I have never wanted children. I don't think life is all that great. it's ok, i would say 35% good and the rest bad/struggles. I don't see why i would bring someone into this life. i think people do it as a distraction from the sadness of reality. it's a great distraction. i would be much happier if i had kids. maybe i would say the world was 80% good and 20% bad but i am not going to bring a person into the world to make my life better. you have to want to give someone a good life. i know if i had a child i would give them the best i could and i am a goodhearted peron with a stable home life and i don't work so it would be nice for me to have them but really, why? we are all just waiting to get old and die LOL. sorry to be morbid.
i may adopt a girl or sisters from China. I think that would solve the problem. they are already here, they aren't going anywhere and it can't get worse than the orphanage. the only thing i can provide them is a better life than they have. i don't need to carry on a last name or have someone to take care of me when i am old. i don't need someone next to my bed when i die. just put a pillow over my face.
people think they are a fucken saint because they got knocked up and popped out a kid, it's u sually mostly a selfish act sorry to say. many of these kids grow up to be self-entitled brats who never learned how to do anything for themselves and have no potential to ever lead a desirable life.
also, no one with a kid would ever be honest enogh to say they regret it... let's just get that straight. i am very thankful to not have kids, i can do what i want when i want.
i do have pets and i love them dearly.