The Cheese, The Whole Cheese and Nothing but the Cheese

las fingerez

Well-Known Member
yeah billy i got a good blue cheese cut we renamed "ronnie biggs" as wowser was so kind to point out. mine looks a little exo like and pretty much grows like the exo in structure from what i've seen so far but has NO double serrations what so ever. its a bloody good smoke, strong as fuck in fact its to strong for me all the time, sambo's gonna be looking after her for me as its right up his ally lol


Well-Known Member
my blue cheese has the double serrations i mentioned before. and its also not the fruity berry pheno im used to having. but it doesnt have that viney cheese look


Well-Known Member
Just got given a cut of blue cheese. Any u guys had experience with this strain
I do believe I'm growing a strain of blue cheese at the moment. I'm not 100% positive it's blue cheese but that is what it was sold to me as. That and it seems to be taking on the characteristics of the BC I've been researching. Only in their 2nd week of veg they are plumping past the other two strains in my garden.
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I know, why are my ladies not plumping. Fuk me, I took my Engineers dReams out of my cab yesterday and chopped a few of them. Was left with one to do so just left it on the balcony and went to the pub. Just after 8 the heavens opened and it took me about 20 seconds to remember about my ED getting shat on. Luckily wife rescued it and put it back in the greenhouse....much to her disgust, lmao.

mr west

Well-Known Member
Thats funny D, I can just see you wife holding the plant at arms length with her face turned away trying not to smell it lol.


Well-Known Member
exactly, she humphed and groaned when I was on the phone asking her to do it....but she only does that to wind me up. lol.

Thats funny D, I can just see you wife holding the plant at arms length with her face turned away trying not to smell it lol.


Well-Known Member
exactly, she humphed and groaned when I was on the phone asking her to do it....but she only does that to wind me up. lol.
Lol, my lady would have done it for me b4 i call her to do so. And when i call she'd wine about it until i say fuck it. So i end up at home to bring it in but aint shit outside for me to bring in.. lol


Well-Known Member
Oh yeh, SCing and LSTing for fatties is the way. I don't leave home without snapping something before I go!!!!

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Lol, stoned, picturing someone with no friends to tell him to go break a leg so resorts to doing it himself every now an then :D Cheese don't do much but it still puts my mind on a, well, it doesn't make me a genius or inspire me with words of wisdom too often :D


Well-Known Member
1135 pages damn it haha.. original uk cheese is the shit! chef bud its called round my way, nick name for the area they grow around.. what page # might i see some comparison pics of your specimens ? thanks :leaf: