The UK Growers Thread!

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Only transplanted her a couple of days ago but the root growth is rather bonkers. It was just a lump of mud with some roots in it when i popped her in, now theree're white roots here there and everywhere :) Fuck cloning and rockwool, gonna do the same to a TGA Void this evening.




Well-Known Member
@TTT looking into it after lunch, still ok to transplant? won`t wreck the roots? .. If i can`t get bigger pots is there any other solution to stop the roots wraping up?
you could get some bits of plastic and put them in to make a divider, but they're going to have really tiny root space anyway in those pots. its the lesser of two evils really!

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
That's what i was thinking, just a sheet of perspex or such and just slot em in like a wine rack :D means if there are males or hermies you're not gonna be having as large a nightmare as you would otherwise.


Well-Known Member
looking very nice griffta, that one with the burn looks fine anyway, doesnt seem to have done much damage to the bud production


Active Member
dont know if u guys already know bout this site but check it out.

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Suppliers of military graded x-ray proof & smell proof packaging bags.
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mad dog bark

Well-Known Member
nice work ther griffta. wot led panel r u using? is it the 357 magnum? really wanna give them a try. no heat and all cant b a bad thing. hear the new generation leds r dam good and flower great. no few canadians who grown with hps and leds and they swear the leds taste alot better and less time dry and cure


Active Member
cheers everyone, its not a magnum mad dog, but they are supposed to be the bollocks. If you search '140 watt custom LED' on ebay you'll find mine.
its just one panel bam and no heat at all. I can put my hand on the light after its been on all day.


Active Member
wiit no way fuck cfl lol im gettin 85 degrees in my cab if i close the door with all lights on for 5 mins(1x300w 2x20w)im gettin results but fuck the heat id better have a 250 w dual spec sod than these


quick question - how long after putting seeds into potting medium does it normally take for the first leaves to appear above ground?

any advice for getting from seeds to healthy seedlings would be appreciated - I've germinated the seeds first using the paper towel method, then planted them in a moss peat / perlite / vermiculite medium about 1cm deep. 200W CFL about 2 inches above the pots on 24hrs, fan for air circulation around the pots, keeping medium moist as it drys out, temps about 30C - does that all sound OK?

mad dog bark

Well-Known Member
cheers everyone, its not a magnum mad dog, but they are supposed to be the bollocks. If you search '140 watt custom LED' on ebay you'll find mine.
its just one panel bam and no heat at all. I can put my hand on the light after its been on all day.
does your panels use 3w leds? how much was it? if i40w led must run at roughly 70- 100 watts and if that is the only light used on them plants then u done well there fruit. i got a 150 hps and my light cant get that deep penetrating light to th lower part my plants. worth a look into as really wanna give leds a bashing next round


Well-Known Member
quick question - how long after putting seeds into potting medium does it normally take for the first leaves to appear above ground?

any advice for getting from seeds to healthy seedlings would be appreciated - I've germinated the seeds first using the paper towel method, then planted them in a moss peat / perlite / vermiculite medium about 1cm deep. 200W CFL about 2 inches above the pots on 24hrs, fan for air circulation around the pots, keeping medium moist as it drys out, temps about 30C - does that all sound OK?
Sounds to me as if you might fry the seeds with the cfl being so close. Move it up another eight inches till it sprouts.


Well-Known Member
help please
ok so i have some mite on my girls they are 4 weeks and 4 days in to budding, i've just let of this in there has anyone else used this before

  • Effective control of Flying and Crawling insects in difficult to reach places.
  • Smoke Generator.
Effective control of Flying and crawling insects in difficult to reach places, loft spaces, empty glasshouses

Fortefog P Mini Fumers contain 13.5% Permethrin, for the control of Flying insects use one fumer per 120 cuM For control of Fleas and Bed Bugs use one fumer per 30 cuM., for other crawling insects (such as ants and cockroaches) use one fumer per 7.5 cuM.

Application Rate:
Flying Insects:
Use one generator per 120m³
Fleas & Bed Bugs: Use one generator per 30m³
Other Crawling Insects (such as ants & cockroaches): Use one generator per 7.5m³.

Fortefog P Mini Fumer, Ready to use Insecticidal Smoke generator is ideal for pest control against the following bugs:

Lasius niger,Black Ant
The ant has a hard outer covering called the exoskeleton, or cuticle. It functions as armour, protection against dangerous solar waves, an attachment base for internal muscles, and also prevents water loss. It is divided into three main parts; the head, thorax, and abdomen, as shown above. There is also a small segment between the thorax and abdomen called the petiole, and is either in one or two parts according to species; some ants have a scale on the petiole itself.... More..

Bed bug
Cimex Lectularius
A reddish brown colour, purple after feeding, invariably exposed parts of the human body are its prime target.... More..

Carpet beetle
Coleoptera: Dermestidae
They are small, oval insects, usually less than 1/4 inch long. Carpet beetle larvae are usually about the size of the adult beetle, 1/4 inch or less in length. They have dense tufts of long setae (bristles) on their bodies. Black carpet beetle larvae have a long tuft of hair at the end of their bodies.... More..
Cat flea
Ctenocephalides felis
Remember to treat your household pets with the necessary registered treatment. For more information please contact your local vet.... More..

Confused flour beetle
Tribolium confusum
Severe pests in flour mills and bakeries, also found in grain and nuts tainting food and causing mould growth.... More..
Dog flea
Ctenocephalides canis
Remember to treat your household pets with the necessary registered treatment. For more information please contact your local vet.... More..
German cockroach
Blattella germanica
Adults normally reach 10-15mm in length and are yellow/brown with two longitudinal dark marks on the pronotum.... More..

Grain weevils
Sitophilus granarius
A serious pest in grain and other hard cereal products tainting your products and/or encouraging mould growth.... More..

Indian meal moth
Plodia interpunctella
The larvae cause most problems, chewing through packaging and binding food stuffs together with their silk webbing.... More..

Mill moth
Ephestia kuehniella
Probably the main pest within flour mills but they can also found in bakeries and animal feed plants.... More..

Female mosquitoes rest on sheltered water using surface tension to lay their eggs. Although water is crucial to the survival of larvae a surprisingly small amount will suffice. Care should be taken to remove or pierce all containers that can potentially hold water in the garden, discarded pots and tyres make ideal breeding grounds.... More..
Oriental cockroach
Blatta orientalis
Despite having different habits to the German cockroach (Blattella germanica) the same control methods can be used.... More..

Lepisma saccharina Linnaeus
Silverfish and firebrats are wingless, flat insects with two long, slender antennae on the front and three long, slender "bristles" at the rear of a tapered, carrot-shaped body. They are 1/2 inch long when fully grown....

Ixodes holocyclus
Ticks are members of the same phylum (Arthropoda) of the animal kingdom as insects, but are in a different class (Arachnida). The main difference is the body of a tick is composed of only two sections while insect bodies have three sections.... More..

Tropical warehouse moth
Ephestia cautella
Frequently found with imported cargos, infestations have also been reported in cereals and chocolate manufacturing plants.... More..

Vespula vulgaris
Widely regarded as a nuisance with a potent sting, they feed on insect larvae, meat and fruit.... More..



Wondered if anyone could help I'm planning on growing in my cupboard. I was going to try a couple of autoflowers first using a 125w cfl light and will this be enough? Any advice on which nutes are best and nice strains etc would be appreciated

mad dog bark

Well-Known Member
Wondered if anyone could help I'm planning on growing in my cupboard. I was going to try a couple of autoflowers first using a 125w cfl light and will this be enough? Any advice on which nutes are best and nice strains etc would be appreciated
i have a 150 hps and growing 4 flowering plants at mo. got big buds so depends on how big u want and how many plants u wanna grow. maybe my light lacks abit power to b fair and a lil side lighting would bin useful. i also ent a fan of cfl as most journals i have seen using cfl the plants look weak and skinney. mayb it down to the grower tho. i have seen utube footage off a yank i think, growing huge buds on cfl so prob is down skill. also aint cfls blue or red as in one for veg and 1 for flowering? seems alot messing bout for me and they get hot also. i wood thought 125w off power for light b enough for 2 plants but am a newbie myself and anybody else here wood no better. i wood only grow with hps or led during flower stage but that just me. cfl and t5s more a starter or veg light or a light for mother plants but everybody does it different i guess. sure chaps here b more off a help.
for nutes r u hydro or soil?
strains go for wotever ya fav smoke is or easy starter plants or good yeilders


Well-Known Member
i need to calibrate my ph pen, but i am unable to find any shops selling distilled water, can anything else be used to substitute distilled water?

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
pet store or hydro shop anywhere in town? Hardware stores and home shops (distilled water for irons) should have distilled water.

Alternatively, draw blood, or knock up a very simple evaporation catcher and boil off your water :)