Outdoor Garden: White widow, Auto Ak47 & NL, Cloud #9


New Member
Thanks Fdd ;-)

Man i really need to invest into a spray bottle for trying to keep the soil moist for these beans. Time to hit up lowes!

Michael Phelps

Well-Known Member
Havnt been online for a while, had friends in town from out of town so ive been busy...

Shit looks good man! You going to transplant that pretty soon or does it still got a lot of room?


New Member
Havnt been online for a while, had friends in town from out of town so ive been busy...

Shit looks good man! You going to transplant that pretty soon or does it still got a lot of room?
Thanks mP! Im wanting to transplant but will that make a difference once it starts flowering?? Might have to post a topic on it


Active Member
Glad i tagged along! Your plants are looking wonderfull! My white widow that is outside i had vegged basically all winter long and is now standing at 6 feet! Its doing great and hopefully i'll get a QP harvest off her in the fall =]

Michael Phelps

Well-Known Member
Thanks mP! Im wanting to transplant but will that make a difference once it starts flowering?? Might have to post a topic on it
I think you will be fine to transplant it... Personally though i would do it before flower starts just cause it will shock her a little.. Id just get it done within these next couple weeks... Then again im not an expert with soil so you might want to consult one of them lol.


Well-Known Member
Damn time just caught up with the thread... new grow looks good, I was looking forward to seeing your Bubba kush RIP... I'm closin in on harvest time with mine, I think we had planted ours around same time, heres a close up of her, day 71 of flower, and a cutting, and a new bubba kush seedling about 20 days old.

Gotta love that kush! ...Happy Grown...bongsmilie



New Member
Glad i tagged along! Your plants are looking wonderfull! My white widow that is outside i had vegged basically all winter long and is now standing at 6 feet! Its doing great and hopefully i'll get a QP harvest off her in the fall =]

Damn she will be a monster! Hopefully you get more than a qp. Im hopeing for 6 ozd if thats not over shooting it.


New Member
Damn time just caught up with the thread... new grow looks good, I was looking forward to seeing your Bubba kush RIP... I'm closin in on harvest time with mine, I think we had planted ours around same time, heres a close up of her, day 71 of flower, and a cutting, and a new bubba kush seedling about 20 days old.

Gotta love that kush! ...Happy Grown...bongsmilie
She looks yummy! Deff hit me up on smoke report dude. I envy you it was a strain i only had one seed of and was really looking foward to trying it.


New Member
Anotherupdate tomore. Gave her full strength nutes last friday, havnt seen her since then. I hope she handledit ok. I slowly built up to it