The Cheese, The Whole Cheese and Nothing but the Cheese

mr west

Well-Known Member
Well I have had two teeth pulled out this morning and what a whitey afterwards lol, still feeling the anaesthetic so no pain at min but i know its on its way. Smoking a spliff even tho she said not to lol>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>:joint:

Highlanders cave

Well-Known Member
Hey man good ya got that taken care of! Trying out some of the dogs little cousin right now, Caseyband. Sun is out and I have an app at 10, not sure yet if I'm going to work afterwards or not yet lol. Talk to ya buddy!!

mr west

Well-Known Member
hey mate, jus took my second lot of pain killers since the anaesthetic lol. Feeling it now lol. feel like ive been hit with a cricket ball and bat all at once


Well-Known Member
It dont look like exodus cheese to me soz guys. Looks too stocky and robust to be a 25 year old cut.

hmmm well if its not exodus do you have any idea of what cheese it might be? so far the lad that gave it to me has told me its exodus, uk cheese an luton cheese lol


Well-Known Member
i am sure mr w has experienced it but I know for a fact Las fingerez is growing some at the minute lad