HELP just FIM'd a couple days ago at 18" tall and starting to flower


Active Member
i just clipped my tops a few days ago and mo girls are starting to flower. they are still on an 18 6.. i dont know if i should keep the lights on 18 6 for another week or flip to 12 12 now. generally i kno the lower branches need time to grow after fimming otherwise it was pointless to do.

any suggestions?


Well-Known Member
If you are 18/6 stay that way for at least 7 days if not 14. They will not flower, they are just showing there sex. Most importantly the fim sights need time to heal, very important.


Active Member
okay thanks, yeah i know its not a good idea to flip them now just making sure that i should stay with the 18 6 sched so they get a full week if healing if not more


Active Member
just did alot of research on the internet about fimming this is my first attempt with it and curious to see how it goes.. i normally sea of green short cycles but this time im trying the theory less is more with 10 big mamas


Active Member
I fim all the time on the day before I switch light cycles. Doesn't really affect em. I've done half and half before to see if there was a problem, and the yields were about identical.


Active Member
got them from a breeder about this size... ther were under 4ft cfl's befor now they are under 1600 watts of hps.. lights are about 12 -16 inches above tops air cooled cool tubes


Active Member
No. Those are regular fluorescent tubes. Not compact. Cfls come in different shapes and sizes but are spiral a lot of the time


Active Member
Cfls have the ballast all in one unit, whereas regular fluorescents have the ballast in the fixture. That's where the compact part comes from


Well-Known Member
I start the first fim with clones reaching 4-6 ". Just take top praying leafs and unfold enough to snip 70% of newer growth. While that heals everything else gets a boost. I have 7 strains and 8 plants in flowering now, but while in veg I kept everyone even with the fim. My best fim job had 23 even tops and harvested 7.5 oz (synthetic/soil).
Hey GG13, you got a good tutorial for fimmin? I have to give this a try some time....


Well-Known Member
I start the first fim with clones reaching 4-6 ". Just take top praying leafs and unfold enough to snip 70% of newer growth. While that heals everything else gets a boost. I have 7 strains and 8 plants in flowering now, but while in veg I kept everyone even with the fim. My best fim job had 23 even tops and harvested 7.5 oz (synthetic/soil).
Right on, i just fimmed a few in the veg room, not sure if i will be successful. how critical is the height of cut on the praying leafs?