help should my seedlings be bigger/bushier than this after 10 days?


hi all, my seedlings are now around 10 days old from seed i am growing in a closet which is 2 metres tall by 1metre wide and 1 metre deep. I am using multi-purpose compost with added ??john innes?? and they are currently in 2 gallon pots ( these are diy pots made out of some old alluminium tins) light schedule is 24hrs no dark period at all throughout the veg time. I have added a little bit of tomato feed which is a green liquid, some a.n tarantula nutes and a.n no shock nutes very minute measures about 4 days ago i am watering with tap water left out to stand for a min of 24hrs and am watering them as and when i think they need it or when they look dry. I have a 8u 250w cfl in the blue spectrum about an inch from the seedlings and i plan to use the red spectrum 250w cfl for the flowering stage. so my question is How am i doing? could i be doing anything better? and any predicted yields? i appreciate all and any advice thanks everyone.



i started them under a 15w tube untill they came out of the ground so for about 2 days even then they were right up close


Well-Known Member
Wow, where to start! Cfl is too close, i run a 250w 8u envirolite and seedlings just won't take this at 1 inch and the heat here is quite intense with a seedling.

The soil is not really the right soil for seedlings, seedling soil is what seedlings need.

Seedlings in good soil should need absolutly no fertilizers for the first few weeks.I hope the pots have drainage holes in too. Is this your first grow dude? Check this link to sort the soil-


yes it is multi-purpose and it says on the pack that its ok for seedlings so you think 1 inch is too close to a 250w cfl?


and yes my pots have drainage holes but iv never watered them enough for them too drain at all how much should i be using in mls maybe??


Well-Known Member
No 1 inch is too close, back that off to about six inches at the closest. I flower plants with a 250w and even they do not get to within an inch of the light, the blue cfls are quite cool considering but also pump out a lot of light, All soils seem to say for seedlings but many are too strong, they start out ok then burn. Seedling soil for beginners and even a lot of pros. Check the thread for a basic soil mix.

Water the roots not the pot, if the roots are small just water around the seedling, probably wont get runoff for a few waterings yet as its only small. There is no set amount i.e. 30mls so cannot say but if you think about it a small pot would dry quicker and help not to cause overwatering issues. Good luck and read the link. Peace


thanks for the help better go back my babys down a few inches and coulnt i just flush the compost and still use it? it has only got one nutrient i think called john innes?


Well-Known Member
John innes is a bsae fertilizer made from horn and hoof and superphosphates amongst other things, chances are the rest of the soil is peat base or sphagnum moss. I wouldnt flush seedlings, see how they grow first before changing somthing. I'm sure they will be fine in multi purpose, i have has seedlings work ok planting straight into this mix. Good luck and see how they grow first, hard to tell what a seedlings problem may or may not be.


Active Member
:-PStarted tomato seeds in used soil this year. The nitrogen caused stretch. Too tall and fell over. No nuets until 4 inches tall + 4 real leaf nodes. The store bought Early Girl is 5 feet tall first tomato fell Wednesday. Miracle Grow 200 ppm every weekend. Sprayed with Tums Ca (blossom end rot) and Epsom salts Mg (ph up)weekly. And aspirin (ph down) my water is ph 7.6 works 3 tablets to 4 gal. Walmart has aquarium ph test for $3.50. Still have cherry seedlings that have not made 4 ".
so my question is How am i doing? could i be doing anything better? and any predicted yields? i appreciate all and any advice thanks everyone.
Well if it were to flower right now, my guess is not much LOL. Bit early to be making any guesses as to yeild, and even once the plant is much bigger it's still not an exact science. To many variables involved; ie. Strain, Effectiveness of lighting, Nutrients, growing environment etc...

Good luck with the grow!


Well-Known Member
Tomatos are very similar to marijuana, both grow in the same soil and use lots of cal/mag. Tomatos like marijuana have trichromes all over the plant. Grow good tomatoes and grow good weed. Tomatos are hungry with the ferts just like weed too. Peace


haha yes the predicted yield of a seedling bit of a dumb question wasnt it. so how long until they gunna actually start looking like they're ready for flowering? i wanna keep them as short as possible but also as mature, and they are on 24hrs a day is this good?


also do i need an inline fan and an outtake fan or would just an intake of cool fresh air be enough as my closet is near a window?


Well-Known Member
It all depends on temps and humidity, some sort of fan for fresh air is recomended at the minimun. If it gets hot then you need an inline of some type. My closet is just my veg chamber and only needs a small pc fan for 4 t5 flourescents with the door open. My flowering chamber is rigged up with inline and a decent sized fan but i didn't skimp on the money for my grow and also have a decent pH/ec meter. Big lights need decent ventalation to bring the heat down to respectable grow temps, i run my flower chamber at between 19c and 25c on a very hot day. Research these things for your particular situation, a min max thermometer is a must too. Peace


How ya seedlings ganjadan? I doing my first grow and my seedlings the exactly like yours. Had a few days of fast growth then nothing over the past few days. Let me know how your got on