

Well-Known Member
when i water should i do it the same time every time like say i water every day should i water at lets say 1pm every day if thats how i watered or does it not matter.should the watering be on a schedule or anything.also when is better to water b4 lights go out or after they just came on or inbetween


Well-Known Member
Every day same time or as needed. When I chck out my plants i squirt a silver dollar sized pool of water at the base of the plant to see how fast it soaks.


Well-Known Member
Every day same time or as needed. When I chck out my plants i squirt a silver dollar sized pool of water at the base of the plant to see how fast it soaks.

so no matter what it must be same time or it makes no diff.i have a water meter im not asking when im asking pretty much how.


Well-Known Member
Only water as the plant requires it..... In the veg stage cannabis loves to go thru a "wet-dry" cycle....if you are using soil in containers--- wait until the soil is almost totally dry...it is better to see your plant begin to wilt or droop (and water at this point) than it is to water every day!

When you do water SATURATE the soil, make sure you get some runoff out of the bottom of containers...

As the plants get bigger or start growing faster they will need to be watered/fed more frequently...


Well-Known Member
Only water as the plant requires it..... In the veg stage cannabis loves to go thru a "wet-dry" cycle....if you are using soil in containers--- wait until the soil is almost totally dry...it is better to see your plant begin to wilt or droop (and water at this point) than it is to water every day!

When you do water SATURATE the soil, make sure you get some runoff out of the bottom of containers...

As the plants get bigger or start growing faster they will need to be watered/fed more frequently...

thanks that helped but still not what i was looking for i wanna know if i have to do my watering at the same time ever single time i water. for exp. if i water ever other day should i do it ever other day at the same time or does this not matter. get what im tryin to ask.


Well-Known Member
if i have to do my watering at the same time ever single time i water.
the only "schedule" is when your plants need it...this will change as the plants get bigger and use the water faster...
when you transplant to a larger container they will take much longer to dry out...and then as they get larger, this wet dry cycle time will speed up.
Just wait until your soil is dry enough!
That is the only timing to think about!


Active Member
if your setup isnt all that complex, then dont worry about watering at the same time. instead, concentrate on making sure your not over watering, or under watering.. youl be ok.


Well-Known Member
if your setup isnt all that complex, then dont worry about watering at the same time. instead, concentrate on making sure your not over watering, or under watering.. youl be ok.

k thanks yea right now its only 2 babys and i have a water meter so i should be good just some where i read that your spose to and i wanted to see.


Well-Known Member
Poppycock. Plants dont get schedualed watering in the wild :P. I do it because I have a schedual so I keep it moist. If your water stands you need to let it dry out for like a day maybe more.


Well-Known Member
Poppycock. Plants dont get schedualed watering in the wild :P. I do it because I have a schedual so I keep it moist. If your water stands you need to let it dry out for like a day maybe more.
oh so let it have a day of like a dry period.


Well-Known Member
Ill go ahead and say yes but check it anyway maybe disturb the soil around the rim of your pot and test the moisture with your finger. If it sticks its wet :P


Well-Known Member
Ill go ahead and say yes but check it anyway maybe disturb the soil around the rim of your pot and test the moisture with your finger. If it sticks its wet :P
I got a moisture meter so i know how wet it is and how much water. but you just kind of confused me your saying let it get a some what dryish for a bit like a day and then water it till i get some of the water coming out the bottom of my pots.

Plant Guru

oh so let it have a day of like a dry period.
There is a very important process that plants use to convert the sugars made from photosynthesis into energy, its called respiration. The plant roots actually "breathe" in oxygen during this period. With most all plants (not palms) this is normally done during the dark hours of the day. So, the optimum time for the soil to be its wettest is early during the day (or grow light hours). Not that the plant dies if watered during the dark hours, but it does make a difference because of respiration. Read http://www.garden-galaxy.com/Pages/RootDevelopment.htm for more information on the benefits of infrequent watering.