Geitner Unleashed


Active Member
... ok - people who make more than a quarter mill annually .. ok- maby ... but small business's wtf - damn retards - just what a sluggish economy needs .... stupid fucks



Well-Known Member
We need more taxes so the government doesn't have to make any cuts, although small businesses create 65% of all new jobs, we need to tax a additional $1 trillion per year from them. That should just about make unemployment skyrocket IMO


Well-Known Member
Geithner is right, the increased taxes would only effect 3% of business and he is right that revenue must go up if the deficit is to go down at all. He also makes a good point that to preserve the cuts we'd have to cut services like education below "acceptable" levels, which is also a point you should consider. I really don't see the problem with his argument... I mean, the author goes through great lengths to make it sound like Geithner wants to raise taxes at all costs - even jobs! but the reality is that the proposed tax increases would have minimal effects on job creaton. Dont believe me? Explain how the Clinton era enjoyed full employment despite higher taxes then...

Besides, there are much more effective ways (in terms of government "spending") to create jobs than tax cuts when in a demand side slump.


Well-Known Member
All the democrats know, raise taxes. And do you think they want to raise taxes, because nobody wants to lend the USA money?

jeff f

New Member
Geithner is right, the increased taxes would only effect 3% of business and he is right that revenue must go up if the deficit is to go down at all. He also makes a good point that to preserve the cuts we'd have to cut services like education below "acceptable" levels, which is also a point you should consider. I really don't see the problem with his argument... I mean, the author goes through great lengths to make it sound like Geithner wants to raise taxes at all costs - even jobs! but the reality is that the proposed tax increases would have minimal effects on job creaton. Dont believe me? Explain how the Clinton era enjoyed full employment despite higher taxes then...

Besides, there are much more effective ways (in terms of government "spending") to create jobs than tax cuts when in a demand side slump.
oh boy, are you serious? the education department should be shut down on a federal level. clinton raised taxes at the leading edge of a bubble, maybe you heard of the dotcoms. he also, because he was forced to, cut welfare and capital gains i think....but you will conveniently forget about all that.

the economy was in a totally different place than it is now. but you know all this and are more interested in the feds trying to control people than you are about having a thriving economy.


Active Member
they dont need to increase fucking tax's - they need to decrease stupid waste and spening billions on war machines that they sell 5 yrs later to third world countries at a fraction of the price the tax payers had to give to make them ... it's all a bullshit game and if you really believe they need more of your money with the out of control spending going on ... then you are a sheep good sir and probally deserve to pay more .......


Well-Known Member
I'm the sheep? Our taxes are among the lowest in the advanced world. Many groups, corporations for example, pay less effective taxes now than they ever have in the modern era... Meanwhile, we have a massive debt (fueled in part by tax cuts... Revenue loss) and you tell me I'M THE SHEEP?

We face a debt problem; When you are balancing your own budget do you only look at how much you're spending? No, you look at revenue too. If you're having a hard time paying your bills you can either find additional revenue or you can cut services you dont need. In the case of the U.S. government there is plenty of room on both sides (cuts and revenue increases)... To miss this very basic and undeniable point really shows how clouded your judgement is by idealogy.

I am not, however, in favor of any Austerity ATM; Full employment is priority #1 IMO.


Here is revenue from 2007 (before the recession) compared to other advanced nations, specifically the G7:

And here is a graph that illustrates the "runaway spending" you are so sure Obama is responsible for:

As you can see, the U.S. generates less revenue than other advanced nations. As you can also see, the increase in "size of government" as defined by government spending as a % of GDP (which raised from ~20% to 24% under Obama) isn't because of some crazy government takeover or anything of the sort... In reality our short term deficits are caused by further losses in revenue (because we're in a slump) and increased social safety net spending. In other words, what has happened is exactly what you'd expect to happen... If we were at full employment the deficit would actually be much smaller (because we'd have all that extra revenue and we wouldn't be spending so much on programs like employment insurance).


Well-Known Member
Hell china owns the USA, why do you think they want to loan the US money when we have a spending addiction. Taxes are the only way to spread the wealth.

It might not be so bad if we borrowed for the US, but these motherfuckers borrow to give other countries. 23 billion for afgan to rebuild and the bastards have lost 17 billion of it.

Fuck these bastards hope the country goes bankrupt


Well-Known Member
You guys do know what types of "Small Businesses" he is referring too right? S-Corporations.

Bechtel - 2009 revenue of $30.8 billion
PriceWaterHouse Coopers - US$26.6 billion
Ferrellgas - $2 BILLION annual revenue
The Carlyle Group - Revenue Undisclosed to public

All paying the lowest Fed Tax Rate.

This is raising taxes on businesses that PROFIT over 250k every year AFTER payroll and only raising the tax rate on the money made beyond that.

We gave the rich a tax cut based on a projected SURPLUS of $5.6 TRILLION by George W Bush. Yeah! Seriously.

That justification no longer exists and neither should the original tax cuts.

"A surplus in tax revenue, after all, means that taxpayers have been overcharged," the president said. "And usually when you've been overcharged, you expect to get something back." The surplus figure "counts more than any other" in the budget, he said.

Democrats cautioned that surpluses projected over so long a period can turn into elusive fool's gold.


Well-Known Member
Most Conservatives have a Hard On for Israel. We should try their Tax Rates. Is Israel a Socialist Society all of a sudden?

10% 1-60,840 14% 60,841-103,921 23% 103,921-168,840 30% 168,841-254,880 33% 254,881-482,760 45% 482,761 and over


Well-Known Member
Most Conservatives have a Hard On for Israel. We should try their Tax Rates. Is Israel a Socialist Society all of a sudden?

10% 1-60,840 14% 60,841-103,921 23% 103,921-168,840 30% 168,841-254,880 33% 254,881-482,760 45% 482,761 and over
Facts? WTF

edit: lol... Revenue in graph form!



Well-Known Member
You guys do know what types of "Small Businesses" he is referring too right? S-Corporations.

Bechtel - 2009 revenue of $30.8 billion
PriceWaterHouse Coopers - US$26.6 billion
Ferrellgas - $2 BILLION annual revenue
The Carlyle Group - Revenue Undisclosed to public

All paying the lowest Fed Tax Rate.

This is raising taxes on businesses that PROFIT over 250k every year AFTER payroll and only raising the tax rate on the money made beyond that.

We gave the rich a tax cut based on a projected SURPLUS of $5.6 TRILLION by George W Bush. Yeah! Seriously.

That justification no longer exists and neither should the original tax cuts.

So my company makes 500,000 a year and I should pay the taxes a billion dollar a year company make. Sounds real fucking good for the government. The government does not have a revenue problem, it has a spending problem.

Ask the people of Israel if they mind paying the taxes they pay to save their lifes. The muslims are like hitler, they want to KILL ALL the JEWS. And hell no to the taxes this is America.


Well-Known Member
So my company makes 500,000 a year and I should pay the taxes a billion dollar a year company make. Sounds real fucking good for the government. The government does not have a revenue problem, it has a spending problem.

Ask the people of Israel if they mind paying the taxes they pay to save their lifes. The muslims are like hitler, they want to KILL ALL the JEWS. And hell no to the taxes this is America.
I am 100% convinced that one of these two guys is Newatit...
America! Fuck yeah!


Well-Known Member
So my company makes 500,000 a year and I should pay the taxes a billion dollar a year company make. Sounds real fucking good for the government. The government does not have a revenue problem, it has a spending problem.
That's what you have right now. Those billion dollar companies are paying the same tax rate as a mom an pop mini market that makes 20k a year. That's wrong. Plain and simple.

Yes, if your company PROFITS 500k a year, your taxes are going to go up 3.6% on the last 250k of PROFIT which translates to a 1.8% increase in overall federal taxes.

Ask the people of Israel if they mind paying the taxes they pay to save their lifes. The muslims are like hitler, they want to KILL ALL the JEWS. And hell no to the taxes this is America.
The US pays a lot more on National Security than Israel does and American Tax Payers also send Israel about 3 billion every year.

I ask you, do you mind paying taxes to be kept safe? It sure doesn't sound like it.

"Don't pass on debt to our children and don't you dare ask me to help pay it down!!!"

Sounds pretty silly when you say it out loud huh?


Well-Known Member
I learned years ago that this fucking government gives a damn less about me. I am 2 things a vote (witch is BS) and a tax revenue. Well when I ask for help there was no help for me. So the way I saw it look out for #1 and that is what I have been doing for the last 10 years. I don't have any children so leave all the debt you wish.

I have a good idea why not just take every thing those rich bastards have and spend the hell out of it. Wonder if it will last a week? Well when it's spent who do you think is next in line to be taxed. Do you think they would be looking at your pay check next? Hell even better why don't we just make the whole country UNION and next year we could all go on strike and cost the country a few billion in lost revenue.

Damn if we all work together we could destroy this country in a week or two.

Oh don't get me wrong they got 35 years of taxes from me before I wised up.

jeff f

New Member
All hail the mighty obama! He knows how to spend your money better than you!

Libs are stupid and deserve the financial enslavement they are about to receive

jeff f

New Member
Mr geitner I just busted my ass and worked 70 hours this week. Please take my money and do what's right!

Yes, libs, that's really how silly you are!

jeff f

New Member
HHere mr all powerful algore! Please take my children's future and invest it in the Internet that you invented!