Is it safe to transplant a 2 month old, 6 ft plant?


I need to transplant my plant it is out growing my garden and its getting sketch. So it still in the veg stage and I would like to transplant it into a large bucked. Since it is well established do you think it will be ok to transplant? Any tips?


Well-Known Member
Yeah you can transplant any time:lol:Water it first to hold the dirt together try to loosen it up by squeezing the side of the pot:-oMaybe run a knife around the inside of the pot:cool:Better yet get some extra hands to help you from your homies:clap:


ya for sure! But its actually planted in the ground at this point so I need to get it out of the ground and then put it in a pot Im worried about the roots and the stress. But I know it will probably get stressed so thats straight as long as it doesnt die


New Member
i do not believe it is can be done and prolly is safer than getting caught.......theres a pretty good chance of doing serious damage six foot plant has a ton of roots soo many i usually cut em with a saw and leave the stump


Active Member
i guess this would be a good time to bend them over??? i have never done this and i dont know anything about it but your conditions from what ive read only leave so many options eh! good luck!


Well I have topped it and I have tied down all four of the tops that are growing tall but unforunetly tieing them down creates more tops which are making it more visable lol. So you guys think it is dangerous to dig it up. I was thinking it might be alright since its so established and that it might take alot to totally kill it but I have no idea Ive never transplanted such a large plant??


Active Member
youd be taking a big chance on a sure thing youve got. i would have to say that i agree with wayno on this one...


Active Member
The roots are going to be about as deep down in the ground as the plant is tall. To safely pull it outta the ground at this point, you would need to dig 6 feet down under (you could go shallower but you risk damaging the roots) and around the plant, get it up and into something like a 55 gallon drum. A weekend job for you and a few homies. Though personally, that would look a lot more sketch then just keeping up the work on tying it down and topping.


Active Member
I need to transplant my plant it is out growing my garden and its getting sketch. So it still in the veg stage and I would like to transplant it into a large bucked. Since it is well established do you think it will be ok to transplant? Any tips?
For my tomatoes if they must be moved get the longest shovel (trenching) sink to hilt at the drip line all way around, use angle iron to drive under plug and pry out. I would use Peters or Greenlight root stimulator in the new container. Use your favorite neuts at 200 ppm every watering put a tarp above till gets over the wilt.


Well-Known Member
i do not believe it is can be done and prolly is safer than getting caught.......theres a pretty good chance of doing serious damage six foot plant has a ton of roots soo many i usually cut em with a saw and leave the stump
go back to school. ur a beginner

OP you'll be fine.
moisture is key. don't let the move be a stress. water before, lightly root prune any girdling roots if you have to and pot into moist soil and water well. keep the lights off for a day. let it rehydrate. and turn the lights back on. okee dokee?


Active Member
ya for sure! But its actually planted in the ground at this point so I need to get it out of the ground and then put it in a pot Im worried about the roots and the stress. But I know it will probably get stressed so thats straight as long as it doesnt die
this is what u should have mentioned 1st hand , the plant know has roots exceeding one meter so do ur math ... u strong enough ? in good shape ? got a nother pair of helping hands maybe two ? , i have done in such nig plamts but it was a hell seriusly

if u are going to cut it or transplant it , train it 1st , the transplant should take place in days and goes like this , 1st u cut off some of the plant , lets say a 1/3 of the plant is a good number , then u take something and dig a line close to the plant and as deep as u can so to start cutting roots easy and slowly and dont let it moove beyond , the line should be aproximate the lenght the pot will have , next day u make another digging line thus making the 1st corner of the soil mass u gonna utilize , leave one day and the other day dig the other two lines making the pot perimeter , this day water and leave it for another day , the other day u can try to cut the roots of the base while u shapin hardly the buttom base

the more plant u gonna trim the less root/soil mass u need to take with u

mr ghetto's question is so acurate though , why u want to put it in pot ?


Well-Known Member
go back to school. ur a beginner

OP you'll be fine.
moisture is key. don't let the move be a stress. water before, lightly root prune any girdling roots if you have to and pot into moist soil and water well. keep the lights off for a day. let it rehydrate. and turn the lights back on. okee dokee?
His plant is in the ground... at least try to follow along with the thread bud

I would say leave it in the ground and tie it down like king kong, if you do decide to dig it up (which is not a good idea) than let the soil dry out so there will be minimal root damage, ethier way good luck and try to get a pic up on here :)


Ok so I did it and it took 5 min. It had no problem with shock. Also you guys are wrong about how long the roots were suppose to be. The plant is 6ft tall and the roots only went down abouit a foot so for those who said a 6ft tall plant would have roots extending 6ft in the soil, you were wrong. This transplant was very simple and Im glad i went ahead with it since my original place was a little sketchy