Theory For More Bud, What Do You Think?


Active Member
Say you have a 400W HPS, and you have six plants. If you were to veg those plants for a month or month and a half, you would have six plants ready to flower. What if instead of putting them to flower all at once, you change it up for them? While three of them get their 12 hours of light, the other three get their 12 of darkness, and so on...

Is this not a way to get double your bud for the same light? You could argue that it wastes double the light, but for double the bud in the same amount of time, I am all for it! This would work right, or is there anything I overlooked?

(Perhaps this is a known method already?)


Active Member
just a lot of work moving the plants all the time. will u be home every single day twice a day at the same time? sounds like a lot of work, but if u dont mind, i think it would work great


Active Member
Yeah, you would need somewhere totally dark in that same room, or a closet as you said. And not too big of a pot, because moving huge pots around every 12 hs is some work, nevertheless, if it's for bud, I am all for the work! My pots are around 5L, give or take.


Active Member
yea but you have to do it religiously. no fuckin around and missing moving times. do you really think you could pull that off with never missing some? you would have to be a real homebody to pull off something like that


Well-Known Member
good idea actually needs some work though, like how about a big tent, split in two, with a rotating circle platform in the middle that you just have you turn? to switch the plants sides.


Active Member
that would work, it would be a task for sure. getting the the two sides to be lightproof from each other would be a bitch, since they would be moving


Active Member
i would build 2 platforms with wheels on it so you could just move them all at once / plywood+ old skateboard treks or something? or even tv stand/bed type wheels would work w/e u could find lol

this is a cool idea though ,, just a lot of work but i def just gave a good idea to cut some of that work out :) now just gotta make sure your around all the time to do the platform moving.

haha me and dababydroman almost have the same mindset on this :) was posting while u did lol


Active Member
you could put some kind of motor on it, and set it on a timer to be fully automated. would be a real pain, but would be awesome


Active Member
It is perfect for me, I am taking a year off and I am at home most of the time. No problems there. Its really not much of a hassle moving three plants every twelve hours, they dont weight all that much (5L pots as I said) and their dark spot is just a metre away from my "light spot." I am delighted to have stumbled upon a way to have more bud! I wanted to pass it by you fellow growers since I thought it might have some loophole (the 24hs light is all I can think of as of yet). I thought of it because I am currently moving two plants and leaving the rest in veg because I topped them and I am waiting for them to catch up. But now, instead of flowering them all at the same time, I am going to do this and attempt to harvest 2x what I would have gotten off my 400w.


Active Member
It is perfect for me, I am taking a year off and I am at home most of the time. No problems there. Its really not much of a hassle moving three plants every twelve hours, they dont weight all that much (5L pots as I said) and their dark spot is just a metre away from my "light spot." I am delighted to have stumbled upon a way to have more bud! I wanted to pass it by you fellow growers since I thought it might have some loophole (the 24hs light is all I can think of as of yet). I thought of it because I am currently moving two plants and leaving the rest in veg because I topped them and I am waiting for them to catch up. But now, instead of flowering them all at the same time, I am going to do this and attempt to harvest 2x what I would have gotten off my 400w.
ya that was rly the only negative thing i can think of aswell , i hate leaving a hps on for 12 hours let alone 24/7 , how safe is that?


Active Member
i thought i could get by without a timer once, and boy was i wrong. hope u know what ur getting yourself into :)


Active Member
Haha to be perfectly honest with you, I sleep in my growroom so I would go with them! Its winter here though, so a 400w doesn't hold up to build sufficient heat. I am having trouble keeping my plants warm as it is! By the way, I have a smoke alarm just in case, and my growroom is pretty light proof so I can sleep well, haha. I have never forgot to take the plants out of the light but I have forgotten plants in the dark room for 2hs more than usual or so, poor things.


Active Member
well , if your home most of the time to watch it then your good to go :) i personally go nuts when my lights on and im not home and im only usin a 250!!! LOL ..ballasts just bother me for some reason..


Active Member
Haha, yeah I am afraid to leave them on when I am not home but I am at home most of my time (smoking bud!). I actually have two 220W HPS, so heat is dissipated differently than from a single 400W. And as I said, it's almost winter here so it's really cold, I am betting that my ballasts aren't even hot.