Portland Oregon. The Time is Now. Cannabliss. The New Standard is Set!


New Member
man any one can grow, just toss a seed in the ditch and come back next week and its grown, fed, watered and trimmed and put in a baggy.
Absolutely no work, no stem or bugs for that matter! Not to mention the moldy nuggets just jump off the plant so no waist or no loss for the grower.
Plus this new inviso weed, cops and robbers cant see it!

Hell the weed grows it self!

*NOTE* in the time I typed this, 5 plants just grew from some closet lint, trimmed, bagged it self!
Some weed is now auto smoking so you dont even have to smoke it!!!
Exactamundo, says Fonzi!


New Member
So a couple of stoned patients that get complimentary herb are now connoisseurs of what is art in the world of growing a weed?

Growing "danK" herb is easy. Haven't you absorbed anything from these RIU threads about growing? People are growing your dank shit out of a cardboard box, a car trunk, mom's old Mary Kay cosmetic cabinet, computer cases, McPurple's closet right next to his government cheese, and Uncle Buck's tire store.

I've got your dank right here.
Growing is easy, but requires a lot of attention to detail, like a good artist. I could also hand a bottle of great wine to a bum, and the bum would be like, "This shit will get you fucked up", and would not know how good the wine is that he is drinking. Now, a connoisseur of great wine will appreciate not only the fact that it is wine, and it will get you fucked up, but he/she will appreciate the subtle flavors in the wine, and the techniques that were employed to achieve these great flavors.

Anyone can grow weed, but not everyone can make it taste, smell and look great, while at the same time getting you fucked up.


Well-Known Member
i am bad mouthing all the greedy fucks growing for there patients, i can understand if you went with your patient to the grow store and had them buy some stuff to help out like soil, nutes, light ect........ BUT most the growers are not like that they just SELL calling it a donation.
so what?

who fucking cares?

if a patient says, hey, i've got $150 donation, i want some top shelf herb, and i satisfy that demand, who is getting hurt?

it is a voluntary transaction between two consenting adults in which no one gets hurt, no one gets robbed, and everyone walks away happy.

no one is being forced to do anything.

so take your "greedy" talk and blow it out your ass.

i am going out today to buy $100 or more worth of soil, containers, and other shit to put into the mix, which i will then place under my $200~ greenhouse that i spend days building and brought in friends to help me build, giving them bud along the way to help me.

and you think that the result of all this should be free weed for mcpurple the felon?

that kind of attitude would get you a one way ticket to "gofuckyourselfville" from me. and it would be free. just the way you like it.


Active Member
You know, maybe McP is just trolling and is just laughing his ass off. Since everybody lies out of their ass on the internet, why should he be any different.

I think it is a little of each. It is hard to tell sometime if the truth is being told.

I'm 9.5 flacid.



Well-Known Member
haha im not lying. its cool though. i just dont understand why you guys hate me cuz i have a great grower that i do respect, like i said though if they ever disrespect me then they get that in return. im not trolling i was gonna start but then decided not to.
you guys seem to hate me for getting free meds and thinking thats how it should be, its my opinion its not wrong its not right and neither are your guys opinions on the subjects we talk about, its just some how i always get ganged up on because of my own opinion and theri are more on here who have other opinions then mine.

why so mad at me? please tell me

is it because i get free meds?
is it because i have a good grower who OFFERS those free meds?
is it because my own opinion that every one is entitled to with out being harrased about it?

i do not mooch at all, the deal i have is what I was offered not what i told him he had to do.
and like i have said in many, many posts, if they keep theri word through the season and give me exactly what they were going to give me ( they almost always do) then after the season is over i do donate to my growers but only if they do what they said they were gonna do. i did last year and so far it looks like i will this year, not to mention i helped set up the grow for free, you know all the hard labor you guys think thats in it, i find it fun, i also help trim every thing for free, i enjoy doing it, i usally end up getting smoked out the whole time but i dont ask to, thats just how people are down here.

im sorry for all the hate or what ever it is you guys have for me.
if you guys were in southern oregon i think you would understand the difference of north and south oregon


New Member
haha im not lying. its cool though. i just dont understand why you guys hate me cuz i have a great grower that i do respect, like i said though if they ever disrespect me then they get that in return. im not trolling i was gonna start but then decided not to.
you guys seem to hate me for getting free meds and thinking thats how it should be, its my opinion its not wrong its not right and neither are your guys opinions on the subjects we talk about, its just some how i always get ganged up on because of my own opinion and theri are more on here who have other opinions then mine.

why so mad at me? please tell me

is it because i get free meds?
is it because i have a good grower who OFFERS those free meds?
is it because my own opinion that every one is entitled to with out being harrased about it?

i do not mooch at all, the deal i have is what I was offered not what i told him he had to do.
and like i have said in many, many posts, if they keep theri word through the season and give me exactly what they were going to give me ( they almost always do) then after the season is over i do donate to my growers but only if they do what they said they were gonna do. i did last year and so far it looks like i will this year, not to mention i helped set up the grow for free, you know all the hard labor you guys think thats in it, i find it fun, i also help trim every thing for free, i enjoy doing it, i usally end up getting smoked out the whole time but i dont ask to, thats just how people are down here.

im sorry for all the hate or what ever it is you guys have for me.
if you guys were in southern oregon i think you would understand the difference of north and south oregon
I think people are sick of your attitude towards growers, and always calling them greedy. I think you need to be honest with yourself, and admit that you are not always very respectful towards growers........calling them greedy in as many ways as you can think up. You always act like anyone making a buck from growing is a bad person, SO YOU BRING THIS ON YOURSELF, in my opinion.

There are plenty of people making money off of marijuana, and many of those people take care of their pateints first and foremost, and then they may make some money on the side.

Most of the time, you are trolling. And then you go all Bi polar on us, and act like you have respect for a post or two, and then right back to your shenanigans. I call you on your shit a lot, and then you "like" my posts.

I think YOU are the one that does not understand the difference between Southern and Northern Oregon. I have constantly explained this to you when you fall off the fact trail. Honestly, you keep calling growers greedy, and celebrating when they get in trouble.......PEOPLE ARE GOING TO HATE YOU FOR IT. Use your fucking head, man.


New Member
I want to make it clear that I do not hate McPurple. I was just trying to explain that if he keeps hating on others by celebrating them getting busted and calling them greedy, they will hate you right back.


Well-Known Member
i never once said that ALL growers are greedy, i said that A LOT are and that is the only reason they grow it is to make money.
and am not happy for people getting busted, like ive stated before, i was happy they are closing down the clubs, witch A LOT of them are a rip off. i am not glad people are in jail over pot, but its stuff like that, that will reflect on future laws and restrictions and what not.


New Member
i never once said that ALL growers are greedy, i said that A LOT are and that is the only reason they grow it is to make money.
and am not happy for people getting busted, like ive stated before, i was happy they are closing down the clubs, witch A LOT of them are a rip off. i am not glad people are in jail over pot, but its stuff like that, that will reflect on future laws and restrictions and what not.
I understand. I look at it like this.....I would not walk into the fire station and start yelling "fire men are greedy jerks that work for money". We all know how I would be viewed by the fire men. Essentially, we are on rollitup, a marijuana and growing community, where there are quite a few people that grow and make money, and they are on here, too.

I understand you are not an evil person. I would love to hear you say, just once, that a person that takes care of THEIR patients is doing their job, and how they handle the excess meds is up to them, as long as they are not pushing it on kids and the elderly.....haha. Their only responsibilities are to take care of their patients that are keeping their card with the grower, and that is it. I think a grower that puts money ahead of his patients is greedy. A grower that takes care of his patients the way they agreed is an honorable man.


Well-Known Member
I understand. I look at it like this.....I would not walk into the fire station and start yelling "fire men are greedy jerks that work for money". We all know how I would be viewed by the fire men. Essentially, we are on rollitup, a marijuana and growing community, where there are quite a few people that grow and make money, and they are on here, too.

I understand you are not an evil person. I would love to hear you say, just once, that a person that takes care of THEIR patients is doing their job, and how they handle the excess meds is up to them, as long as they are not pushing it on kids and the elderly.....haha. Their only responsibilities are to take care of their patients that are keeping their card with the grower, and that is it. I think a grower that puts money ahead of his patients is greedy. A grower that takes care of his patients the way they agreed is an honorable man.
your right man, i do understand i guess it does seem a bit dick headish about what i say, and since you put it in a different way i get it now, i do think that growers who put theri patients 1st are ok, but you and i know both know their is alot of growers out theri who are in it just to try to get rich and it is bad, im not saying any one here is doing it or pointing fingers, but know and have talked to many many growers who want 150-200 and oz a month for weed, out of abot the 100 growers i know (and dont associate with) 90 of them wanted alot of money and no upfront meds but wanted upfront cash, i think if a grower is making a bit of money just to INVEST into the GROW and only the GROW then cool, cuz that is legal, but selling is not and i dont like it.

im sorry for all the drama in the oregon section guys.
but remember it was not just me or even mainly me, but its cool, hope all in the thread calm down and smoke some dank.
peace, and keep em green


New Member
your right man, i do understand i guess it does seem a bit dick headish about what i say, and since you put it in a different way i get it now, i do think that growers who put theri patients 1st are ok, but you and i know both know their is alot of growers out theri who are in it just to try to get rich and it is bad, im not saying any one here is doing it or pointing fingers, but know and have talked to many many growers who want 150-200 and oz a month for weed, out of abot the 100 growers i know (and dont associate with) 90 of them wanted alot of money and no upfront meds but wanted upfront cash, i think if a grower is making a bit of money just to INVEST into the GROW and only the GROW then cool, cuz that is legal, but selling is not and i dont like it.

im sorry for all the drama in the oregon section guys.
but remember it was not just me or even mainly me, but its cool, hope all in the thread calm down and smoke some dank.
peace, and keep em green
I appreciate the new perspective. Yes, there are people out there that just want to get rich.....but that is an affliction this whole country has, and not just the marijuana culture. And honestly, if a grower was getting rich, but taking care of his patients in a good way, then I would really not have anything to say about it. I would think anyone making a lot of money (growers or not) ought to help out their brothers and sisters when they can, but they are free to make up their own mind.

I think once it is legal, we, as consumers, need to understand that our dollars speak loudly. When it is legal, we all need to make sure and support those businesses that we think stick to our system of ethics and morals, as well as our laws. We can make sure that the really greedy walmarts are only marginally successful. We can support the businesses that give back to the community when they have money in their pocket, instead of feeding a bunch of investors that already have money.

But, that is just the business that I see myself supporting in the future.

Let's get proactive about this......what is everyone's vision of what legality will look like? We might have some good ideas here.


Well-Known Member
I appreciate the new perspective. Yes, there are people out there that just want to get rich.....but that is an affliction this whole country has, and not just the marijuana culture. And honestly, if a grower was getting rich, but taking care of his patients in a good way, then I would really not have anything to say about it. I would think anyone making a lot of money (growers or not) ought to help out their brothers and sisters when they can, but they are free to make up their own mind.

I think once it is legal, we, as consumers, need to understand that our dollars speak loudly. When it is legal, we all need to make sure and support those businesses that we think stick to our system of ethics and morals, as well as our laws. We can make sure that the really greedy walmarts are only marginally successful. We can support the businesses that give back to the community when they have money in their pocket, instead of feeding a bunch of investors that already have money.

But, that is just the business that I see myself supporting in the future.

Let's get proactive about this......what is everyone's vision of what legality will look like? We might have some good ideas here.
well put man.

my take on legality is that IMO it will be bad( i hope its not) but i believe it will be just like any other drug, tabacco alcohol ect.... it will be grown by only the government and theri employees and then sold at a outrages price, and they will not allow us to grow our own for our self as they will want to make as much money off of us, just like the pharmicutical companies.

i hope it is not though, i hope it is just legalized and every one can grow at least 6 plants of theri own, i also hope small local clubs pop up when it is legal and help others in need for prices lower then what it is on the street


Active Member
I appreciate the new perspective. Yes, there are people out there that just want to get rich.....but that is an affliction this whole country has, and not just the marijuana culture. And honestly, if a grower was getting rich, but taking care of his patients in a good way, then I would really not have anything to say about it. I would think anyone making a lot of money (growers or not) ought to help out their brothers and sisters when they can, but they are free to make up their own mind.

I think once it is legal, we, as consumers, need to understand that our dollars speak loudly. When it is legal, we all need to make sure and support those businesses that we think stick to our system of ethics and morals, as well as our laws. We can make sure that the really greedy walmarts are only marginally successful. We can support the businesses that give back to the community when they have money in their pocket, instead of feeding a bunch of investors that already have money.

But, that is just the business that I see myself supporting in the future.

Let's get proactive about this......what is everyone's vision of what legality will look like? We might have some good ideas here.
Maybe a two tiered system. The first tier being dispensaries that provide medicine but do not allow medicating on premises. This would be similar to generic medicine in the pharma world. The second tier would be for private clubs that cater to socializing and medicating in public. They would get their meds from dispensaries as well but would mark it up to the value that they add.

As a random thought. It seems like the current law is attempting to create MMJ CSA's. I just don't understand why they specifically chose to not include labor as reimbursement given that producing manicured, dry and cured bud takes real man hours to accomplish.


Well-Known Member
well put man.

my take on legality is that IMO it will be bad( i hope its not) but i believe it will be just like any other drug, tabacco alcohol ect.... it will be grown by only the government and theri employees and then sold at a outrages price, and they will not allow us to grow our own for our self as they will want to make as much money off of us, just like the pharmicutical companies.

i hope it is not though, i hope it is just legalized and every one can grow at least 6 plants of theri own, i also hope small local clubs pop up when it is legal and help others in need for prices lower then what it is on the street
I just read yesterday that is exactly what Canada is doing. They are outlawing the home grower, and everyone will have to go to the commercial growers to get their meds.


New Member
Maybe a two tiered system. The first tier being dispensaries that provide medicine but do not allow medicating on premises. This would be similar to generic medicine in the pharma world. The second tier would be for private clubs that cater to socializing and medicating in public. They would get their meds from dispensaries as well but would mark it up to the value that they add.

As a random thought. It seems like the current law is attempting to create MMJ CSA's. I just don't understand why they specifically chose to not include labor as reimbursement given that producing manicured, dry and cured bud takes real man hours to accomplish.
I agree about the labor thing. It seems like the law is designed to make sure that growers can NEVER make a legitimate living......if you think about it, they are keeping a group of people that can make good money from buying homes, cars, etc, because they cannot qualify unless they have a confirmed income, which we do not allow to growers. Growers could be a great boost to the real estate world also, because there are so many renting right now, because they cannot qualify to buy a home.....seems silly.

I like the 2 tiered system. I kind of see it like this.....if completely legalized, then you can still qualify as a medical patient, and by doing that, get yourself better rates on your meds. If you just want to smoke for fun, then it is the market rate at that time. Something like that.

If it is just medical dispensaries that become legal, I would like to see them ALL be required to be non profit. I would like to see growers limited to a certain number of plants that we agree on, so that they can make good money, but if we need more meds, MORE people get jobs and money injected into the economy. The dispensaries should be for marijuana products only......not sold in liquor stores (this will just make the rich richer, and not create many more jobs). We want to avoid the association with liquor, as well.

This way, we have a large group of similarly sized growers, making it a more competitive market, and also insuring that we do not have the Walmarts of weed come in and start paying everyone CRAP just to hand their investors the profits that the workers made possible.


New Member
I just read yesterday that is exactly what Canada is doing. They are outlawing the home grower, and everyone will have to go to the commercial growers to get their meds.
People brew their own beer, we should always be able to grow our own weed if we want to. If it gets legalized, we should be more entitled to grow our own. The problem lies in distribution.....if you grow your own, you will not be able to sell it unless you are a licensed producer/distributor. Kind of sucks, but we all know how farmers markets work.......under the radar, local fare.


Active Member
I agree about the labor thing. It seems like the law is designed to make sure that growers can NEVER make a legitimate living......if you think about it, they are keeping a group of people that can make good money from buying homes, cars, etc, because they cannot qualify unless they have a confirmed income, which we do not allow to growers. Growers could be a great boost to the real estate world also, because there are so many renting right now, because they cannot qualify to buy a home.....seems silly.

I like the 2 tiered system. I kind of see it like this.....if completely legalized, then you can still qualify as a medical patient, and by doing that, get yourself better rates on your meds. If you just want to smoke for fun, then it is the market rate at that time. Something like that.

If it is just medical dispensaries that become legal, I would like to see them ALL be required to be non profit. I would like to see growers limited to a certain number of plants that we agree on, so that they can make good money, but if we need more meds, MORE people get jobs and money injected into the economy. The dispensaries should be for marijuana products only......not sold in liquor stores (this will just make the rich richer, and not create many more jobs). We want to avoid the association with liquor, as well.

This way, we have a large group of similarly sized growers, making it a more competitive market, and also insuring that we do not have the Walmarts of weed come in and start paying everyone CRAP just to hand their investors the profits that the workers made possible.
Agreed. It seems like having a grower's association/union/guild would be a way to have our collective voices heard, is there something like this already? Is there like an mmj industry trade journal?

People brew their own beer, we should always be able to grow our own weed if we want to. If it gets legalized, we should be more entitled to grow our own. The problem lies in distribution.....if you grow your own, you will not be able to sell it unless you are a licensed producer/distributor. Kind of sucks, but we all know how farmers markets work.......under the radar, local fare.
Personally I think farmer's markets are a great idea, friendly and personal.