Anyone Want To Be My Facebook Friend?


Well-Known Member
i would, but i dont really want to have these to accounts connected. according to this i could be anyone,
facebook is who i am. im already thinking about taking down all my info of facebook, but its already to late really!
but whatever you put on the internet stays, so dont forget that.

if i type in my name on google images, pictures of me come up, and i dont like that! kinda scary


Well-Known Member
i would, but i dont really want to have these to accounts connected. according to this i could be anyone,
facebook is who i am. im already thinking about taking down all my info of facebook, but its already to late really!
but whatever you put on the internet stays, so dont forget that.

if i type in my name on google images, pictures of me come up, and i dont like that! kinda scary
google is crazy how it finds shit like that.None of my pics come up but if I search my name with philadelphia PA next to it I can find the news articles they printed about me when I got arrested lol.
Im also actually starting to like that I chose ...... for a username cause nothing comes up if you google it.

FDD I'd love to have you as a friend on facebook but its just to risky connecting this site with it.


Well-Known Member
I dont have a facebook because I'm not allowed being who I am. Far to many people know me and would post dumb shit and cops around here so browse social networking sites. I have a page under an Internet name to keep contact with a few advertising connections and my coding mentor but no pictures fake name and everything.

If I had a legit facebook I would totally friend you fdd but I guess maybe someday I'll be out in cali and we could grab a coffee at some point and smoke a fatty.


Well-Known Member
i really was kinda joking when i started this thread. but then people started to like me so i have to roll with it. ;)

PLEASE, be careful with your PERSONAL INFO.

NEVER open the door to a stranger.



Well-Known Member
i would, but i dont really want to have these to accounts connected. according to this i could be anyone,
facebook is who i am. im already thinking about taking down all my info of facebook, but its already to late really!
but whatever you put on the internet stays, so dont forget that.

if i type in my name on google images, pictures of me come up, and i dont like that! kinda scary
when i type my name into google images my facebook myspace and mugshot comes up hahhaalol


Active Member
such an interesting thread. I agree with the linking but when I first read it I thought, "Why the hell not?"
Hey, are we all not friends here by default?


Well-Known Member
I'd always open the door to a stranger, anyone can be my friend... and know all they want about me, all they have to do is ask as nothing I've done or do I am ashamed of, it's what made/makes me... me!

PM sent FDD... hope you enjoy the music I share daily on my page :-)