Carport GreenHouse 2011


Well-Known Member
Happy Solstice everyone!

It doesn't get any better than this, longest day of the year.bongsmilie

The lights are coming down today, it's all mother nature from here

P.S. Actually the res is not big enough for this size garden, I'm not using it. They need more than I can put thru it.:roll:


Active Member
Happy Solstice everyone!

It doesn't get any better than this, longest day of the year.bongsmilie

The lights are coming down today, it's all mother nature from here


P.S. Actually the res is not big enough for this size garden, I'm not using it. They need more than I can put thru it.:roll:
My favorite day of the year...Cause there's more of it!!


Well-Known Member
I love bein outdoors but I cant wait to try green house and indoors. Just for the fun of it and the fact there is no time limit. I know HPS is nothing like the sun but seems like some killer stuff can come out from the tents as well!


Active Member
Happy Solstice everyone!

It doesn't get any better than this, longest day of the year.bongsmilie

The lights are coming down today, it's all mother nature from here

P.S. Actually the res is not big enough for this size garden, I'm not using it. They need more than I can put thru it.:roll:
Happy Solstice to you to JJ! im gunna have a smooth one lol!



Well-Known Member
Happy Solstice everyone!

It doesn't get any better than this, longest day of the year.bongsmilie

The lights are coming down today, it's all mother nature from here

P.S. Actually the res is not big enough for this size garden, I'm not using it. They need more than I can put thru it.:roll:
Same to you brother now tell me about the Maxsea I the Veg and the Bl;oom 6lbs each for 85 was that a good price. Also if you could give me your dosage or recommended usage. my soil is hot enough to make it by itself so let me know.


Well-Known Member
Yes, that's pretty good price.

I use 1tbls per gallon w/1 tsp epsom salts of all purpose 16-16-16 until flowering.

Use once or twice a week as needed to keep them green.

Once they start to flower I start mixing the two bloom & veg 50/50 for a few weeks.

Then, after a couple of weeks, just bloom w/molasses until done.

Good luck bro, it's good sh*t



Active Member
maybe sumbody cud help me with a lil info i have one lady that only gets direct sunlight for maybe 4 to 5 hours a day the rest of the time its in the shade im not to worried about it while in veg but i was thinkin this might affect my yeild when it starts to flower any opinions or input wud be greatly appreciated


Well-Known Member
I've had a plant like this. Didn't come out very dense, but free weed is free weed. Well... almost free, compared to indoors. You will probably see a decrease in yield, my shaded plant was a monster of a plant, but only pulled 2.5 oz. It should have given me at least 4oz based on it's size and bud masses.

But I still rolled blunts with it everyday until it was gone. I enjoyed it.


Active Member
That's awesome nice plants hope all goes well. For the carport if the sides let in light that would be even bigger of plants


Active Member
It seems all the pro growers use maxsea and my mom even mentioned it as being the best. I'm doing 6 plants outdoors... Can you link me the grow and the bloom so I know I buy the right stuff? Or should me being extremely new to growing not use it? I'm only using water right now in my ffof as its the 2nd week now. I want to know what nutes I need so I can get them ahead of time. Thanks :)


Well-Known Member
It seems all the pro growers use maxsea and my mom even mentioned it as being the best. I'm doing 6 plants outdoors... Can you link me the grow and the bloom so I know I buy the right stuff? Or should me being extremely new to growing not use it? I'm only using water right now in my ffof as its the 2nd week now. I want to know what nutes I need so I can get them ahead of time. Thanks :)
It's definitely an old school grower thing I am finding. Apparently it has been around a very long time. I only say "old school" because I've met a few of them that were terrible, even though they had been growing for 20 years. Sad. I do believe JJ is not one of those guys.


Well-Known Member

I hope everyone is having a good season.

I'm seeing Explosive growth in this heat. I would say more, but I wouldn't want you to think I exaggerated! So I'll wait another day or two & then shoot another video, you won't believe your eye's!



Medical Marijuana (MOD)

I hope everyone is having a good season.

I'm seeing Explosive growth in this heat. I would say more, but I wouldn't want you to think I exaggerated! So I'll wait another day or two & then shoot another video, you won't believe your eye's!

i belive you. im running 112 degrees in my green house with 12% humidity.. they are loving it.. they will love it even more when i hit them with triple 20 il be waiting 4 that video