the energy to our bed which we sleep in, which is covered with something comfortable like living leopard skin with organisms that clean it living within :D

Another idea I came up was the based on natural strong compounds like wood, bone and sea shells. If we engineered the genetic code we could have a biological scaffolding growing bone which is never intended to support a living creature, maybe more like support a ceeling over our head :)

And one mighty great idea was a modified cannabis plant which rather than create THC in its buds it would just secreate THC resin out of a gland on its main body. Ounces of the shit in weeks! :D

They do say the biological revolution is going to hit ever harder than the industrial revolution :) I %100 belive that and its deffinately starting!


Well-Known Member
Indeed, one of the easiest ways for an alien race to wipe out life on earth (assuming they want to) would be to build self replicating machines that land and start devouring all resources to build more of themselves. These machines could be as tiny as crickets. Of course in most Hollywood scenarios the aliens want our resources, so I guess this wouldn't be the best plan.
Its so much simpler though, just take advatage of the lack of trust between nations. Drop an atomic bomb onto US and fix it like it was Russian or w.e is the best political screwup. Also biological diseases, activating a volcano to kill us off, using a tsunami wave etc...

This just creates 1000`s of paranoid theories though, I don`t bother thinking, if they do come along WE ARE FUCKED :D How about aliens entering the government undercover, inducing peace love & happiness all around the world and removing all our armies just to come along and turn us all into slaves :)

Or how about them just deleting all our bank accounts and social security records, that would stir up a lot of shit if we didn`t know they did it :)

We are as fragile as hell and yet we send signals into outer space asking if anyone is there with a map of how to find us :D World gone crazy once again :D


Well-Known Member
It's typical human arrogance to assume that we as a human race have got all the secrets of the universe locked down, all of the non believers in this thread have a rude awakening coming your way....


Well-Known Member
It's typical human arrogance to assume that we as a human race have got all the secrets of the universe locked down, all of the non believers in this thread have a rude awakening coming your way....
If aliens decide to come get us theres nothing we can do :) Put your feet up and relax! I`m more worried about the enviroment and humans themselves than anything =)

Oh yeah I wonder if aliens come get us first or we just kill each other in WW3 :D


Well-Known Member
If aliens decide to come get us theres nothing we can do :) Put your feet up and relax! I`m more worried about the enviroment and humans themselves than anything =)

Oh yeah I wonder if aliens come get us first or we just kill each other in WW3 :D
Well the grays, nor the nordics, nor the reptilians are not coming for us because they are already here!

Kodank Moment

Well-Known Member
Why are you applying our world and its ways with an alien place that may have different laws all together? Like maybe pot is legal there, ya know?


Well-Known Member
well what about when whole cities or towns see it? video evidence theres even physical evidence at some sites (like radiation poisoning) theres claims of certain metals being alien technology. regardless of religion beliefs or morals or any other factor to consider it is more than likely that there are other organic living things out there. considering since i been to school (graduated 2002) they have added like 4 or 5 planets to our solar system. they also located at least dozens of other solar systems and planets within that solar system so solar systems generate around a star. go out at night and count how many stars you see. around those stars are planets orbiting those stars with possibly scores of planets in orbit. now considering space is a vacuum that says that theres no end to its space in other words if space had a beginning and end there would be no vacuum because there would be a beginning to start and an end to stop any kind of molecular movement. so knowing the universe is infininate and stars seem to follow suit so would planets. so out of infinate planets there has got to be one other planet besides our own that has life. i honestly think our planet is a rare planet because of the oxygen atmosphere. my theory is is that most life found on other planets will be nitrogen or methane absorbing creatures. y do u think energy companies research methane as an energy source? it would be endless energy. so if u compacted methane gas. i mean compact as in a grand scale you could power cities your cars. space travel...imagine going to the gas station and plugging an air hose to where the gas tank would be and injecting methane into a compactor and once full you disconnect the air hose and you would only have to fill it up one time when you buy the car new. so in terms of space travel. depending on how large of a compactor they use on the shuttle. and after changing the design of the shuttle they could easily travel to mars. and as technology improves greater spaces can be explored


Well-Known Member
If aliens decide to come get us theres nothing we can do :) Put your feet up and relax! I`m more worried about the enviroment and humans themselves than anything =)

Oh yeah I wonder if aliens come get us first or we just kill each other in WW3 :D
Don't misunderstand me....the rude awakening is realising it was true. They are here, they have been here for some time and they are not going away.


Well-Known Member
People like to rationalise because it gives them a sense of security and implies intelligence.
Thats true in a way. But people also like conspiracy theories for weird reasons ;)

Don't misunderstand me....the rude awakening is realising it was true. They are here, they have been here for some time and they are not going away.
What do you think is the reason they are scuttling around our planet then?


Well-Known Member
Thats true in a way. But people also like conspiracy theories for weird reasons ;)

What do you think is the reason they are scuttling around our planet then?
To bring up conspiracy theories like it is a plague only shows ignorance, this is part of the disinformation and discrediting that governments and organisations want you to think and vomit out of your mouth my friend.

Where there is smoke there is fire...period!!

And why are they here, I don't know but those of us who seek truth ask the same question every day, there are many theories but remember the more theories the easier it is to discredit all of them.


This will explain it more to you, read it and see how it is implemented in everyday life....


Well-Known Member
To bring up conspiracy theories like it is a plague only shows ignorance, this is part of the disinformation and discrediting that governments and organisations want you to think and vomit out of your mouth my friend.

Where there is smoke there is fire...period!!

And why are they here, I don't know but those of us who seek truth ask the same question every day, there are many theories but remember the more theories the easier it is to discredit all of them.


This will explain it more to you, read it and see how it is implemented in everyday life....
I`m reading the link you have sent but thats besides the point I`m talking about. The world was claimed to end at year 1000 and on many other occasions. There have been so many conspiracy theories that make no sense, so many superstitions etc... There is a certain urge to want to belive in conspiracy theories and the whole we are all gonna die dig.

It doesn`t convince me one bit. I question everything but there are certain limits of commonsense. So aliens are here for reasons we don`t know about? There can be a few reasons I can see.

Resources (why aren`t they acting?)

Research (why do they need it, they have hyper space tech)

Concidering us a threat (we are only a threat to ourselves, seriously)

This has nothing to do with governments or organisations. Why do they not want us to belive in this? Do they know about aliens, if so why are they sending signals of where we are to outer space?

I`m sorry but without valid points and only UFO`s (Unidentified flying objects) this is as valid as the giant spaghetti monster theory :)


Well-Known Member
I`m reading the link you have sent but thats besides the point I`m talking about. The world was claimed to end at year 1000 and on many other occasions. There have been so many conspiracy theories that make no sense, so many superstitions etc... There is a certain urge to want to belive in conspiracy theories and the whole we are all gonna die dig.

It doesn`t convince me one bit. I question everything but there are certain limits of commonsense. So aliens are here for reasons we don`t know about? There can be a few reasons I can see.

Resources (why aren`t they acting?)

Research (why do they need it, they have hyper space tech)

Concidering us a threat (we are only a threat to ourselves, seriously)

This has nothing to do with governments or organisations. Why do they not want us to belive in this? Do they know about aliens, if so why are they sending signals of where we are to outer space?

I`m sorry but without valid points and only UFO`s (Unidentified flying objects) this is as valid as the giant spaghetti monster theory :)
So you correlate the end of the world theories alongside aliens....sounds like unintentional discrediting which only highlights my point.

Consider this....just because neither I nor you nor anyone else can fully substantiate why aliens would be here does that immediately make them nonsense or just a conspiracy theory.

Why has your Government since the late 50's stated that it does not investigate alien sightings or abductions etc. yet there is evidence in declassified files stating just that???

Personally I think that governments have very little to do with alien tech, I think it is in the hands of the elite, Americans make the mistake of thinking the industrial military complex is government run when it is private business, I have read that even NASA is privately funded or run by the elite...and I dare anyone to prove that NASA is run or funded by government, they will not be able to do so nor would they be able to prove them private...which leaves you with one outcome...both are possible...the same way that aliens are possible.

In fact prove that aliens do not exist...


Well-Known Member
i doubt they would be there after the conspiracy stuff started. if everyone thinks u got aliens there and u actually do, wouldnt u move the aliens secretly to another secret facility? since everyones concentrated on area 51, u have nothing to worry about because theyre looking in the wrong spot.

im not saying aliens were at area 51. i just think the government would do this, if such an event were to happen.
Area 51 was created to draw attention away from the fake Moon Landing they were trying to fool us with. They figuered if we were looking at area 51 for Aliens...that would be a great diversion because in reality, it was just a movie studio for the Moon Landing...the public thought all the hype was Aliens...and it was just Stephen Speilberg type people faking a trip to the moon...and the studio of the Moon is still there,thats why it's so heavily guarded...you'd think the Government would just tear it down...but they just can't get themselves to do it...too many Gov. jobs at stake!...damn conspiracy theories!!...JK