so its fair my mom got to take her aggression out on me? its fair that my sister can talk to her how ever she wants and yet my mom lets her live here still, never lifted a hand to her??
urca one thing you will come to learn is that this world is far from fair.. very far from it, and there is no need to even ask this question as the answer is no, but what are you going to do about it??
i had a paper route when i was 11 years old and never had to get an allowance or what have you from my parents.. in the 11th grade i started to wash dishes in a local restaurant at night to earn enough money to buy a car the second i turned 17 and got my liscense.. after i graduated high school i was working two jobs and going to school at the same time.
ok, so maybe you don't have a job atm, but maybe you could help out around the house some, make dinner every night, wash the dishes, clean the house, etc.. let your mom know that although you don't have a job, your doing your part to make things easier for her around the house..
i'm sure if she sees some effort being put forth on your part, she will back off a lot ... and i agree, you don't have a job, but are always buying weed and shit when you do manage to get money, no wonder why your mom is pissed, she don't want to see you not succeed in life..