Dan Kone's 2011 NorCal Organic Forest


Well-Known Member
eeeeeeww bud rot is a MFer. Close it in around em' at the end, and run alot of fans and dehumidifiers.....that's about your only hope I know of.


Well-Known Member
maybe incesively spraying with serenade or some other organic fungicide, but I don't know about that... just a thought.

Dan Kone

Well-Known Member

Here's another UFO freebie I got that is turning out to be a nice surprise. Strain is Purple Maroc. Very sativa dom purple strain. Didn't want to risk a space in the main greenhouse for it so I just threw it in a garbage can with leftover dirt.


Well-Known Member
Looking nice bro!! Here I can't put em out till end of may 1st of June but they are all chilling at around the 2ft mark. Coletrain lemon skunk exile blue widow sleestak critical+.


If you have access to a generator or power run a few large fans at night and in the mornings. Till the sun is able to keep them dry..


Well-Known Member
damn plants look great! i was thinking of getting some good seeds and mating them each season to keep it going. for the humidity, i think the only thing u can really do it put fans on em. idk honestly

Dan Kone

Well-Known Member
thx for the suggestions folks, keep em coming if you think of anything. I do run rows of fans starting in sept. One row mounted up high, and one row just above ground level. Even with that I lose many pounds each year.

The idea of enclosing the space entirely and running a dehumidifier would be very difficult, but not out of the question. I do have several dehumidifiers running indoors so it's not impossible. If I did that I feel like I'd have to figure out how to run at least a limited amount CO2 in there as well (several ways to do that, more annoying than difficult). I guess it depends on how busy I am that time of the year.

Dan Kone

Well-Known Member
Here's a little strawberry cough clone. Won't produce much, but I like smoking strawberry cough, so this is for my personal stash.


Here's a not so little fan leave from my grapefruit which is really shooting up now.



Well-Known Member
woah. neat trick. How do you give a thread stars?
OH NO, what for free? "Game is to be sold, not told"!........a little sumpn I learned in prison!

P.S. At the top the page is a tool bar w/ "rate this thread" button. You earned 5 stars from me bro!